

L sat on the ground he had just distributed his upgrade points






Strength- 30





Observe-allows the user to inspect others and their stats and to inspect items

Basic cooking-allows the user to make basic dishes

Fire making-allows the user to make small fires

basic self defense-grants the user basic combat skills

Basic knife proficiency-grants the user basic knife control

Berserk- allows the user to increase his strength by 10 points but the user loses control

Decapitation- beheads opponend the user uses a lot of energy to cut of his opponents head can currently only be used 3 times

Bloodlust-allows the user to use killing intent to scare enemies can stun opponents for a short time

Flame-the user gains a fire quirk allowing the user to create and manipulate fire the system then sent a notification the system needs to update as the user has reached a sertain level upon the completion of the update the user will have access to the system shop where skills and items can be purchased by using skill points and then the system began updating the update would take a very long time to update so L had to wait he could only use the skills he has and his inventory he could receive no missions for the time being L decided that he needed to return to civilization L then began to run for 5 hours he then took a brake using his flame quirk to start a fire L then fell asleep the next morning he woke up and headed to a water fall to bathe he then began to run eventually reaching a road he saw a billboard that said welcome to Musutafa L slowly walked into the town and asked the locals for directions to a police station the locals frightened by the boys appearance his long black hair covering his face his dull and emotionless grey eyes his ripped grey t-shirt his black shorts and his grey sandals quickly gave the boy the directions he wanted and then proceeded fastly to walk away L arrived at the police station and entered it he saw how the policemen and policewoman were sitting around and talking to each other he walked over to a rather plain looking man with a long brown/baige coat he greeted the man the man looked down and was shocked to see a small boy he quickly asked the boy what his name was L replied that his name was L the detective then introduced himself as detective Naomasa Tsukauchi L just nodded the man asked where Ls parents were the boy replied that his parents passed away a couple of months ago the detective felt sad upon hearing that he then told the boy to follow him to his office he opened the door L walked in and the detective also entered his office the detective then asked the boy to sit down he asked a few other questions like what his quirk was how old he was and so on L replied that his quirk was flame manipulation as he said this he made a baseball sized flame in his palm he also replied that he was 4 years old the detective nodded as he wrote the information down the detective gave L a chocolate bar that he had with him L thanked the man and ate it the detective exscused himself and went out he pulled out his phone and called a local orphanage meanwhile L was simply using observe on the policemen and women he noted that they all were around level 30 to 35 all having lackluster quirks he used observe on detective Naomasa and saw that the man level 50 and that he had a lie detector quirk L mutterd interesting he is really strong