
MHA: Darktide

The World Hero Association is responsible for keeping the world safe and secure, by any means necessary. A strong organization needs strong soldiers, so they "recruit" promising children and train them to keep the peace their way. A drug lord gains too much influence and power? Send in the Pacifists! A group of terrorists villains are trying to massacre a residential area? Send in the Pacifists! This is the most successful and fearless squad the Hero Association has ever made. Nobody can stop them from maintaining the peace, not even the Hero Association itself!

Shrexy_boi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

The Boot

"And that is how I seduced and fucked the prime minister's wife and daughter before fleeing to America. I heard that the girls here are more curvy than my country's plain japanese girls anyway. I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling heroes!" Hentie told us his origin story on how he became a criminal.

The eight villains were currently riding in a military vehicle, unaware of where they were going. There wasn't any windows except for a small sunroof, but it was covered in a thick sheet of bulletproof glass. They all had thick handcuffs on to prevent any retaliation, not to mention the several heroes guarding the transport in case any villains attack it.

Michael was skeptical of his story at first, but the guard watching over them confirmed it to be true. Now Hentie has just earned a whole new level of respect out of them, I mean, it takes serious balls to move from the porn industry to the dark side on a whim.

And to do something that internet trolls can only dream of too, it was quite impressive. If only his quirk was better, after all, this wasn't the porn industry. An endurance quirk could only take you so far in a fight against a combat quirk user.

"So to sum you up in a single sentence, you're a hopeless degenerate right? Great, how very useful indeed." The bitch that didn't know when to shut her mouth, Eve, groaned out.

"Shut up cunt! You can complain all you want, but my quirk is still better than your danger sense. You can just sit on your ass and look pretty while telling the rest of us when the little shithead will attack. It's all you're good for anyway, you walking warning siren." Hentie barked back and much like the rest of us, we were tired of her complaining.

While entertaining at first, it got annoying real quick. 'If only I had spoke up to quit, I would be far away from these guys.' Michael berated himself for not choosing the easy way out when he had the chance.

"Hah? What the fuck did you just say to me? Listen here you rapist, just bec-"

"Quiet! Can you guys just be quiet for five seconds? Damn! Y'all are lucky I have these cuffs on!" One of the quieter guys, Maurice, yelled out in anger. He was a bit on the shorter side, about five feet five inches but he was well built. His quirk allowed him to become transparent, not nearly as good as invisibility but still decent.

"Haha, it looks like your bickering has made the shrimp angry! You better save your rage for the fight though, don't want to exhaust yourself and die before we even get there!" Jason teased the shorter man, which made Maurice growl but just huffed in annoyance instead of refuting him. Jason has a emotion manipulation quirk, he can rile someone up easily or give them a healthy dose of depression.

This brought a smirk to Jason's lips as he brought his attention over to to Michael, fixating his gaze on him. Not liking where this was going, Michael glared back at him.

"Woah there, defensive much? Why the hostility brother? We're working together for now, so loosen up a little would ya? It's not like it'll kill you to socialize a bit." Jason spoke jokingly, but his face told a different story. He definitely seemed like the type of person to stick a shiv up your ass when you're in the showers, or attack you when you're on the shitter.

He was a seedy motherfucker, Michael could guess that much.

"Don't call me brother creep, what do you want?" Michael kept it short and simple, no bullshit at all.

"Alright then, your quirk, what is it? Since most of us have introduced ourselves and our quirks besides those two over there, I have decided that it's your turn to tell us your quirk." Jason smiled, not a welcoming one but a scheming one.

The two that he mentioned before are a sleeping woman and a pasty bald man, both seemingly not even registering the situation they're currently in.

"I can condense and shoot smoke out of my hands like bullets, happy now?" Michael huffed, he only gave them a bit of information on what he was capable of. If there was enough smoke in his surroundings, he could easily absorb it into himself to boost his power greatly. A simple smoke bullet will turn into a smoke rocket.

"Finally, another combat quirk, I was starting to get a bit worried you know. Well then, how about you my hairless friend? What's your quirk?" Jason was delighted to discover someone besides Tony that could actually use there quirk to fight.

"Hmm? Huh? You mean me?" The bald man snapped out of his daydream and pointed to himself in confusion.

"Who else but you? I don't see anyone else without a full head of hair." Jason forced a smile, obviously not pleased with the dim reaction of the bald man.

"Technically speaking, Tony isn't exactly able to run his fingers through his scalp so..."

"Are you fucking with me? Once I get out of this car I'm gonna shove a spike down your throat baldy!" Tony threatened, but much to the bald man's credit he didn't even blink.

"Well the name's Bob, nice to meet you too Tony. And to be completely honest with the rest of you, I'm quirkless." Bob spoke without much emotion in his voice, as if it was just another day for him.

"Quirkless? Seriously? They sent some trash with us just to fuck with us didn't they, fucking hero bastards. Always screwing us over!" Maurice grit his teeth, he wasn't the only one that was displeased with Bob's presence though.

"Wait, if you don't have a quirk, how did you end up on death row with a bunch of villains. I mean, there's no way a quirkless guy like you can be considered a threat compared to us." Michael questioned, he felt a sense of foreboding from Bob.

"I ate the prison warden's son." That was all Bob said, and unsurprisingly enough, the ride was silent the rest of the way to their final destination.


"Kill them all, you'll be doing the world a favor by doing so Abel. Show no mercy, no hesitation, and most importantly, no emotion. Scum like them don't deserve any of these things, make me proud boy, and have a good hunt." Commissar Galister gave his usual speech to Abel, who simply nodded in return.

The two of them were being transported in one of the Association's many helicopters, where to, Abel didn't know. He looked out the window and saw a large forest below, but not many clearings to land safely.

The helicopter came to an abrupt stop in the air, hovering in place. Galister stood up and walked over to the door, motioning for Abel to follow him. Sliding the door open, Galister poked his head out to judge the distance below them. Satisfied, he backed away from the door.

"Alright then, this is your stop!" Galister yelled out so Abel could hear him.

Abel nodded and waited for the helicopter to descend, only to get confused when it stayed still instead. As he looked over to his Commissar, he felt a boot impact his back.

'Did he just-' Not being able to react in time, Abel found himself free falling through the air and down into the forest. Looking up at the helicopter, he could see Galister's smug face as the man stuck his head out the door to look down on him.

"THAT! was for my car! Enjoy your surprise skydiving!" Galister shouted at his shrinking figure as he threw Abel's backpack full of rations out the door as well.

'What a snake, I'll do worse than just a car next time Galister!' Abel swore to himself as he used his telekine discipline to slow his fall. As he maneuvered himself to avoid the trees, he skillfully landed without injuring himself.

Feeling something rapidly approaching from above, he looked up to see his rations flying all over the place. Sticking out his hand to the sky, Abel froze them all in place as he forced them to slowly descend. After making sure he had everything, Abel inspected his surroundings for any immediate danger.

These exercises became commonplace right after he destroyed Galister's car around four years ago. The man could certainly hold a grudge, Abel gave him that.

Silently watching Galister's helicopter disappear in the distance, Abel brought his attention to the area around him. Commissar Galister would change the environment every exercise, not that the environments affected Abel much.

'So a forest this time then? Plenty of objects for me to use to my advantage, unlike the empty sand dunes I dealt with before.' The boy thought to himself, appreciating the many possible weapons at his disposal. From trees to rocks, both were dangerous in Abel's hands.

As always, he was only given a backpack filled with enough food and water to last him at least three days. He didn't have anything else besides the clothes on his back, which was all he needed anyway. The Association thought that it would be useless to give him a gun considering how absurd his quirk is.

As Galister always liked to say, 'A weapon shouldn't have any need for other weapons.'

There wasn't any urgency seen in Abel at all, since it wasn't necessary to begin with. Abel has gotten better at controlling his quick over the years, not complete mastery but a good understanding of how it works.

Being gifted with incredibly powerful telekinesis and some unstable psychic energy, Abel has proved himself to be worth the investment.

As long as he kept calm, he was untouchable. His Telekine Dome was active at all times, making it his most powerful defensive ability. Even though it's incomplete, it's strong enough to stop a tank shell.

Of course, it doesn't only block ranged attacks. If someone invades his personal space, Abel can prevent them from moving, making them completely vulnerable. Anyone that steps within his dome range should just consider themselves dead, should they make the mistake of attempting to close the distance between them.

It isn't omnipotent though, since the range of his dome only has a two meter radius. It's the most he could muster subconsciously at the moment, but it's good enough for now.

Galister however, knew of this. So the sly man figured that the best way to get the drop on Abel was to force them to be in an enclosed space to lower his guard. Thus, the 'boot incident' was made possible.

Abel was also able to understand his 'Brain Burst', (as Galister liked to call it,) better. Abel would implant a small amount of psychic energy inside their heads and force that energy to enlarge. This give us that satisfying 'pop' once it fully expands.

To put it simply, imagine planting a seed inside someone's brain and quickly cultivating it within seconds. It then sprouts inside of that person, pushing their insides around their skull until their brain expands significantly. With so little space to go, the brain will fight against the skull and force it's way out violently.

The World Hero Association is both afraid and amazed by his power since there's quite literally almost no way to prevent it. They don't even know how to tell if it's even going to happen or who it will happen to. The only signs of a brain burst is a headache, but recent reports so that from the splitting migraines from before have now turned into minor headaches.

The brave death row prisoners that Abel was allowed to use his quirk on were ordered to give as much information as possible about what they feel. The Association tried to extract every ounce of knowledge from the them before they unknowingly died.

Thanks to them, the Association could understand how Abel functioned a bit better. It certainly didn't mean that they trusted him enough to allow him to be in the same room with any of the higher ups though, cowardly old men that would throw away the lives of others before their own.

Abel understood this well, but for now, he didn't care. He was indifferent to their cause and their cowardice. The only reason he's sticking with them is because they gave him a purpose and prevented him from being weak. Abel didn't know what he would be doing right now if he wasn't apart of the Association. He didn't even know if he would even be alive without them.

Will he always stay by the World Hero Association's side? Only time will tell...


If you are currently asking yourself 'Shrexy_boi, isn't his dome just a shitty Horizon ope ope no mi Room ripoff?' The answer to that question is fuck you. Watch Astartes Project by Syama Pederson to understand the Telekine Dome better. Abel's dome will eventually be stronger than the ones the Psykers had in that video.

Even with my little peanut sized brain I fully understand that Warhammer far surpasses One Piece in every aspect, especially power wise. Abel's current rank Psyker wise is about high delta level. Since the ranks are a bit confusing and poorly explained in the wiki, I'm going to be using the propaganda version. In that version, it states that a delta psyker can read the minds of all the people in a good-sized town simultaneously, or crush a man to death against a wall in seconds.

It also state that an alpha psyker can turn a man inside-out with a glance, which Abel will eventually be able to do.

Galister is petty, who knew? If you are all wondering about Michael's quirk, imagine it as a very weak version of Delsin Rowe's smoke power. Soon enough, Abel will learn his second discipline through a 'quirk awakening.' Also I've been mulling over about the chaos abilities and have finally decided to leave them out. They are badass and all, but they don't suit Abel very well in my opinion. I'd rather have the basics since those are already op enough for MHA universe.

Shrexy_boicreators' thoughts