
world of power

In reality, this was also a source of frustration for Gao Jia. While it was true that Gao Ming's potential was high, it didn't seem to reach the level of a once-in-a-century genius as mentioned by Gao Cai! She was a shrewd person and naturally wouldn't think that Master Caifan was just making things up. Clearly, the supposed potential of ninety-four was just a cover-up; the real value should be even higher.

This only intensified her hostility towards Gao Ming. After all, such high supernatural potential made him a favorable candidate for inheriting the position of the clan leader. There was already someone with lofty ambitions eyeing the position, and now, another threatening rival had entered the picture. This posed a significant threat to her future husband.

Indeed, Gao Ming thought to make things difficult for him. He had just awakened his supernatural abilities, and now he was being challenged. This girl's audacity knew no bounds.

However, in this situation, Gao Ming couldn't afford to weaken his own presence. Gao Cai, the supernatural teacher, had advised him that in the world of supernatural beings, the strong were respected. If one continuously retreated, it would be seen as the weakness of the feeble, earning not sympathy but disdain and mockery. So, a certain level of assertiveness was necessary, but it had to be carefully managed.

This was the fundamental survival strategy in a world where might made right.

"Ah, Miss Gao Jia, you wish to spar with me? Hehe, sure, why not. However, I've been studying here in this training camp for less than ten days. Are you not afraid that rumors of our match will spread, leaving you with a reputation of bullying the weak?"

Gao Ming walked over slowly, his expression calm, seemingly indifferent to Gao Jia's provocation. In the eyes of others, it added an extra layer of mystery.

"Gao Ming, where did you get that from? I only want to exchange a few moves with you. It's not a formal challenge or anything. It's quite normal within the clan. Even if it spreads, it will only be said that I, little sister, am checking your progress these days, hehe~~~~~"

Gao Jia remained unabashed, unyielding.

Wherever one goes, the act of watching a spectacle is a deeply ingrained human behavior. The crowd around, although somewhat disdainful of Gao Jia's shameless words, couldn't help but harbor the thought of seeing this seemingly unfair spar happen sooner rather than later. It would be a visual feast, witnessing the once-in-a-century genius Gao Ming's supernatural potential after studying for less than ten days.

After all, for these people, a supernatural potential of ninety-four was an unreachable level. Now, they could feast their eyes on it. In the future, they could boast about having witnessed it firsthand. "Look, back in the day, I personally saw Master Jie or Supervisor Jie or Grandmaster Jie sparring with someone within the first ten days of awakening."

Gao Xiao also had his own thoughts. He was quite satisfied with Gao Jia's words. At least, she seemed quick-witted and not genuinely brainless. It wasn't a case of charm without intelligence.

Supernatural beings were indeed not easy to deal with. Even the seemingly reckless and arrogant Gao Jia a moment ago now showed a bit of cunning and deceit. Gao Ming couldn't help but feel a headache. Originally, he wanted her to back down, but it seemed she wasn't willing to let him off. Well, since he had just learned the fireball technique not long ago and hadn't tested its effects yet, he could give it a try here.

However, Gao Ming was clearly not Gao Jia's match. So, first and foremost, he had to impose some restrictions on her. Otherwise, if he lost too miserably, it would greatly impact his image.

"Miss Gao Jia, honestly, in my entire life, I've never seen someone with such thick skin as yours. Well, we can have a little spar. I recently learned an offensive supernatural ability—Fireball Technique. I was actually thinking of testing its effectiveness. Since Miss Gao Jia is willing to be my test subject, I reluctantly agree!"

Gao Ming blinked, a faint smile on his face. His tone made it sound like he was reluctantly agreeing.

"What? You've learned the Fireball Technique? How is that possible?"

Gao Jia's expression changed, exclaiming in disbelief. She seemed unable to accept what Gao Ming was saying.

Learning a supernatural ability, especially one involving the basics, in less than ten days was incredible. Everyone present was well-versed in the process of awakening and learning supernatural abilities because they had either gone through it or were currently experiencing it.

Gao Jia's astonishment echoed in the crowd, causing a stir. There were looks of envy, surprise, jealousy, and disbelief. Without a doubt, with just a few words, Gao Ming seized the spotlight and turned the situation around. Although it contradicted his preference for keeping a low profile, it was unavoidable in this situation.

In reality, he had a small concern in his heart—whether he could successfully perform the Fireball Technique on his first attempt. Even someone as scheming and deep-thinking as Gao Xiao couldn't help but show a shocked expression. He vividly remembered the process of learning his first supernatural ability, despite his artificial awakening at the age of three. While he had a high potential, reaching ninety, the age of awakening was still young.

The three years of supernatural ability learning for Gao Xiao involved studying texts and basic knowledge of supernatural abilities in the first two years. Awakeners, regardless of their age, possessed memory and comprehension abilities that surpassed ordinary children. Even though he was just a little over three years old at the time, he completed learning all the characters and basic knowledge of supernatural abilities in two years. However, when he started learning the foundational Body Refinement Technique, it took a whole half month to complete the first cycle of attribute energy refinement. As for his first supernatural ability, the initial dark-element attack ability called "Dark Corrosion," it took more than a month to arrange the corrosion characteristics of dark energy.

Although he was young, age was not a barrier for supernatural ability users. On the Supernatural Ability Continent, there were plenty of young supernatural experts. In the Gao clan, there were even practitioners younger than ten, and when it came to the level of supernatural warriors, they were quite abundant.

It wasn't that Gao Xiao had a poor comprehension of supernatural abilities; rather, this was a common phenomenon. Only those born with a natural affinity for supernatural abilities could quickly master their first ability. However, such individuals were extremely rare, just like those naturally inclined toward combat consciousness—both were exceptional cases. Therefore, for most people, learning their first supernatural ability required a significant amount of time and effort. Yet, once the first ability was mastered, subsequent ones became easier.

So, when Gao Xiao heard that Gao Ming had already learned the Fireball Technique, his heart trembled. Could Gao Ming be a natural prodigy when it came to supernatural abilities? How many miracles had Gao Ming yet to reveal? Gao Xiao couldn't help but smile wryly at the thought.