

Quirks super human abilities whether yours is strong or weak people always judge your quirk as heroic or villianis but one thing was sertain all men are not created equally our story begins with our main character L waking up in his room the 4 year old boy energetically hitting his alarm clock to silence it he ran to his bathroom he began to brush his teeth after 2 minutes of brushing he then proceeded to rinse his mouth with some water the young boy then dashed towards his parents room standing on his tippy toes barely being able to reach the doors handle the boy opened the door and bolted towards his parents bed he leaped onto his parents while they were sleeping his parents instantly woke up and seeing their little boy they could only smile they greeted him good morning son the boy instantly replied good morning mom good morning dad the boy then quickly added fo you know what day it is the father jokingly said if I'm not mistaken it's Friday the boy pouted and said it's my birthday the parents said in fake surprise oh really the boy angrily replied yes you gyes said that I could go to the quirk doctor on my fourth birthday the parents got up and said ok ok but we got to have Breakfast first the boys eyes shone with stars he instantly dashed to the kitchen the parents chuckeld and went and brushed their teeth they made their way to the kitchen where their little boy was eagerly awaiting his food his mother asked ok birthday boy wat will it be today the little boy shouted that he wanted pancakes and quickly added a please in a softer voice after a glare from his mom his mom chuckeld and started to make the pancakes L exitedly talked to his dad saying how he wanted a quirk like his I want to have a stwenght quirk like yours the dad chuckeld and said do you mean a strength quirk the boy said that's what I said a stwengh quirk the parents chuckeld after a while of talking the mother gave every one a stack of pancakes with whiped cream,maple syrup and strawberries after eating the pancakes the parents and L went and got in to their car the nearest quirk doctor was about 35 miles away from the family's little town the family set of on their journey and after a hour and 15 miles a huge man crashed into the family's car sending them into a ditch