
Entrance exam part two

L looked around the room 30 minutes have passed and nobody has joined him and momo in the recommendations exam room a moment later a red and white haired boy came in the room and L instantly used his scan ability to see the boys stats


Shoto todoroki




Strength- 45





Quirk-half hot and half cold-hives the user control over ice and fire

Mmh not bad L began to stretch the exam was going to start in 20 minutes after 5 minutes of stretching L finished he was tired of stretching two teens walked into the room followed by ... the number 1 and 2 heros all might and endeavor the rest of the UA teachers also made there way in L faintly smiled when he saw all might and aizawa he made his way over to the two heroes yo All might and aizawa all might looked at L and smiled hello there young L it's been a while Aizawa yawned and said good to see you troublesome L smirked oh I'm troublesome now Aizawa smirked and said yea yea you are the duo chuckled while all the heroes and UA staff were shocked at seeing and hearing Aizawa Laugh a white mouse cleared his throat all right everyone its about time that we start everyone nodded and the teens made there way to the Mach city the white mouse said your test is to destroy as many Robots as possible all right start without a moment of surprise/hesitation L dashed inside of the city simultaneously imbuing his fists in flames he spotted a group of 5 one pointers and 3 two pointers L smirked and jumped in the air he let loose a flame dragon that flew towards the robots and exploded on contact right that's 11 points L began to run and look around for more robots he spotted a one pointer and three pointer L launched a basketball size fire ball the one pointer instantly killing it the three pointer shot a flurry of missels at L the boy smirked he concentrated and made a flame shield that withstood the missels he then shot the flame shield forward destroying the thee pointer right 15 points at this moment the other teens had also started to destroy the other robots L began to jog around the city and destroying every robot he saw with a flurry of punches and kicks 20 minutes later

Participants you have 5 minutes left

L smiled he already had 55 points that should be enough suddenly the earth began to tremble 3 giant robots appeared in the city L smirked and said now that's what I'm looking for he dashed towards the robots maybe I can try out my new moves L propeld himself in to the sky he charged up a huge ball of fire he yeld solar eclipse a moment later the ball of flames were launched at one zero pointers head exploding when it made contact L heard a cry for help he saw a girl running from the zero pointer he breathed in and out let's see if this works L engulfed his right arm in flames and manipulated the flames to form a dragon around his arm the boy leaped towards the zero pointer Nad shouted inferno dragon fist he flew through the zero pointers head instantly destroying it L turned to the other zero Pointer just to see it completely frozen L smirked not bad he made his way around the city and killed a three pointer as well as a tow pointer and thats 60 points meanwhile with the UA staff

This year's recommendation students are doing good endeavor your son is performing good endeavor snorted of course he's my son after all the white mouse said indeed he's second place so far with 50 poi- endeavor shouted in outrage what do you mean second place nezu?! Nezu said exactly what I said he's second place endeavor asked who's in first place before nezu could answer All might and aizawa said that would be young L/troublesome the two looked at each other and grinned endeavor got a angry look on his face who even recommended him All might laughed that would be me endeavor scowled but got a idea the man smirked nezu picked up the microphone amd said students your time has finished thank you all for coming your results will be send to you in a week

L smirked he had just finished killing 2 two pointers not to bad L made his way to Aizawa and All might before he could reach them endeavor stood in his way the man looked down at him and said you will mary my daughter.