
Battle trails

It was already morning and I was on my way towards UA. My time spent with rumi basically just consisted of me free loading in her house, whist she secretly stared at me. Honestly it was cute but to hell if I'd be the one to tell her that, she attacks me enough as it is.

Once I arrived at school I couldn't help but plan out how I wanted events to proceed. I had already decided when to heal all might and that was right after his battle with the U.S.J. Nomu. Walking into class I sat in my set which happened to be next to Momos. " ah gloxinia, how was your morning" Turing to momo I said the first thing that came to my mind. " I'd rather not have had to wake up" after realising what I said i couldn't help but hold my head in shame. If rumi heard my reply she would definitely have laughed and screamed gloomy at me.

Noticing me immediately become distant she grabbed my shoulder and shook it alittle bit " are you alright gloxinia?" Her voice laced with concern. Turning to face momo I couldn't help but smile weakly. " ah I'm fine it's just I have this friend that always calls me gloomy as a nickname, however when I give responses like that I can't help but except the name, no matter how much I hate it" at this momo just nodded, we continued our small talk for awhile and then the age old question was asked " gloxinia I didn't see you in the changing rooms yesterday after the quirk test. Where did you go?" At this the room when quite, bakugo laughed and Izuku looked around like he was lost. The other boys looked around and notice the confusion on the other girls faces as if they also wished to know.

" momo, I'm a boy…" at this the room went even quieter. But luckily for me ectoplasm walked in to begin our maths lesson. At Ua days where split into two. In the first half you do maths, English, science and other subjects that you'd find at any school. The second half of the day was for heroics.

Whist waiting for our teacher to come and talk introduce todays hero lesson. " ah gloxinia I'm really sorry about earlier, I didn't know you where a boy and … " momo was visibly panicked at her earlier statement against my gender " momo, stop talking your just making it worse, but honestly don't worry about it. It's been happening all my life" just as she was about to apologise again we all heard " AND!!!… im!!!… coming through the door like a normal person!!!!" In truth it was anything but normal but at least it was enough to distract momo from further embarrassment.

A few minutes later everyone stopped fawning over his silver age suit and calmed down. After giving some speech about being a hero one I honestly didn't care for whsit he was prattling on I couldn't help but think " should I become a villain? Hm maybe If anything happened to rumi. Should I wipe out the human race, it be easy with my Basquias. It be fun for a while but then I'd be lonely" once I finished I remember that a certain person had a quirk which enhanced hearing. Both Mezo Shoji and Kyoka Jiro instantly turned to face me. ' shit,

Just my luck' giving a friendly wave I turned my attention to all might.

"Clothes Maketh the man, or in this case the hero's" pressing a bitten the suit cases erected from the wall. After collecting and making my way, towards to changing room I got changed as fast a possible to avoid Shoji's confrontation.

My hero costume consisted of a black jacket with red accents and cuffs, It was also belted. The bottom half was semi-skinny trousers with knee high boots, although I didn't want to look feminine at all I couldn't help it, what looks good on you looks good. {image}

After leaving I finally met all might alone for the first time. " Toshinori it's been awhile no" at this he panicked for a moment. " has anyone ever told you that you smell of blood, and I mean reek of it." I decided to fly around him. I appeared at face hight but for some odd reason I though it would be funny to float upside Down. However my words must have got to him because he clutched his left side. " oh you though I was talking about an that nasty injury? No, I'm talking about all the lives you've snuffed out, Izuku idolises you. Your his teacher, can you prepare him for when he enviably takes a life" just as he was about to protest the rest of the my class mates arrived.

Clearing his throat he began to explain plain todays exercise, after reading in his comical sized book. Which to everyone else is a normal size " all right everyone, I need you take a lot each. " after taking a letter he went to explain " alright those with the same letters are a pair, and those with the same numbers are a pair." Afterwards everyone went off into their teams mine however just happened to be Kyoka Jiro. " ah Kyoka, we haven't spoke before I'm gloxinia nice to meet you. " at this we introduced ourself and continued as normal since all might was about to Introduce todays task. " the teams will be split between villains and hero's, the villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme; if the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win; if the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win. Does everyone understand." Receiving nods of agreement he continues " Alright the first pair of villains are bakugo and Tenya, the hero's for this battle will be Midoryia and Ochaco"

Both Katsuki and Tenya go inside the building first. After five minutes, Izuku and Ochaco go into the building, which starts the Trial of Battle. After watching what could be considered an embarrassment for all parties involved, minus Tenya since we couldn't her the god awful villain dialog he created. Once they returned well when three returned the man child proceeded sulk in the corner, whist Tenya was pleased with man of the match. The matches continued as normal and finally it arrived. " hero's gloxinia and Kyōka, villains Enjiro and Rikido"

Waking out towards the building Jiro asked. " gloxinia about what you said during class, do you really think about killing all the humans on the planet sometimes" turning around I couldn't help but shrug " nah it was just an intrusive though, however those who do serious harm to Rumi won't have an afterlife." Unbeknownst To me my eyes suddenly became purple, and the presence around me became violent. It was but for a moment as my amber eyes returned.

Turning to Jirō I asked " what's the matter come on those muscle brains won't be able to beat us, when the timer starts you scan where they'd re through sound, and I'll make plants go after them." Looking at me she couldn't help but ask " will that work? plants can be destroyed pretty easily." Releasing a sigh i replyed " don't worry plants made from my quirk are special. " at this she just nodded and didn't continue anymore.

As almighty began the timer Jiro did exactly as told " their both waiting on the 3rd floor in the far lest room from here" at this I sent large roots and vines towards the building quickly capturing both the 'villains'. The trail was over before it even began.

Grabbing Jirō I flew over to the room touched the bomb showing what can essentially be called a perfect victory.

Afterwards I got to watch Todoroki do his and then it was over i was looking at bakugo who was both dejected from knowing he couldn't beat me or Todoroki if he was serious.

As in canon at the end of the lesson all might ram off due to his time limit. It was getting closer to the USJ incident and closer to the time I planned to heal him.

Whist getting changed I was swarmed with comments about how awesome my quirk was.

However Aoyama asked how it worked. I could see his emotions, he was feeling guilt, nervous. For some reason I was enjoying watching people panic and be nervous. " why would I tell you how it works, then you could just figure out how to counter it, although we are class mates we are also competing with each other" at my words the room Stoped Tenya came forward " how so gloxinia?" His question simple to the point, if anything it was the one good thing about him " well you'll all see during the Ua sports festival. If you perform poorly you can be replaced from the hero course. Didn't anyone of you know that. A large number of the general cause students are gunning for our spots. So don't make a fool out of yourselves" everyone was stunned at this revelation. Whsit they where petrified I quickly made my way out since I didn't want to miss the information which Izuku would give. Although I already knew I wouldn't be able to explain why, this was an opportunity.

Moving quickly through the halls a saw Izuku and bakugo shouting at each other, I was still inside I knew I wouldn't make it on foot. Opening the window I flew toward the area they where arguing.

"I gained my quirk from someone's else, it was gifted to me, to carry on a legacy!" At that he got the only reply that made sense Form a scientific perspective " your full of shit deku, if you don't want to tell me then fine don't bother, all you'll ever be is useless anyway"

" oh Izuku it is funny don't you think. I've got so much information on you and Toshinori it's almost laughable. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. The matron at the orphanage asked me to help in the garden" flying awake I could hear Izuku screaming for me to wait. As I left all might appeared and stopped bakugo at gates whist izuku ran at them to me. After being blown of I see a panicked izuku explain everything to all might. Only for him to deflate and then inflate from shock.