
USJ (1)-  Mistake cutting the signals, dummies.

A week passes by, and the day which Oki was waiting to humiliate and break down Tomura was up. Oki had been so into his training these days he didn't attend classes, and it was not like he didn't know any.

"Finally, the best suit I have ever created." Oki was also working on a new suit. This was the first time after he came to U.A making suits back to back in weeks.

"My advanced Arc-Reactor should be able to help me fight against the bird." Oki created a new suit due to him developing an even more advanced version of his Arc-Reactor. Unlike the previous reactor, which runs on one kyber crystal, this reactor works on two Kyber crystals, and so what makes it different, you ask?

Due to using two kyber crystals in Mark-XXIII and pure beskar and vibranium for its core, Oki's suit can now use more energy without frying the insides and provide more power and defence.

"Now, I got 2 hours to reach USJ, since it is close by I will test my lightsabers." Oki takes two black lightsabers hilts and switches them on, and the result pleased Oki. "I am gonna love today."


Midoriya P.O.V-

"Huh? All Might stopped 15 crimes today?" I was stupefied. 'Isn't he going to be late?'


In an unknown location-

"Maniac? What do you want?"

"We are going to attack U.A, also about the protection for my protege."

"Well, I will send 13,12, and 11. And we won't be showing ourselves. We will only come forward when your protege is in danger, what was his name again? Shikroku?"

"Tomura... Tomura Shigaraki."

"Well, don't tell him to push his luck too much. I am sending my strongest defence, but it can only do so much."

"Sure, and about the Nomus... I am testing one of them and also my strongest."




Class 1-A->

Everyone was seated and were waiting for Aizawa's announcement.

"Do you think today we will have something special?" Kirishima was asking Asu- no Tsu.

"I guess so, they did tell us to wait for more information."

"I am not sure, why we have Oki as our class president." Sato was talking to himself.

"Yeah, he does all the written work and other stuff but he hasn't been to class after he was elected." Momo says with a puffy cheek. 'Though, he still helps me all my duties.'

"Are you jealous?" Todoroki asks Momo.

"Of course, I am." Momo was looking down, and there was a slight pink tint to her cheeks. "My father told me that he is a genius and a millionare. He is also strong and his quirk is something strong as well."

"Yeah, I get it." Todoroki says with hazy eyes.

Aizawa enters the class, and in seconds, the class members silenced themselves.

"Ok, class today's training will be little different." Aizawa says with his usual sleepy voice, "You will have three instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tbas on you."

The class was thinking, why need three pro heroes.

"Sir!" Sero lifts his hands. "What kind of training is this?"

"Rescue, you will be dealing with natural disasters ship wrecks and stuff like that."

Class 1-A got excited hearing this.

"Disasters huh?" Kaminari turns towards Mina and says, "Looks like we are heading for big workout."

"Totally!" Mina was cheerful as usual.

"Real hero stuff, that seprates men from the boys." Kirishima was in his manliness talks? "I am shaking with excitement."

"Finally I will be able to show off how good I am in water, ribbit."

"Guys, I am not finished yet."

"Huh?" Everyone who was talking closed their mouths as they were scared of Aizawa.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you." Aizawa takes a pause and looks around. "I know you are excited about the costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't got used to them yet."

Aizawa clicks a button, and a section of the wall opens up, and costumes come out of it in cases. "They might limit your abilities. This special training is at an off campus facility. So we will be taking a bus to get there."

"Mr Aizawa!" Mina calls.


"Won't Oki be attending class today?"

"He will be. His house is near the facility we are attending so, he will be coming for class directly." Aizawa saying that he leaves the class.

"Oki's house is near the facility we are visiting?!" Sero was doubtful yet excited. "I wanna take a look."

"Yeah, I imagine it's pretty big." Midoriya says. 'I wonder if he really is quirkless, he can go invisible and he moves at super speeds. But, All Might said he is quirkless.'

"What are you thinking Deku!" Bakugo yells which Midoriya gives his typical reaction.

The class soon got into their costumes and were waiting for the bus.

"Ok, everyone get in the bus", Momo whistles. 'This is supposed by Oki's job!'

After everyone took their seats, the bus started its journey.


Meanwhile, Oki, after adjusting his newly built lightsabers he took a bath in ice-cold water. Oki wore his inner suit then wore his Mark-XXIII. 'Time to demolish.'

Oki picks up a remote and presses a button. Then outside his house, a white electric car was waiting for him.

/Boss, hurry up! 1-A is on its way/

"Alright, full speed."

The car woshes, and in minutes, Oki was in front of USJ, and 13 was waiting outside.

"Hey, Takemikazuchi! I heard you too- Is that your new suit, it looks cool."

"Thank you senpai" Oki politely stands near her. (A/N- 13 is female)

Soon the bus arrives, and all of them were looking towards Oki with odd eyes and thoughts.

'Is that a new suit? Why is he burning money on this stuff?' Aizawa sighs, thinking and goes near thirteen.

'Did the double hair change his suit? It doesn't matter I am gonna beat him up.'

'Nice costume', Momo thinks.

'Why do I have a feeling that Takemikazuchi spent his leaves on this suit.' Iida was curious.

'This kind of looks like the old one' Todoroki was not so interested

''Why do I feel that he is dangerous than before?'' Tokoyami and Tsu instincts were on the spot.

'''It looks cool!!!''' Ochako and Midoriya were attracted to the suit.

"Hello everyone I have been waiting for you."

It was then did 1-A notice 13.

"Its the space hero 13!"

"She is the rescue hero who rescued many people from disasters."

"She is my role model!"

"Her hero costume is kind of bland but cool."

"Let me show you what's inside."

'''This is going to be awesome'''

Everyone enters USJ, and as little kids, 1-A curiously looked around and discussed with their classmates.

"Holy crap! It looks like some sort of amusement park" Kirishima was the first to express it out.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm and many more!" 13's voice was filled with proudness. "I created this training facility to help you deal with different types of disasters!" 13 coughs.

"I call it The Unforseen. Simulation. Joint! But, you can call it USJ."

'''Just like Universal Studios Japan'''

Aizawa walks out of the crowd and asks 13. "Shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess, he booked an interview instead?"

"Actually it's something else." 13's words caught Aizawa's sleepy attention.

"Apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power. He is resting in the teachers lounge." 13 showed three fingers.

Aizawa was back to his sleepy face. "That man is the height of irresponsibility."

'Well, it should be okay with just the two of us, we also have Oki so no worries.'

Aizawa turns around. "The clock's ticking, we should get started."

"Excellent" 13's voice was energetic. "Before we begin let me just say one thing, well may be two possibly three ... four or five or six or seven or eight..."

'''it's increasing?''' The Class 1-A's mood got weird. '''We get it.'''

"Listen careful" 13's words made the 1-A attentive. "I have a powerful quirk called black hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"Yay, you have used your quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters haven't you." Midoriya was excited, and excited may be small.

"That's true but my quirk can also be used to kill people . Some of you also have the powers that can also be dangerous." The class was gasping.

'Small kids' Oki sighs at their behaviour.

"In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated. So we have to look at how unsafe it could be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you are trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness test... you have a solid idea of your quirks potential and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how your powers can be, when used against other people. Carry those lessons to this class. Today you are going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other. Only to HelP. After all that is what a hero is being all about and showing the safety of others." 13 took a breath. "that's all I have to say, thank you so much for listening."

1-A burst into cheers. (Not all)

"Right, now that that's over-"

*lights flickering*

The water fountain at the middle of USJ stops, and then the water spews out, but then stops, and this process repeats four times before purple mist starts expanding.

Aizawa and Oki were alerted.

'Seems like they didn't change their plans, is AFO so dumb?'

"Stay together and don't move! You to Oki!" Aizawa wears his goggles. "13, protect the students!"

"OH! What is that thing?" Kirishima and others notice the anomaly. "Did the training start already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"STAY BACK!" Aizawa shouts, "This is real, those are actual villains."

*thwap* Oki sends a web to Aizawa's back and pulls him near him.

"Oki what are you doing?" Aizawa was about to speak more, but Oki placed his index finger on his lips... well the place where the lips are supposed to be.

Oki steps forward and stands in front of everyone.

"Hello there! Hand Guy!" Oki waves his hands and calls Tomura.

This made Aizawa awkward, and he started to doubt if Oki was a traitor, but he knew Oki wouldn't be one so he strikes it off his list.

"Liked my gift I gave you last time? I thought you were supposed to be in bed, as I remember breaking your left leg and right hand."

Oki's voice got colder with each word.

" You made a mistake cutting the signals... dummies," Oki says with a smirk and these words of Oki's was something Tomura couldn't bear.

Then every single villain felt something was off.

*boom* A thick metal cylinder case falls from above. Then it starts to open up, and a suite was left standing.

*Boom* *Ting* *Tufff*

More and more such cases were falling from the skies and falling at different locations of USJ.

"It would have worked if you were against someone else, but I am someone who considers possibilities." Oki's voice sounded demonic to villains. Many unconsciously took a gulp.

'I thought it was supposed to be a surprise attack to kill All Might?'

'These bastards got me to prison!'

'Why are those two bulky?' (A/N- Foresight!)

Oki, from his belt, takes out his lightsaber's hilt and switches it on.


An orange light pillar with a black core rises from Oki's hands. (This is not the new lightsaber Oki was practising earlier, you can say this is just an amped-up version of what padawans use.)

Aizawa and 13 were aware of Oki's weapon, and they knew what this was, but what they were seeing was a bit different than before.

The blade was thinner than before what they could remember.

"Arise... my legion."


Ten minutes before the villains invading USJ-

"Master, I don't need someone else's protection!" Tomura was against the protection that All For One was giving.

"They won't interfere in your work, Tomura. They only need a kid named Oki Takemikazuchi and they will only step in to protect you when it is necessary."

"I-I... As you say master."

Tomura walks out of the room and into the bar, where three people are covered in armour.

"So you are the brat?"

A woman in pink armour barely covering her private parts says.

"Need something, Whore?"

"Oh, my a man-child. I like it." The women leaps around a thin, physique man who looked like he was sleeping.

The other man was bulky, giant, and similar to All Might's physique, who seemed to meditate.

Tomura clenches his fist thinking of how Oki played with him. 'I am going to rip him apart!'


(A/N)- What do you guys think of the new members? I am telling you guys that their quirks are OP! So, do you think they will win?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and if you enjoy the Fanfic, please give a review, and a good one with high ratings is appreciated.

Next Chapter- USJ (2) ( )


Yes, then:

666 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (549/666) (Ok, might have made a mistake keeping a low milestone)