
Entrance Exam

L rose from his bed he groggely got up and went to the bathroom the boy then proceeded to take a shower after his shower he brushed his teeth and got dressed he made his way to the kitchen and took a apple L made his way out of the orphanage he made his way to UA High Scool he arrived at the High Scool and admired it it was a lot bigger then in the pictures L turned around when he heard someone call his name it was Izuku L greeted the green haired boy as he was jogging towards him Izuku smiled but he suddenly tripped L was about to dash at midoriya and catch him but a brown haired girl touched his back and Izuku stopped from falling the bown haired girl Apologized for using her quirk on izuku,izuku just stared at her with a red face and mutterd t.t.tt.thanks the girl chuckled and walked in to the school L burst out in to laughter t.t.t.tt.tttt. thank you oh I'm dying have you never talked to a girl before? Izuku embarrassed looked to his side and said yes I have L chuckled and said anyways let's go were late move out of my way you extras a blond haired boy pushed L out of his way before he could take a nother step L was holding him up by his throat his bloodlust skill in full effect L mutterd if you do that again I'll end you L tossed the boy to the side and began to walk in to the school while dragging a baffled izuku a couple minutes later the boys made it to the auditorium they took there seats a moment later a blond haired man appeared and shouted HELLO THERE LITTLE LISTHENERS HOW ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!?

The man was met with silence he mutterd to much ok noted good morning everyone welcome to the UA entrance exam I'm present Mic and I'll be your proctor for the written exam ok after you have finished your written exam you must come and hand over your test to me then you can make your way to the special fields where you'll be doing the practical part of your exam anyways let me explain the practical to you during your practical you will have to defeat robots that's points varie according to the robot that you defeat there are 1 pointers 2 pointers 3 pointers an- a blue haired boy rose from his seat and in a loud voice said sir on the pamphlet it shows 4 tipes of robots suddenly L spoke up and said oi idiot if you didn't notice present Mic was about to tell us about the last robot before you so rudely interrupted him the blue haired boy was very embarrassed he Bowed to present Mic and apologized to the man the man said that it was ok anyways the last robot is the 0 pointer like the name implies it gives 0 points its a distraction so just avoid it anyways let's start Mic and other teachers quickly handed out the written test and the kids begun 33 minutes had past and two figures rose up L and a black haired girl they simultaneously made their way to present Mics table and handed in their test the man was shocked two students had already finished they must be geniuses the man nodded and a black haired teacher who L recognized as Midnight made her way towards the two amd told them to follow her along the way the heroine made small chat with the two you gyes must be pretty smart to have finished that test so quickly the black haired girl thanked her while L remained silent he had injured himself in a boss fight that he did yesterday and he was injured badly the sides of his mouth were cut open and needed to be stitched shut Hansford the boy wore bandages covering the sides of his mouth ad well as his arms witch had got some ''art" added to them midnight complemented the girl on her good Japanese she inquired how many languages the young lady could speak she said that she could speak three midnight clapped impressive how about you mister tall and bruty the boy sighed and said I can speak 5 languages the duo stared in shock at the boy thats impressive said the duo the boy said thank you in a cold voice they had arrived at the recommended students exam midnight left the two amd went back to the auditorium L used scan on both midnight and the black haired girl






Strength- ??





Quirk-Neutrilizing Gas-allows the user to emit purple smoke from the users body that can incompassitade enemies






Strength- 40





Quirk-creation-allows the user to create any item as long as the user knows out of which element it is made of.

This is going to be interesting