
Chapter 2: Izuku, or Monke?

A/N: Suggestions on Items and Skills in the System Shop? 

Also decided to change the rewards of his first quest:

[Rewards: Random Skill, 2 Levels -> 5 Levels, +15 SP -> +20 SP, +5,000 LP -> +10,000 LP, and 2nd part of the chain quest] and [Slightly Boosted -> Considerably Boosted]

I feel like this is more suitable for 'first time', 'Considerdably boosted' rewards, especially for a normal woman like Inko (Rewards with more important/stronger characters would obviously = better rewards)

Warning: Quite a lot of info dump this chapter in relation to the system, particularly later on in the chapter as I want readers to have a better understanding of how the system works


Inko's eyes first landed on Izuku's face, then slowly wandered down his body down to his stomach, her gaze lingering at his soon-to-be-seen abs for slightly longer than elsewhere, moving her eyes back up to Izuku's green eyes, "W-What happened to you!?" She asked with a low shout, her hand in front her gaping mouth

With his [Acting Lv. 1] skill activated, Izuku jumped towards his mother and pulled her into a tight hug, his arms wrapped around her waist, "I-I got my quirk, Kaa-san!" He exclaimed excitedly, Inko yelping as her feet left the floor once Izuku picked her up, "I-Izuku! Put me down!" She told him with a playful hit to his shoulder, urging Izuku to place her back down onto the floor

"Sorry, I'm just so happy!" Releasing his hold on her, Izuku stepped back slightly and looked at his hands, bawling them into fists with a smile of thrill on his beautiful face, "I feel so strong!"

"H-Have you really got a quirk, Izuku...?" Inko's voice cracked, her hands shaky as tears welled in her eyes while looking at her son, who currently had the system shop open while looking at a [Lying] skill for 2,000 LP, 'The current and future investment is worth it' [Lying Lv. 1 Purchased! -2,000 LP]

[Lying Lv. 1 (Active) - When activated, the user's skill in lying and/or twisting the truth improves which makes his words and actions much more convincing the higher the level. This skill stacks with the user's 'Acting' Skill] (+) With no hesitation, he activated the skill to make his lie much more believable 

"Yes, I-I think so!" He brought his hand to his chest, clutching it to conceal his joy, "I-I don't know what it does just yet, but..." Izuku's body trembled, biting his bottom lip as a tear dripped down his cheek, "I... I finally got a quirk, Kaa-san" For the cherry on top, he activated the hypnosis ability of [Incubus Eye] for a few seconds before deactivating it once he saw his success

"Ah..." Inko gasped as she watched her son tear up, "Izuku!" She cried, pulling her son back into a warm and loving hug, "I'm so happy for you! You..." Inko rested her head on Izuku's shoulder, not wanting her boy to see her vulnerable state as she sobbed loudly, "You can finally become a hero, just like you wanted...!"

"Ngh!" Izuku's eyes widened, his heart pounding louder and faster than before, a genuine tear falling out of his other eye as he wondered, 'W-What the hell...?', unsure of the reason as to why he was genuinely affected by her words, as if they struck him deep, 'Or, the original Izuku...'




Seated on opposite sides of the small dinner table for the family of two, Izuku and Inko indulged themselves in her food and enjoyed it to the fullest, 'I should buy a cooking skill as well!' He mentally noted to himself as he finished eating half of his plate, glancing at the system shop out of the corner of his eye as he searched up how much it would cost to buy it, '5,000!? Who the hell set these prices?!' His eyes widened slightly at the shocking reveal, averting his eyes back up to Inko in front of him who ate her food with a large and wholesome smile on her face

'Act 1, complete! Act 2, underway' Deciding it was time to progress with his plan, Izuku picked up some of the rice on his plate with his chopsticks, "Kaa-san" He called out to her with his mouth full, Inko waving her chopsticks in front of her, "Izuku! What did I tell you about eating with your mouth full?" She light-heartedly scolded him, the two of them chuckling after he apologised for his wrongful manners

"What is it, Izuku?" Inko asked, her hand placed over her mouth as she chewed on her food while looking at her son who rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Well... this is kind of embarrassing but..."

"It's okay, you can tell me!" Inko informed him passionately, her hand on her chest as she placed her chopsticks down on her plate, "I'm your mother, you can tell me anything and everything"

"I-It's nothing like that, Kaa-san!!" Izuku squealed with his arms flailing in front of him, his face flushed as his [Acting] Skill was coming into good play, "It's just, my alarm isn't working anymore, so I was wondering if you could wake me up tomorrow morning for school?" Activating his [Lying] skill prior to his lie

"What!?" Inko lightly slammed the table in shock, "What happened? Should I get you a new one-" Reaching over the table, Izuku interrupted her by resting his [Golden Fingers] over Inko's delicate hand, her face expanding as her cheeks grew a tomato red, "No, no! I don't need it!" He beamed, "Having you wake me up will get the job done just fine, Kaa-san!" His smile grew bigger, activating his [Incubus Eyes]'s Hypnosis once more, 'Seriously, I've lost so much MP just from activating this so many times in the last hour' He berated himself, but decided that it was fine for the time being

"O-Okay, honey... w-what time?" Inko asked, pushing her thighs together underneath the table, 'W-Why am I suddenly-' Lost in a horny trance, Izuku's voice snapped her out of fantasy land, "8 should be fine" He pulled his hand back, the effect of his touch lingering for a few seconds before Inko shook any thoughts out of her head, "Is that okay, Kaa-san?" Izuku asked her with his hands rubbing together in a pleading matter

"O-Of course...! Haha" With that, the two finished their meals before Izuku ran off to his room once his mother informed him she'd do the dishes by herself, 'Say less!' Running up the stairs, he entered his new room and jumped into bed, almost hitting his head on the wall as a result, 'I finally have a lot of alone time'

Placing his hands behind his head and getting comfortable by crossing one leg over the other, Izuku decided now was the perfect time to finish checking out the system fully - starting with his


[Random Martial Art Skill Book]

[Random Weapon Box]

These were the remaining 2 out of the 5 rewards he received from his gift, and he took both out of his inventory, 'Eenie meenie miney-' As a result of his little minigame, he placed the book beside him and held onto the box, [Open 'Random Weapon Box'? Y/N] 

In a fashion identical to the Mystery Box gained from the 'tutorial', the box levitated in front of him and popped open with confetti coming out of it. However, this one was only slightly different as only one icon popped out, the '?' changing into a multitude of icons at lightning speed.

As it slowed down, he was able to see the outline of a sword, a spear, a halberd, a shield, and almost any kind of weapon. It eventually stopped at the outline of a staff, [Claim Rewards? Y/N] 'A mystery 'til the end, ay?' He scoffed, but claimed the reward and saw it appear in his inventory

"Woah..." Izuku gulped at the beauty of his new weapon, standing up to get a better feel of his red staff which stood only slightly taller than him, gold rings at each end and an inscription running along the body of the staff which read 'Compliant Golden-Hooped Staff', "N-No way!" The weapon he had gotten was none other than:

[Name: Ruyi Jingu Bang (Extremely Weakened)]

[Rank: A]

[Description: The weapon of Sun Wukong, only in a weakened state due to unknown circumstances - A beautiful yet monstrous staff wielded by The Monkey King with the power to shrink, grow, and more]


1. Partial Sentience - The Staff can only be used by the user. Even if the user permits someone else to use it, it will not work. This prevents the weapon from being stolen or anything stupid happening to it

2. Size and Weight Manipulation: Max Length: 10,000km. Max Weight: 1,000,000 Tonnes (1,000,000,000kg/2204622621.85lbs)

3. Multiplication: User can make up to 10 clones of the staff and user, but each clone gets 50% weaker than the last

4. Durability and Regeneration: The staff is extremely durable, being able to take most attacks. Though, even if it does break, the staff regenerates and re-appears in your inventory after 24 hours]

After asking for information about the ranks of weapons, Izuku eventually got the answer that ranks went the traditional F -> E -> All the way to S -> SS -> SSS -> EX, 'Now it makes sense why this staff is much weaker than Sun Wukong's original' Though he wondered, which rank would it actually be? SS? SSS? Maybe EX.

Putting the staff back in his inventory, Izuku sat down on the edge of his bed and grabbed the skill book besides him and energetically opened it, a whole new summon animation appearing. The book floated in front of him and opened on its own, the pages flipping at a rapid speed that the air around him seemed to shake until it died down, and new knowledge of martial arts entered his head

"..." As the knowledge entered his head, he couldn't help but wonder, "Seriously, am I Izuku Midoriya, or Sun Wukong?"

[Renewal Taekwondo Lv. 1 (Passive/Active) - A powerful type of martial art developed in modern South Korea which emphasises in strong, linear kicks. When activated, User gains +10 Strength and Dexterity and the ability to use 'Hyperspeed'] (+) 

If memory served correctly, Izuku remembers Hyperspeed being a technique in God of Highschool that allowed the person to move at high speeds in a straight line, which could also increase the power of the person's following technique as a result of the massive momentum built up, 'Though, it's only a lesser version of... Bo-pup? Dup? I don't remember, but with it I could move in any direction rather than ONLY linear' He shrugged, happy with this skill as it may prove to be useful down the line, taking note that he had to test out the range of Hyperspeed at a later date.

"All that's left is... this!" He clicked on the (+) he saw beside most of his skills, curious of it previously but not having much time to look at it as other things were on his mind

[Upgrade Cost: 25,000 LP] Is what showed beside the [Renewal Taekwondo] skill, Izuku's mouth dropping at the number, but raising a brow a few seconds later after realising, 'Is that... a lot?' He looked at his quest and saw he would gain 5,000 LP after completing it, 'I know it's "boosted" as it's my first one, but it doesn't seem like a lot'

"Then again, quests are definitely finite (limited), so it might actually not be a lot" He started murmuring to himself, just like how the original Izuku would, "And considering 4 out of my current 7 skills can be upgraded, and I'll definitely have more in the future, I need to find a better way to make LP..." To see if his current hypothesis was correct, he checked the upgrade costs of each skill

[Acting Lv. 1 (Active)] (+) [Upgrade Cost: 2,000 LP] 

[Lying Lv. 1 (Active)] (+) [Upgrade Cost: 4,000 LP]

[Incubus Eye Lv. 1 (Active)] (+) [Upgrade Cost: 10,000 LP] 

This was certainly a problem, 'If I want to upgrade all my skills just by 1 level, it would cost 41,000LP!!' He cried internally, "LP... How can I get more LP...?"

[LP - Lust Points] That was the abbreviation of it, so Izuku could only assume, "I have to do things considered sexual for Lust Points?" He nodded, deciding that had to be the only way considering what he now was: An Incubus - The male version of a Succubus, "Sex! That's what I need!"

With a grin, Izuku closed his system and stood up, taking off all his clothes leaving absolutely nothing on, 'Act 3, begin- Tomorrow morning' He got back into bed, putting the covers over him as he waited anxiously for the next morning where he would finally, hopefully, start the plan of his LP grind, "Operation: Commando" He called this next act


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[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Age: 13] 

[Race: Incubus]

[Level: 1] (Exp: 0/100%)

[HP: 750/750]

[MP: 750/750]

[Strength: 12]

[Dexterity: 13]

[Vitality: 19]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Charm: 24]

[SP: 20]

[LP: 7,000]

Casual7creators' thoughts