
Pot of villainy.

I snaked my way through the gathering as I took count of the familiar faces, all mingling with each other.

From outside it would look like just another social gathering or a family reunion, but if someone were yo look closer, the cracks would start to appear, as they'd recognize at least one of the many notoriously criminals and villains that dotted the hall, Muscular and Rappa going to heads as Shinso brainwashed them to stop the fight.

Mustard hung back and low, like the emo loner he was while Mineta just cowered in a corner.

Cliques were already beginning to form among the other though.

Himiko and Twice had found each other as did Magne, Compress and Hanzo.

In another corner, Spinner, Dabi and Ending stood together, discussing philosophy, as Moongish squirmed in a bundle by the door, hung like Teru Teru Bouzu by the beams.

Popping the cap off a beer, I took a swig and made my way to the large stool that made up the impromptu stage.

Climbing on, I alerted the crowd telepathically.

"Hear hear! Yeah, no turn around. On the stage. That's right. Listen up buckos.

I'm sure I don't need to reacquaint you distinguished gentlemen and gentlewomen about our circumstances.

The heroes won the last sally, and we lost. Life's shit, you're broke and miserable, trapped under the yoke of society, without your willing consent.

And I know for damn sure the lot of you don't wanna die like this.

You want change. To bring a balance and maybe, just maybe even your own version of justice or freedom or whatever you prefer to call it.

But you're scared. Cuz the big bad blonde bastard's out there, on the lookout and he's gunna crush you like an ant the moment you poke out yer heads." I said, eliciting a wave of sympathetic nods from the audience.

"Well, worry no more, bitches!" I said, emptying a bag onto the floor, as All Might's head rolled out in full view, along side Endeavor, Caotain Celebrity and Eraserhead.

"Is....is that ...?" Hanzo muttered.

"No, it can't be!" Compress said, dismissing the idea.

"This is some fine joke you're pulling bud. You think we're idiots? Huh?" Ending growled.

"Believe me, don't believe me. It doesn't matter. I killed All Might. I killed Endeavor. And I even erased Eraserhead, just to be safe.

So here's the sitch.

I'm starting a rebellion. Imma take over Japan. And then, I'm gonna take over the world. Create a whole new world order. And I mean brand spanking new! None of that old bureaucratic bullshit.

And you, you little shits, have this one prime opportunity to join up. Help me overthrow the government and carve yourselves a neat little slice of the continental pie.

So what say you?" I said, finishing up my speech.

A pregnant silence hung across the room, only interjected by Moonfish's drooling grunts, before Dabi stepped forward.

"If you're really that strong, how come you need us to help take over the government? Can't you just do it yourself, like this?" He said, snapping his fingers, "In fact, why havent you just done it already?" He asked.

"Look here, Mr. Smartypants. First, don't underestimate me. I coulda done it before the thought of snapping your finger crossed your pea sized brain and be back for dessert.

And second, yes. Yes I can, could, would. But what then? I need boots on the ground to keep any territorial gains I make, enforce the laws, maintain order, quell uprisings. The works. My word is law, and no law is a law until it can be enforced.

Now, I can't be everywhere at once.

Actually no, scratch that. I can be everywhere at once. But the thing is, I'm lazy. And I don't wanna put in the effort. So what I'm offering is a good old fuedal heirarchy.

I'm the god emperor," I said, raising my hand level above his head, " up here, at the tippy top. And you guys are gonna be the fuedal lords, swearing fealty and tribute to me, and handling the situation on the ground.

We can sort out the details later, of course, as to who will take what land and title, but that's about the gist of it. Any other questions?"

"Yes! Mememememe!" Himiko cried, standing on her toes, shaking her hand in the air above her frantically.

"Yes. You. The blond cutie in a sailor seifuku." I pointed out.

"What are your plans afterwards? What will you do after you take over the world?" Himiko asked.

"Well, darling, that's simple. I'm gonna make a better one. A world that's easier to live in. More free, more accepting and a hella more profitable." I replied.

Himiko's eyes shone like a star, and she smiled a full ear to ear, bright one.

"Yippeee!" Himiko squealed.

"You sure about this?" Ending asked, scratching his head.

"Very." I replied, jumping off the table, meeting him eye to eye, smiling madly.

"You son of a bitch, I'm in!" Ending responded enthusiastically, as a wave of agreements rang out around me.

"Well then, feast up today. Tomorrow we breach Tartarus, and the week after, the government. Here's to a better future!" I said, raising my beer, as the others followed.
