
Chapter 10: The chase and escape

Izuku didn't even see it coming. One moment he was minding his own business then next thing he knows he saw a hand grabbing his chest before everything went black. 

He couldn't move nor could he even able to speak. He wanted to call for someone anyone in this dark turmoil as this was the most scary experience he has ever experienced.

He was all alone in this dark abyss with no one to call or help him.

Until he saw two figures. Izuku recognize these figures as there coloration and blurry silhouette's made him think of Catnap and Dogday two of his newly made friends. He wanted to reach out to them he really wanted to until a hand appeared at his back taking Izuku's hand as he was further taken deeper by the void. The figures of catnap and dogday was getting distance as fear grow's more and more in Izuku until he felt a touch from his desperate reaching arms before his conscious fade.


( At an alleyway )

" Hey you done? Boss is waiting for us at the van. "

" Can you shut up! Trying to concentrate here "

Hidden near the accident of Izuku's dissapearance a group of three people were all waiting idle in an alleyway. The three looked like they've seen some tough stuff in there life as the two members of the group a bold guy with an eye patch and some guy with a failed half-baked lizard mutation quirks were starring at the guy with dark claw like fingers who have both of his hands on the ground.

The two waited for about a minute seemingly annoyed and empatient until they saw his one arm murge from the shadows before pulling something from the abyss.

It was a small four year old toddler with green broccoli hair seemingly unconscious. His hands were limb and unmoving as the guy with black fingers couldn't help but to smirk in his success.

" Hah see told you to be patient "

" Yeah yeah just put the kid in the bag. Kiashi's group has already got there target " 

The guy with black fingers couldn't help but to be annoyed by his teammates unappreciation. He's been training his quirk for months and all he got is nothing but that? 

' Fucking asshole '

The black finger guy thought as he just throw the kid at the eye patch man as he manages to catch Izuku before Izuku could even get injured.

" Hey watch it! The boss said to keep the target's alive. You want us to get in trouble? "

" Hah as if beside your the best at catching any shit I've thrown at you asshole "

" Sigh I can't believe I'm working with idiots like you "

The guy with an eye patch said in disdain as he set Izuku aside and was preparing a body bag for Izuku. The guy with black fingers just stand by waiting for him to get the body bag while the one with the half baked mutation check the documents in confusion.

" Weird doesn't it say that this kid like have two um organisms? "

" Beat's me? My quirk can't exactly pull up anymore than one person so they'd probably stayed behind beside the documents said to separate the two so that the kid would be easy pickens "

He said nonchalantly as he look at a distance out of boredom, the half baked lizard mutant just look at the document's for a bit feeling like something's amiss but decided that it's just in his head and put the documents aside. The eye-patch guy manage to found a body bag and was ready to put izuku in it before he notice something from izuku. 

Somehow strange red smoke started to appear around Izuku spreading slowly. He was about to warn the others until his mind started to become foggy. 

" Fuck! Cough cough everyone stay away! "

The two heard the eye-patch guy as they notice the red smoke eminating from izuku. They tried to step back but the red smoke keeps spreading causing them to be cornered and surrounded by the up coming red fog.

" Quick! You read the document's put on the mask! "

They didn't need him to tell him twice as they grab a gasmasks that there boss gave them. They emmidiently put it on and made sure to lock the mask tight.

The red gass emmidiently cover one part of the alleyway as the three were emmidiently in gulf in the red smoke.

' Fuck the document said that one of the kids created organism has a quirk that could produce sleeping gas. Damn it touri! '

" Touri I said only grab the kid not it's thing's!! "

" I told you my quirk can only affect one- "

Touri couldn't finish his sentence as a purple tail suddenly imurge from the red smoke as it wrap around Touri's neck and was in the air. Touri couldn't breath as his neck was squized increadibly tight. Before unconsciousness and death would befall to him the half baked lizard mutant rush towards the thick red smoke ready to kill the one who's causing this.

He raised his hand as his flesh tear open revealing a large green scaled claw's ready to strike Izuku dead until the thick red smoke covered Izuku whole.

The strike cleared the red smoke upon contact but all he see is nothing but a small destroyed crater on the wall.

" What? "

" Swoosh! "

He couldn't react as a tail push him towards the wall as he about to get slammed his head where he crossed his arm's blocking the tail as he was pushed a few inches from the wall.

The eye-patch guy just didn't stand by letting his team mate's do all the fighting for him so he pulls out a gun and shot it towards the tail. 

" Bang! "


A small bloody hole was made on the purple tail as it emmidiently unwrap's itself from Touri's neck and retreated from the red smoke. Touri fall's to the ground coughing as he try to hold his balance. 

" Cough cough fuck! "

" You alright? "

" Cough oh yes of course I'm alright you fucking bitch! "

" Heh "

The eye patch guy chuckled at his teammates suffering before pointing a gun to the thick smoke. Soon the red smoke started to become less obscure slowly revealing a large 6 ft tall feline figure with greyish purple skin, malnurished skeletal like body and glowing white ring like pupils with an unnatural permanent wide smile. 

The three were creeped out by this abomination as it looked at them while carrying the small broccoli bean on his arms.

" What the fuck am I even looking at!? "

" The kids created organism I suppose though the document didn't record something like this? "

The eye patch guy said preparing to shoot Catnap. Though gun's are illegal and hard to find in japan that doesn't mean that they aren't unavailable. People rely too much of there quirk and this gave the smart one's that could afford a gun a good opportunity. 

Overall nothing could compare with a fully functional firearm unless you have a strong quirk. This was the mindset the eye-patch guy has ever since he awakened his first quirk. It was dissapointing to say the least but it help him realize this truth. He didn't hesitate to shoot Catnap as Catnap was eventually got shot from his arm's and tail. 

Catnap screamed from the pain but didn't leave Izuku as his trying his best to cover him by coiling his tail around himself.

He was at a big disadvantage as he couldn't affect them with his red smoke because they have fully functional gasmask and firearms.

This very combination is his greatest weakness.

Catnap was slowly losing blood as he can't hold off the bullet's. He felt his life in danger yet he doesn't seem to feel any fear. Having experience death the first hand made him feel an intense amount of pressure. But he can't let izuku to be left alone with these people either. 

Catnap look down at izuku as a small orange figure pop's from izuku's clothes. Catnap was about to produce more red smoke to cover himself and run away but before he could even use his red smoke two guns shot his leg and tail

" Bang! Bang! "


" Tsk tough one huh? Let's just get this over with "

He felt annoyed at Catnap trying to block his shoulder using his skinny arms and tail as a shield. Luckily he manage to see an opening as he pointed his gun towards Catnap's head. Feeling the gaze from him Catnap emmidiently extend his tail and strike to strangle him until a green scaly claw grab Catnaps tail and lifts him towards the wall.

" SLAM! "

" SCREACH!!! " 

" Easy. "

The eye-patch guy change his hand's direction to point at Catnap's head as he fire's the trigger where the bullet flies in increadibly speed towards Catnap's head ready to kill him. The eye-patch thought that this is the end of Catnap's nuisance until something came out of izuku's back. 

" Bang! "

" Scratch! "

The sound of a bullet hitting a piece of flesh was evident yet the eye patch guy was surprised that the figure didn't drop dead. Dogday who turned 9 ft taller with belts covering his waist, elbow's, knees and neck stood behind Catnap with a stern look despite having a permanent smile.

Catnap who is much more in the worse condition look at Dogday protecting him. Catnap was confused why did he save him until Dogday grab and Catnap and run towards Izuku. Carrying the both of them as he ran.

" Fuck! "

" Bang bang! "

Two shots we're made as it shot both Dogday's back and head yet he manage to still run fast. The eye-patch guy tried to shoot him again but the clicking sound of the gun made him frustrated that he ran out of bullets.

" Goddamn it! Arashi! After them! "

Arashi who was the physically strongest of the group begin to chase dogday as he himself begin to lost out of view. The Eye-patch couldn't help but to be frustrated that they lost there target as he turn to Touri who was holding himself up.

" Can you get the kid? "

" Cough do you think I could use my quirk now? That freak almost killed me!? "

" I don't give a shit I'm asking if you could get the kid "

The Eye-patch guy said as he throw away his gun before pulling out another. Touri froze once he saw a gun pointing at him as he emmidiently said.

" Woah woah toke wait! G-give me a sec I-I need a minute to rest "

" We don't have a minute. The boss is already waiting for us in the van. Whether you get back up and use your quirk or I'll put a bullet in your head "

" Yes yes sure r-right away! "

Touri couldn't help but to comply. Although he doesn't understand how or why did his quirk include two or more people he decided to guess that those aren't human. The Eye-patch guy stare at a distance as he couldn't help but to sigh. 

He doesn't want to trouble there boss or there's no guessing what will he do to them.