

As I head inside the HQ, some member aren't too bothered. Seems like Locke didn't tell the others. I mean Its not like I did anything wrong or betrayed my gang. But as I walked in, in hall I see an old foe.

"Ethan Pride, good to see you again" said Jay.

"You're still alive I see, I thought by now you'd be dead. But I'm not surprised, after all you went complete robo" I said.

"Sometimes we just have to evolve, being human is a weakness" said Jay.

"Does that include you?" I asked.

"I am a better me, I feel even more alive than ever" Jay replied.

Jay was 40 year old before he went complete metal, he had a full black hair and mustache. Was an ex marine, served for 20 years. After that, he suffered from PTSD after losing the closest friends he had. He started overdosing and killing people on the streets from anger and depression. But now he doesn't do much fighting after his transformation.

"You used to be such an honorable man, then a fucked up cunt, but now.. you're just a disappointment" I said.

"You think I've lost my humanity, you'll understand one day, evolving is more than just having humanity. Once you know you can preserve things you value the most, that is the moment you rise over the world" Jay said.

"Alright whatever metal head, I ain't got time for your corny speeches" I said as I kept on walking by.

Everyone.. with their stupid ass dreams, way of life. Can't they understand, there is no value in we do, every choice we make, its a fate that we simply cannot avoid.

I walked into Locke's room, and there hes sitting on his couch smoking like usual. He seemed pretty chill, almost as if hes got nothing to lose, or isn't afraid of me. Maybe he just crazy as everyone else.

"Did you bring your suit?" Locke asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting used to it" I replied.

"Don't get too comfy, your brain is only running on 500 watts. Soon it'll be millions, but lets hope you make it before 1000." Locke said.

"You really are trying to kill me aren't ya?" I said.

"Like I said, you just got lucky. But lets go over the plan." Locke says.

Locke begins explaining what the next step was, first it was to take down the Tusk faction, the Tusk is the 2nd biggest clan, while the Fang are the first, and the birds third, and crows last. He wanted to start small, then hit Fang. Crow wasn't a problem to him apparently, but after being told that crow were the one that ordered the suit, I'm a little skeptic.

"The tusk main base has 20 floors, fully guarded. And I should warn you, they have one of those old Mecha-combat suit, so that will be a trouble. But as long as you disable their coms and plant heavy explosive bombs below it. The whole building will fall down." Locke explained.

"You think just because we destroy their building means we get rid of them?" I ask.

"Not really, I don't want to get rid of them, I need to weaken them. It's like getting stabbed in the heart or having your spine broken. Sure you'll live, but you'll never be normal as you were. And like I said, I need to rise in power again." Locke replied.

He began filling me more on the plan and details, and he said he'll send me a group of team working with me.