
Methuselan Blood

"What is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone dare approach me?" Alice thought as she sat on her desk. She always finds herself alone. "Open your eyes" "Who are you?" Alice exclaimed at the person who appeared before her. The tall handsome man gave her a stoic expression. It wasn't long before she notice after pondering for a while that it was only a dream. She was back again on her desk. She observed her classmates enjoying what was left of the fifteen minute break. They were all happy, chatting, sharing food, playing video games, simply socializing. She rarely speaks to her classmates because of the fact that they would only acknowledge her when they work on a group project, or a team building, saying what she needed to say, after what was requested of her to do or to accomplish, after exchanging thoughts with others in that certain group, she would just be ignored again like she is clearly invisible. It wasn't just with her classmates it was the same with other people, with an exception, her family. Alice wasn't anyone special. She wasn't a very intelligent student, not an athlete, she doesn't have a golden voice, she was completely devoid of talents, sometimes she even thought she doesn't exist. Alice could blend perfectly in the crowd though, it's a dominant trait of hers that she is perfectly aware of. One incident happened though,,,

Valkyrie_me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs


My heart was beating very fast like it was doing  tap dance. Shut up heart! I have to get over this. I keep on telling myself that what happened earlier with me and Regal falling down the bed was actually an accident.

Stiffly I went out of the closet, walking awkwardly across the room. I stopped a few feet from the bed and was surprised, Regal was still there sitting on the bed with legs crossed and his arms folded on his chest.

As soon as I got out of the closet he spoke to me.

"I apologize for entering your room without your permission, I thought you were ready to leave, did I embarrassed you?"

"No" I blurted out without even thinking. I sounded so defensive so I cleared my throat.

"No" I repeated.

"It was an accident, I've got clumsiness issues but no harm done"  I said in a less defensive tone my face heating up.

"Actually, I fell asleep the whole afternoon and I woke up at around five  I'm the one who should be sorry" I explained.

Regal just stared at me passively. Without any reply he took his phone from his pocket and dialled some numbers on the screen.

"Cancel the time of flight, we leave tonight around quarter to six in the evening" Regal said as he hung up.

He stood up and walked towards me and took my arm holding it with his long white slender fingers. He lead me to another doorway and let me sat on the sofa. He took an upholstered chair facing me.

" I want to know why you want to go home?" Regal asked.

"I want to see my family" I answered as simple and as truthful as that.

Regal didn't have any reaction when he heard what I said. He sat looking at me passively it was almost five seconds before he spoke again.

"Alright, it seems reasonable for me to allow you, but I would only give you 10 minutes before we leave"

Before I could ask him why, he took my arm again and before I know it we were already downstairs. I was about to argue with him regarding the time limit but I heard him say,

"We better leave now, we ride ten minutes to the airport" he told me.

It made me wonder, this island has an airport? You mean he has a personal airport? Just who exactly is this guy?

Crossing the huge wide hallway, looking above, the dome, it was dark but I saw a gigantic glass chandelier gleaming to the faint light from the large windows on the either side of the hall. The huge door was open ahead, getting closer to it I noticed it was tall and humongous it was made of thick solid wood.

Willow was  standing beside the door holding a key. He gave it to Regal.

"Thank you Willow, we be off now" he said.

Willow bowed at us. What was parked in front of the mansion was a stylish midnight black car, a Mercedes, never thought I would see one in real life and this close, I only saw them up close on magazines.

My eyes wondered ahead and saw a much beautiful scenery there was a grand fountain, too bad the water was not splashing about, the frost was bad this evening. The magnificent glens and the trees lined neatly beside the main road toward the gateway, there are strong gigantic white pillars surrounding the front part of the mansion which was perfectly arranged in a grand formation lined from the entrance gate ending with a meticulous curve at the threshold of the mansion. He opened the car door for me I went inside and sat on the comfortable seat.

I heard his seatbelt clicked, I turned around to see he was already in the car. I placed my seatbelt on. I'm sure I still have many things to know about this guy.

Regal drives very smoothly that I couldn't hear the engine running, it was quiet as we sped away. The space outside the mansion was magnificent though all I can see was white because of the snow fall but I can make out the beautiful landscapes around.

I was overwhelmed with everything thinking what would I tell parents about my early and sudden engagement, I felt the warm temperature in the car then my eyelids turned heavy, with all my might, I fought the urge to take a nap, I looked up at the foggy window at my side watching the images that blur outside but then, after a while everything was tuned out.

I dreamed of voices, I was aware I'm dreaming but I can't seem to wake up its as if there's an invisible hand pulling me into my subconscious. There were voices coming from different persons. I couldn't see anything though. I tried everything I can to at least take a glimpse but, I saw nothing like I was blind and concealed in darkness.


".....Let her grow up....."

"....But keep her distant..."

"....to be safe..."

"...I beg of you..."

"...spare her..."



Then there came agonizing terrifying horrible screams of torment.

"Alice" I heard Regal calling me.

I was able to open my eyes. Touching my forehead as I felt my head throbbed inside with a lingering deep pain. I calmed down and pressing my lips together after heaving a sigh.

I turned around to face him my eyes still sleepy. He stared at me for a second with his ever passive expression.

"Why are you crying?" He asked in a serious tone as he drives now looking at the road ahead.

I was surprised. I didn't noticed tears were flowing down my cheeks. Wiping them away I sat up straight and looked up the road ahead as he did.

"I dreamed about the voices again" I told him this time hanging on to the freshly details of the dream before it disappear into my subconscious.

He looked at me in a moment and returned his gaze back to the road.

"It was hard to distinguish between the many voices as they were mixed with each other like they were some poor radio frequency, someone telling someone to hide as if they were in grave danger, but the danger found them and a woman shouted to run, what's more trifling is that I heard my name" I stopped, exhausted suddenly from recalling what I dreamed, and the pain in my head reoccurred again. 

As he didn't said anything I leaned my head at the back of the black seat.

"When are you going to tell me your head still hurts?" my head snapped at him. I'm quite sure I didn't told him about the pain I feel after dreaming of these voices.

He asked me wearing a cold smile on his face as he looked at me. A smile that could make anyone flinch from their seats.

"The p-pain..." I stuttered to say as his eyes scrutinized my face. I felt he's checking if I was saying the truth.

"....should be gone in a few seconds, I'm quite alright, nothing to be worried about" I told him but he was still looking at me with such watchful eyes I have to look away. I was drawn to his eyes. I don't know why. Those beautiful bright green irises. My head throbbed in pain again.

"If you want me to at least give you the attention you deserve, you should at least tell me what you feel" he said in a cold tone. He suddenly revved the car off road with a sudden turn.

My hands clutched both sides of the seat. When we halted. I looked at him. Did I upset him?

"What was that..." I stopped mid sentence as he leaned his forehead on mine.

He remained silent, eyes closed with his composed expression. His face in close proximity.

"Regal?" I muttered.

"Hmm?" He replied as he smiled genuinely still with eyes closed. It made my mind go blank for a moment. What is this effect he has on me? 

"Were gonna be late" I reminded him. My face burning hot.

He chuckled.

"We have all the time we need now, calm down, it could lessen the pain" he uttered.

So I shut up and tried to focus on the low hum of the engine closing my eyes as the pain surprisingly subsided. He has this effect on me that makes me jittery at times but on the other hand he makes me feel safe and calm.

Then I remembered something that I would've told him in the first place.

"Ummm... Regal, this is my first time riding a plane"


The private airport was just as big as any airports I've seen. It was already dark when we arrived, the lights were on and the terminal was delicately made of glass. The place was also built out of the modern world technology.

A group of people wearing white uniforms greeted us as we passed by the entrance of the terminal. He greeted them back with a nod and dragged me behind him as he felt me stop on my tracks. We were silent as we entered the jet bridge.

When we were inside the plane a stewardess served us supper. I ate a lot, the food was delicious. Regal opted for the fruits served while I ate everything that was offered.

As the private plane took off Regal went to talk to the pilot. I was left alone to ponder on my thoughts especially the explanation I would give my parents. I looked at the window and watched the clumps of smoke which appeared to be thin sheets of clouds.

"Don't you want to go back to sleep?"

I turned around only to find Regal already seated at the center of the wide couch reading a book.

"No, I'm good" I raised my glass of milk up at him.

My favorite hobby was sleeping but this time I didn't feel like it, I was having strange dreams I don't understand. Sometimes I can't see anything, I just hear some voices who's conversation I can't remember when I wake up. There came a turbulence making the lights inside flicker, the plane shook a little making me a bit dizzy. Regal gave me a calm look. So I didn't panicked. The turbulence lessened and in a few seconds the plane was back again in a good shape.

I placed the empty glass on top of the table. He went back to his reading. I looked at the window once again and wondered aimlessly thinking about things.


We landed on top of a huge building somewhere in Cerule city. I don't recognize these places because I don't travel that much. There are two  people waiting for us as escorts, they were tall and covered in black uniform like the one I saw in a RoboCop movies, they guided us down the building silently. There was a silver tinted Jaguar waiting for us outside.

"What time is it?" I asked Regal as he opened the car door for me.

"2 am" he answered.

We were driving away from the city to the highway when he asked for the address, I told him my address and he pressed some buttons  on the touchpad in front of the car maybe he used the GPS. Then he tuned up the music.

It's good to be back. I sighed. Farther and farther we went, the road and the places outside is getting familiar by the minute. I was excited and a smile drew on my lips.

When I saw some houses and buildings I grew tired of passing everyday when I go to school I knew I was very close from home and it didn't took long enough when the car stopped, without waiting for him to open the car door I flung myself into the streets. My smile disappeared.

The warm house that I always returned to, was abandoned, and it looked old, wood creaks as the wind blows on its old broken windows, no lights were emitted from the inside. Signifying no one was there. It was empty.