
Chapter 20: Todoroki

As I came back and sat down opposite Fuyumi, I saw a glint in the eye's of Rei, as she looked at me.

So I looked at Fuyumi for some answers and she gave me a small nod. 'Well, that means Rei knows about my relationship with her daughter. Then, do her brothers also know about it.' Then I looked at her three brothers and I couldn't find any change in expression at all, it's suffice to say that they don't know about it yet.

"Saiba, how's Shoto at UA?" Touya asked me out of the blue.

"Ah... Well, he's good. Doesn't talk much but hangs out with us from time to time."

"So my brother is a loner, huh. That's news to me." Natsuo said while looking at Shoto, but Shoto kept a stoic face as what Natsuo said didn't even affect him in any way.

"Well, I won't say he's a loner. As he hangs out with me and two other classmates of ours at lunch and he's good at his studies too."

We just talked like that, about UA, the USJ incident, All Might, how Touya had started to be a hero and things like that. I talked about my family and didn't ask about theirs as I know some tidbits as Fuyumi talked to me about it.

As the time came for parting I shook hands with all of them and bid goodbye, and told Shoto that I would see him at UA.

Before going back to my home I bought a strawberry shortcake for Yuki and Mom, as they love it very much. On my way, I saw Kamui Woods, the new hero taking down a group who had done a bank heist. I wished him luck in my mind and I minded my own business.

Reaching home, I was hugged by Yuki who looked at me and said "Big brother met with big sis without Yuki."

Ruffling her hair I said "I didn't think I would see her there too Yuki. If I knew I would have taken you with me."

But she still sulked, so to soothe her, I gave her the strawberry shortcake and said "Here, big sis bought this for you."

Looking at it her eyes lit up and asked me "She did!"

"Yeah. She was sad that she couldn't see Yuki."

She ran towards where mom was with a skip shouting "Mom! Shortcake!"

I just chuckled at how she ran, and went to my room to sort out the things I need to do for the upcoming sports festival.


As soon as the Todoroki family reached their home, Rei dragged her daughter Fuyumi to her room. Closing the door and making sure that it's locked, Rei asked Fuyumi "So he's the one you have been talking about?"

Fuyumi slowly nodded at her mother.

"And he didn't say anything about knowing Touya?"

"No, not until today."

"Mmmm. Alright." Chuckling a little, Rei asked "Let me ask you something seriously dear, do you love Saiba-kun that much?"

"I do." It was an instant reply from Fuyumi.

"Alright, then you should also know that it's illegal to h do it with him right?" Rei asked her daughter in all seriousness.

"MOM! What do you think I am? A monster? We haven't even kissed till this day." Fuyumi screamed at her mother in embarrassment as mother had asked her about her sexual life with her underage boyfriend.

Just as her words ended, the door opened and Touya looked at Fuyumi and asked "Who kissed who?"

Right behind him, Shoto and Natsuo were standing. Thinking that it's her mother who asked the question she answered unconsciously "I said I haven't kissed my boyfriend!"

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND??" Her three brothers asked in unison, all three of them were surprised, but they had different emotions hidden behind that surprise. Touya was surprised, but he was mad at the one who have wooed his little sister, Natsuo was surprised and bewildered as he didn't think that his anyone would be able to tolerate his sister in anyway, and Shoto was surprised that she have a boyfriend and happy that she have someone other than her family to look after her.

Rei noticed these feelings that were present on her three son's faces and thought to herself 'Saiba-kun, I think that your friend is mad at you for making her sister fall in love with you.'

Fuyumi on the other hand quickly covered her mouth as soon as she understood that it was her brothers who had asked about a kiss that didn't even happen.

Touya looked at Fuyumi and calmly asked "Who is your boyfriend?"

Fuyumi didn't say anything and her mother came to her rescue by saying "She won't tell you who that is now. But she will invite him to our house one day, right, my dear daughter?"

"Right! I'll invite him to our house one day."

Touya looked at his mother and asked "And you know about this guy?"

"I know, but I'm not telling you who that is either. I know that he's a good man, but I don't know how much he loves your sister."

Touya just nodded at his mother as he knows it's better to argue with his father than his mother as she would just freeze your mouth shut and keep on talking until her point is proven. It was done to his father, and he didn't want to experience that at all.

Natsuo asked something that has been on his mind "Do we inform dad about this boyfriend of hers?"

They all looked at him, Fuyumi was about to say no, but her mother beat her to it saying "We will. Even though he was not a good father to you four, he is still your father. So important things should be conveyed to him and it's not like we are living separately, he's just in a different part of this house."

Fuyumi said "But mom! He... "

"He won't try anything funny, and even if he does try something I'm sure that your boyfriend is more than capable of handling whatever is thrown at him."

Then looking at her three sons she spoke in a teasing voice "My daughter had found a son-in-law for me, when are you three going to bring in daughter-in-laws for me."

All three of them were dumbfounded at first, and Shoto left the room as soon as he regained his composure, Natsuo started to fumble with his words, whereas Touya the oldest of them looked to be contemplating.