
Methuselan Blood

"What is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone dare approach me?" Alice thought as she sat on her desk. She always finds herself alone. "Open your eyes" "Who are you?" Alice exclaimed at the person who appeared before her. The tall handsome man gave her a stoic expression. It wasn't long before she notice after pondering for a while that it was only a dream. She was back again on her desk. She observed her classmates enjoying what was left of the fifteen minute break. They were all happy, chatting, sharing food, playing video games, simply socializing. She rarely speaks to her classmates because of the fact that they would only acknowledge her when they work on a group project, or a team building, saying what she needed to say, after what was requested of her to do or to accomplish, after exchanging thoughts with others in that certain group, she would just be ignored again like she is clearly invisible. It wasn't just with her classmates it was the same with other people, with an exception, her family. Alice wasn't anyone special. She wasn't a very intelligent student, not an athlete, she doesn't have a golden voice, she was completely devoid of talents, sometimes she even thought she doesn't exist. Alice could blend perfectly in the crowd though, it's a dominant trait of hers that she is perfectly aware of. One incident happened though,,,

Valkyrie_me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs


I sighed. I looked ahead from the long glass table and its empty chairs.

It was 7 in the evening when I found out that Willow was sent to another errand. He left a note outside my room saying he prepared some food for me, using the map I was able to go downstairs and found the dining hall without any trouble.

The meal was good. I finished everything that was served on the table.

I stared at the dome above me, a large crystal chandelier was hanged on the ceiling enough to provide the room with the necessary light. There were also paintings there on the high ceiling I noticed they were depicting a great feast on the same table such as where I sat right now. There were beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen seated enjoying the feast.

Regal suddenly popped into my mind. I lowered my head. He was away again.

I stood up from my seat and placed the dishes in the kitchen. After washing the eating utensils and the plates I dried them up for a few minutes using a clean towel before placing them back in the cupboard. I might get clumsy at times especially when I'm surrounded by glass so, I went to my room before I break anything in a blink of an eye.

I didn't have the chance to talk to him about the incident that occurred recently and I don't intend to. It seems like it was not my business, after all, to meddle with whatever he has before. I respect his privacy.

I busied myself inside the library. My map safely placed in my pocket. The room inside was round with a high ceiling it has an awfully filled with books.

Books that date to earlier years all of them in hardbound and some modern books in another isle neatly placed in gigantic shelves that was built-in with the wall a wide space was allotted at the center where an oblong-shaped wooden table was placed, at the back portion was an empty passageway leading to more shelves in a larger curve as it follows the shape of the room.

There are rolling wooden stairs attached to the shelves to reach the uppermost part of the shelf.

All the reading materials were well taken cared of. This library was different from other libraries. I kept looking for a single entity that I always found in the libraries that I have been into, its none other than, dust. I found not a speck, not in a single book. Willow seems to be cleaning anything whenever he was inside the house.

In another section, I found shelves full of novels. I ran my fingers on every spine of the book I happen to pass as I choose. Scanning the novels on the shelves I saw a book entitled "Crater's moon" might I try reading a book of this genre I told myself.

The library has four floors. I have never been in the third and fourth floor it was dark there I never bothered to take a step on the third floor it seems it was restricted, there was a locked door thereafter landing at the top of the stairs which stopped my curiosity of whatever was inside maybe more books since its a library after all.

Not a moment too soon I felt my eyelids heavy. I stood up. I can't sleep here. I went out of the library. I took my glasses and pressed my nose bridge. Placing my glasses on I walked on to the corridor.

There was no rain that night but outside its completely freezing. The cold was tolerable inside the mansion though, it never failed to chill my hands.

Passing through the corridor with just the burning candles on the candle holders placed in a neat line on either side of each wall makes me cringe at shadows as I was passing by.

Is Willow back from work? Or did Regal arrive? Wait. It wouldn't seem that Regal would light candles in the corridors the picture doesn't suite him right, he's probably tired.

I better not disturb him. Who lit the candles? Maybe Willow.

I heard something behind me like a cold whisper, making the hairs at my nape stand. It might be my imagination but hurriedly I walked to my room, or almost ran rather, with my map clutched in my shaking hand.

I entered my room, the fireplace was crackling with fire, so Willow was back. I went to the bathroom to take a warm bath.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was afraid the wind would suddenly burst into the room again blowing out all the light away. The fear of the dark is very common with people. Looks like mine is a bit worse, fear turns to phobia when it exceeds so much fear than necessary.

Fear is not so bad, not at all, as it can save you in seconds at the sense of danger but, never ever let it consume you otherwise, you will drown in it, choking you, and pulling you to your death.

I covered myself with a thick blanket. I was such a chicken. Although I know I was not alone in the mansion my imagination keeps on bugging me. What more monstrous and hideous monsters would my mind produce? I went out of the blanket gasping.

It's hard to breathe in there. Throwing the blanket away from me I stood up and add firewood to the hearth making sure that it lightens the room and it would be enough to last until morning.

Mornings here are not that different from the night as the sky was dark and the rain was always pouring and if I'm lucky enough tomorrow, the rain might stop but the snow would instead fall. Willow was right. I could really miss the sun rays around here. My feet were in contact with the floor, I feel like stepping out in the snow barefooted.

I went back to my bed and decided to count some sheep.

"One sheep in the field, two sheep nearby all in all you have three!..."

After an hour and a half....

"309th sheep in the field, two sheep nearby, all in all, you have a 312th"

I don't feel sleepy enough. Should I change tactics? I stood up on the bed. The bed was wide enough for me to sleep on my own, that sometimes it feels lonely. I sighed. I should really sleep before I think of unnecessary things.

I jumped when I heard the windows creak, its hinges tested by the sudden strong gust of wind. This time the window didn't give away.

Which gave me an idea. I jumped on the bed again. This should make me weary in no time. I keep on jumping on the bed laughing. This is much more enjoyable than counting sheep that made me even more alert as I was solving simple mathematical equations nevertheless they are equations designed to make one awake, counting sheep doesn't work for me.

The bed was so bouncy and soft that I was hoisted a few feet while jumping.

Singing a song from a band I heard from the radio I started to imagine the bed was a stage and in front of me was a large crowd, taking pictures and singing with my song during the concert using a hairbrush as a microphone.

I got carried away a bit. Pointing my finger at the imaginary crowd and enjoying my jumping as much as possible. Suddenly my microphone disappeared from my hand.

I stopped in a flat tone when the hairbrush slipped from my hand and landed on the empty vase near the window like a pitcher from a baseball game I was able to hit the vase with the hairbrush, slowly it shook in place and in a second, the vase landed on the floor crashing instantly into tiny pieces my eyes widened and my breath stopped.

The vase, it broke! What would I tell Regal?! I placed the hairbrush away as it landed at the foot of the bed carefully picking it up not getting out of bed as the shards of porcelain now scattered across the room and I immediately went back to bed. This is what I have been saying, about me being around fragile things.

Anxiety starts to build up in my chest, I can't help thinking about the vase. Maybe it held too much value as it was, as I've heard from Regal, an antique. Almost all of the things around here are. They might be even older than me for millennia or two.

I was really tired of jumping that even with my anxiousness I really fell asleep.


The next day I was out of my room before Willow would call me for breakfast.

I saw him walking in the corridor towards my room. He gave me the most common courtesy in the house which was a bow.

"You seem to be able to wake up early milady is there something you want to do before breakfast?" He said anxiously. I'm not allowed to do any work here. That was what Willow said, the order came from Regal of course.

Flashback (4 weeks ago after I came into this mansion ):

One time I found a mop, bucket, and cloth used for wiping in a small room where the cleaning materials were kept. I decided to clean my room as it got dirty when bits of food from my snacks had landed on the floor.

Willow was away at that time. Regal was furious when he saw me cleaning. I never saw him angry like that, he was stoic at that time but his silent treatment was overrated. Willow cried in front of me when he came back from work. He said wasn't he good enough to clean and tidy up the room, I thought I could help you I told him. He gave me a sympathetic look but sobbed harder than before. It seems he doesn't want me to meddle with his work as a servant in this house. I apologized to him but he said I didn't have any fault on this and if there was anyhow a fault, it was his. He ran away from the room saying he was so ashamed of himself crying in front of a lady that he must go I tried to stop him but he disappeared out to the door.

Willow was the fastest to move on though, he was back to his normal self when he served dinner he even baked me my favorite custard cake.

I would never forget the moment when Regal found me, on the other hand. I was mopping the floor when I was startled by his presence he was standing in the doorway then without warning the window panes broke all at once, the broken glasses flying in all directions,  the sound was so horrible to listen to. I was able to duck on the floor behind the couch, I crawled my way out of the room when I felt Regal lift me up taking my arm and making me stand I was petrified.

Without saying a word Regal dragged me to his room and locked the door. He didn't talk to me but he called someone on the telephone I bet it was Willow he told him to clean up my room. I was so afraid to speak a word. He avoided my eyes all the time. He just locks me up with him the whole day. It was horrible it has been a long day, he doesn't even utter a word to me for three days, and I was distracted whenever he was around me for a week. The time came for me to end all of this awkwardness when I had finally the courage to say sorry to him when he had breakfast with me one morning.

I was stuttering all the time. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and was silent for a moment, I lowered my eyes blinking a small number of tears away as I am saving it for later.

When he spoke though that made me look up at him.

"No" he coldly replied.

He sighed and looked away.

"I'm the one who should be sorry, for forcing you to adjust to this kind of life"

I thought he left only to find him standing beside me, he leaned down and kissed my forehead before bidding me goodbye, he has still some matters to attend to in Vorytheridia.

Before I could respond to him he was gone. I played what he said in my head a couple of times so that I could fully process what just happened.

End of flashback

"Actually Willow, I have something to confess to you," I said scratching my head. There sure is.

He looked at my hand rubbing at my hair. The look was likely uneasy. So my other hand swatted it out of impulse. I should educate myself to be more ladylike. For the deal, I have agreed to do. For Regal.

Willow must never have seen a girl like me in this house that, he must have been in shock.

Willow gave me an apologetic smile with all earnest and asked.

"What is it milady?"

"Um, I-I broke something inside my room, an antique vase, I didn't m-mean to," I told him my breath ceased at the moment.

"I will see to it that it should be  cleaned before you return, my lady, should I escort you downstairs?" He said without even considering what I broke is something very valuable.

I think I should pay for that...

"That won't be necessary Willow, you see I have a grave offense last night, I broke something very valuable," I twiddled my fingers behind my back. How much would it be?

"Not as valuable as your worth" I heard THAT voice. We haven't spoken with each other since princess Citherindine had visited the mansion.

Regal stood behind me. I slowly turned around to face him.

"Good morning Alice" his voice firm and cold but it somehow gives me that sense of calmness, my doubt earlier was replaced with assurance.

"G-good morning, Regal" I hesitatingly greeted back.

Now I wish I could just disappear.

"Young master" Willow gave him a bow.

"Willow, I will be accompanying her downstairs to breakfast, consider your work done," he said before turning on his heels.

I followed behind him. Silently we walked to the dining hall. I was surprised when he stopped and took my hand in his without looking at me and continued walking.

His hands were cool and soft and his fingers were slender compared to mine, I can't help but notice that he held me very lightly. I looked at his back while we walked he was wearing a dark coat and a hat and another set of clothes I've seen in movies or in books, clothes of a noble gentleman, sometimes I think this is all a dream everything is not true, what is the truth then? he was too fictional to be real. Regal must've returned not a while ago snow was thinly spread on his shoulders which started to melt due to the warm temperature in the mansion.

We arrived downstairs and the curtains in the hall were surprisingly drawn away from the large windows. The snow was constantly falling outside, and everything was once again covered in white, the fluffy snowfall could be seen for the sun has peeked out of the heavy gray clouds though, I didn't know how much time the sun could last.

He took off his cloak and his hat and went to sit beside me, my eyes widened.

While I'm eating silently I can sense he was watching me. I wasn't used to being stared at, the feeling makes me uneasy. I never thought he would sit beside me this time. Usually, he would be sitting at the other end of the table as I do when he didn't have anything to talk to. So this time he surely has something to say.

"I apologize for breaking the vase," I told him as I leaned on my back on the chair to properly look at him.

He just stared at me and smirked.

"So, how did you break it?" He asked tapping his fingers lightly on the glass table with his left hand waiting for my answer.

"It was an accident," I felt my face heating up. How should I explain that last night I turned my room into a grand stadium where I held an imaginary concert.

I saw him smile ever so slightly.

Then he returned passively again and eyed me suspiciously.

I imagined the things I did last night, as it played back on my mind my face heated up as twice as before.

While he drinks his glass of wine he looked at me his searing gaze landed on my eyes.

I took my gaze away. His beautiful emerald eyes never fail to make me sigh silently. I drink my glass of orange juice when I looked at him, his chair was empty.

"Don't be burdened with what you see or what you hear from now on," Regal was standing behind my seat.

"Citherindine is part of my past and she will stay that way, the future I have now is up to the both of us, when I am to be king and I find the truth behind your identity and your family that would be the end of our deal, it is your choice if you would wish to stay in my world or not" he said his voice was slowly fading away.

He's giving me a choice?

"What about the Order of the Rosette?" I asked.

"I know you'll going to be sad in this dark world of mine, that's one thing I can't bear to see," he said his voice clear but distant I didn't dare turn around.

"Classes will begin tomorrow morning, I already told Willow to pack your things, We will be leaving tonight," he said.

Why so sudden? Sipping the cool orange juice I calmed my nerves, this news means I will finally get to know people. It made my throat numb all of a sudden.

"And Alice next time please refrain yourself from jumping on the bed with the hairbrush we don't want to lose any more of those porcelain vases," I could sense the humor in his voice. I coughed and place the drinking glass on the table.

Just how did he know?😨

I tried to refrain from coughing but my gag reflex was ever working so nicely. Finally, I stopped and took the table napkin to wipe my lips.

"I don't mind of course but we don't want Willow to go all the way to China and purchase genuine crafts these days as they are utterly hard to find, and no one would be left to tend the house as we are to go to school, rest now my queen" then the I turned to the voice, but he wasn't there any longer.