
60 Aftermath

As I flew with Kyoka in my hands I saw my classmates and the students of class B being attacked by the villains. Seeing this Kyoka said while pointing at a tree "Haruto, drop us behind that tree and get the other's to safety."

"Will you be alright?"

"I'm a hero course student, of course I'll be fine."

"Aa you say then."

Saying that I set her and Ragdoll down behind the tree and said "Good luck."

"You too." Saying that she started to ran toward where Mandalay is. Just as she left the place a huge sound was heard, and looking at that direction I saw dust rising up. 'So Midoriya fought with Muscular.'

Not minding that I went towards where Fumikage is as I know that the Dark Shadow will be going on a rampage right now.

As I was moving forward I heard Aizawa's permission to engage in combat with the villains, right after that I saw Itsuka and Tetsutetsu going to fight the gas guy. Seeing this I flew over them while leaving some of my feathers there and moved forward where the Dark Shadow is going on a rampage.

Reaching there I saw Mezo with his injured hands hiding. So landed near him, sensing someone near him, he was startled but seeing it was me he sighed and said "We need to revert back Tokoyomi."

"Sure." Saying that I moved forward, where Fumikage is going on a rampage due to Dark Shadow being out of control.

Nearing him I spoke "Dark Shadow, if you don't calm down I won't allow you to play again."

Hearing the voice dark Shadow moved towards him aggressively, but when it heard the last part it calmed down and the control was given back to Fumikage, who looked at Haruto and said "Thanks."

"Take Mezo and find the rest of our classmates and go to the camp."

"Alright, but where are you going?"

"There are three to four Nomu's here. I'm going to take each of them down. Now go."

Nodding to me Fumikage left the place with Mezo. As they left I sent out a dark wave in every direction, and I got the position of one of the Nomu, so I Shadow teleported to it's location and sliced it apart. After that I went after the last two Nomu's, but right after defeating them they were sucked into the mist portal created by Kurogiri. So I went back towards Kyoka by Shadow teleportation, seeing Ragdoll with her I sighed and spoke "Come one let's move."

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I flew, that's how."

Saying that we walked towards the camp, and reaching there I saw, Midoriya all injured lying on the ground crying, Shoto just standing there and Fumikage with Mezo. As I reached near Momo I asked her "What happened?"

"They got Bakugo." Momo said.

As I was about to say something to her, a message was given to us telepathically by Mandalay saying that to regroup at the building.

As we reached there the paramedics and the police were already on scene and they were having a taking reports from the already present students of Class B.

After writing down what they have told them, the police came to write statement from us, and we told them what had happened till now.

As some of the students were injured, the heroes, police and teachers send us to the hospital.

When we reached there Aizawa called me to meet him in a room, so I went there and found out that there were Nezu, All Might in his buffed form, Aizawa and Detective Naomasa. As I entered Aizawa told me to sit down.

After sitting down Nezu asked "Haruto, I know that you could have taken care of the villains easily. So I'm asking you why you didn't?"

"Is this an interrogation?"

"You could say that. But it's unofficial, so whatever you say will stay off the record." Naomasa said.

"Well, to be honest, there were two reasons. One they were after Ragdoll and she was severely injured, you know that from the Pussycats."

"We know that. Kyoka Jiro has stated that you have saved Jiro and also Ragdoll from a Nomu. She also stated that you dealt with the Nomu easily." Naomasa said.

"That's true, but after leaving both of them at a safe place I went back into the forest, on the way I helped two of my classmates and proceeded forward. But, I was met with three more Nomu's. And they had regeneration quirk. So I had to keep them on me instead of letting them go."

"You're saying that there ware four Nomu's in the Forrest?" Aizawa asked me.

"Yes sir. The first time I sensed them I thought they were regular villains, that's why the number of intruders I gave you included them also."

"All right, thank you for the cooperation." Nezu said.

"You're welcome.. "

"Is there anything else?" All Might said.

"I don't know if this will be helpful, but I heard one of the villains talking about something like giving Ragdoll to their master so that he could take her quirk or something."

When they heard that they were startled. Looking at me All Might asked "Are you sure about this? You did hear them talking like that?"

"Yes, so I tagged them with one of my Shadow Bird."

"The one you used to get me the information?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes. As soon as they stop teleporting and stay at a fixed place I can track their location."

"Momo also said that she have planted a tracker on one of the Nomu." Naomasa said.

"Haruto, contact me as soon as you get the location of theirs from you shadows. That's all you can leave." Nezu said.

"Thank you sir." Saying that I left the room.




After Haruto left the room Nezu said "Naomasa, contact heroes as much as you can and divide them to the two locations as soon as we get confirmation. The teachers of U.A. will be taking a press conference as a distraction. Right after that you have to take the window of opportunity and you have to strike. Saving Bakugo is the priority."

"I'm sure All For One is the one behind the League of Villains. So I'll be there in the raid." All Might said.

"Alright, let's do as Principal Nezu said.




-----------Chapter 60 End----------