
Prototype Suit

Two months pass by peacefully for everyone on I-island except for Oki.

Him taking the stabilisers and the inner core all by himself and with little to no assistance stressed him out. Though it wasn't much of a problem, Oki's skill 'body control' helped him stabilise the stress and mental fatigue.

After two months of continuous hard work, Oki completed his stabiliser. Though he had lots of time, he put it all into completing his work in ARZ. Oki rarely trained these months, but his TP had a high blooming rate as TP takes hard work into consideration and will to complete a task, so physical work wasn't the only way TP increase.

"Oki! Wow, you completed the stabiliser in just five months, I still can't take my head away from how you build 7/23 of the stabiliser in mere three months but finishing it in two more months... I can call you a completion maniac Oki." David was looking at the gigantic stabiliser in the basement, and if worked for 8 hours by just one person, it would take about seven months, which shows that Oki stressed himself by overworking.

Though what David didn't know and which Melissa knew was that Oki had been trying to weave a combat/training suit for himself and also inventing a gun that shoots lasers, though it would explode after a certain use. (Synthetic Kyber Crystal are used).

"Yeah, next will be the inner core."

"Get yourself some rest. According to recent developments and progress, it would take nearly 2 years to complete all the scientist's work. You finishing the inner core in one more year would make them rethink their life." David started sweating as he thought Oki wanted to build the ARZ soon.

"Well, I will take a break and work slowly for the inner core as there are many things to be, build and it is a lot delicate and all." Oki's sleepy mood did not evade David and Sam. "Oh! Uncle could you get these items on the list for me please, I will pay for them and thanks for paying for the stuff last time, you saved 100,000 USD for me."

Oki sends a file to David's phone. David opens it to check things out, but David's pupils shrunk first then widened after looking at the materials. 'These materials rack up close to 100,000 USD!' David was mind blown. "Oki... what are you building fo-"

"That's for my training suit, not all of them but half of them are and the rest are for experimenting and making things I have in mind." Oki seemed to be with energy as if he had good night sleep. "Also those toxins and chemicals are for experimenting things specifically, so I might need some lab rats and don't worry they aren't for lethal purposes unless it has overdosed."

Oki spins his lightsaber hilt on his palm and walks towards his newly constructed training room. "I will talk with you guys later! Also, tell them the achievement I have made, this should speed their work!" Oki's voice gets less audible as he walks towards his training room.

*Ring* David's phone rings.

When checking the caller, David sighs. "Oki, what is it?"

"I am lazy to come back so I called you uncle, please don't mind my behaviour."

"Say what you want, what did you forget and I can't even think of you forgetting things."

"About that... could you tell Melissa to drop by later. I have something to show her."

"Why don't you call her?"

"Well, I am pretty sure you have to go to the I-island academy today evening at 4 and as you being you, you would visit there an hour early to meet Melissa as the classes end at 3..."

David, in the meantime, was speaking to Sam about other stuff.

"So you done?" David asks Oki.

"You were talking to Sam, weren't you."

"Yeah I was, so you wanted me to inform Melissa right, sure."


Meanwhile in the new training room-

'Let's start.'

"April! Start the new programmed exercise for the form-2 and 3."

/Activating the program in 3.2.1./

*tuzzz* A big hole opened up, and from them came five white drones with red led fly with a pentagon configuration, and their laser guns adjust the trajectory and target Oki.

Oki takes deep breathes and switches on his lightsaber.

An orange with a black core pillar light rises. Oki takes a casual stance.


The drones start shooting lasers at Oki.

Oki limits his instincts o the point it would alert him when he was in severe danger and relies more on his actual senses.

Oki deflects the lasers again and again for an hour. Throughout this training, Oki's form of using his other senses increased by limiting his instinct. Due to the quirk 'Instinct' which made Oki feel like his own limb now and was so comfortable after all these years was very hard to restrict the usage. Oki relied massively on his quirk 'instinct' and even neglected training his quirk precision.

Oki realised this and started training his precision and his other senses.

"April, come up with a new timetable for me which you think will be the best and make sure I have a lot of time for making new things and experiments."

/As you wish. Master. Oki./

Oki started making his own AI and named it April. It was still nothing compared to the AI's of I-island, and he wants it to reach the level of Jarvis and Friday. It was a start.

Soon the clock hits 3:35, and Melissa arrives.

"Hey Ok...i, you look like a salted fish."

"Hey, Melissa! Sorry I was training and lost track of time." (After the training for mastering form-2 and 3, there were other training schedules.)

"Well, papa told me that you called me. Need something?"

"Yeah, I do. Also, how is the process of decoding my web fluid coming." Oki and Melissa walk towards a room filled with different kinds of materials.

"Don't even ask, how did you even make such a thing that reacts with air and water or any other material the moment it is exposed?" Melissa sounded angry and intrigued about the web fluid.

"That would be a secret, also take a look at this"

Oki takes out a bunch of blueprints and some papers and places them on a drawing board.

"What is it this time?" Melissa sits down and starts going through everything. "Oki, th-this did you come up with the designs?"

"Yeah, no I asked a girl named Melissa and she made them for me. Yeah, sherlock I did!"

"So this is what you can wear for training and...this wouldn't fit you when you grow so aren't you just wasting things?"

"I will make a new one at that time. This is just a prototype, I have made many plans for building many suits, (A/N- Iron Legion, well Suit legion). I have many experiments in my mind and after they are done I would start making my hero suit and hope that the hero commission accepts it." Oki starts messing with his computer.

"So, what do you need me for?!"

"I want your help in making things cooler and also in upgrading it." Oki opens a file. "Take a look at this."

Oki shows the now opened file to Melissa.

"Oki for something to achieve such standards you need a lot of energy, trust me." Melissa was looking at a lightsaber blueprint though she just looked at it and not read it, and if she or anyone wanted to, no one can as it looked like the text was in an ancient language, and well it was.

"So I am gonna start things for my training suit this week." Oki fiddles with a pen " Also, mind helping me with the suit weaving?"

"Sure but why did you show the plasma blade blueprint to me?"

"That will be my main weapon of course," Oki said with no indifference, and Melo, who was habituated to it, didn't say anything. "Also, that won't be the only weapon."

Oki starts whistling and takes out a small watch-like contraption.

"This will also be included," Oki says with a smug face, but Melissa didn't know what it was and just stared at Oki. "Oh, sorry this is a web shooter, the web fluid I gave you will be inserted here and."

*Thwap* "It shoots webs." Oki said with a proud face.

"That is indeed cool, but that wouldn't be so cool as the web looks aren't so pleasing." Though Melissa said that her thoughts were, 'That would be one good combination and looking at the shooter, I would give it a solid 9/10, and it does look cool!"

"So Oki, when is your birthday?" Melissa asks with curious eyes.

"That was over a week ago." Oki sweat drops.


After an hour of screaming at Oki, Melissa calms down. "Well, I will plan something and let papa know."

Oki just nods.


Three months pass by-

"Oki the suit turned out good but it restricts a little flexibility, so be careful."

'You said this like the 5th time today.' -Oki.

"Sure, wait a minute I will put it on." Oki hurriedly said and walked to his room to change.

After 4 minutes, Oki was wearing his suit and checking out how it feels.

"I would say better than my regular clothes."

"Yeah it does look good but the black is too much, but that headgear looks cool."

"Well, let's test this guy." Oki parkours here and there doing stunts and also uses Shadow arts.

"Well, this thing is a bit heavy but if I get used to it, I am sure I won't be bothered by it."

"Well, you are the one who made this thing with carbon nanotubes, titanium wires, Kevlar and many durable and flexible stuff." Melissa thinks of other materials but they were too many but then she turns around and looks at Oki who is slowly moving towards the edge. "!"

"Well, this is done, time for a night swing don't you think." Oki saying that jumps off the building.


Prototype Suit-


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. I hope you like the chapter.

The I-island arc will last four more chapters or so. Then I thought of Love Intrest for MC, but I am not gonna take it slow. Do you think the story is boring?

The auxiliary chapter will be uploaded soon detailing about Oki's current level of things.

I hope you look forward to the following chapters, and I ask you to please tell me the areas where I have to change things. I am a newbie, and I wouldn't like to be one.

Next Chapter- Acceleration (intermediate)


Yes, then:

555 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (0/555)