

Jay Day (This is Jay POV by the way)

Bird gangs were being blazed, killed left and right. I walk into the hallway, there bullet would clash onto me, the absent flesh I once wore would've killed me. But I learned to Evolve. To be strong is to know your weakness and altering your body to its apex form.

I dashed through the hall way, using 2 hand shot gun that would pierce through C.M.S armored. I would move so fast, they wouldn't have time to react. I was reaching 20mph.. 30mph.. and getting faster each time I exert myself. I took down the whole squad of C.M.S in the hall way. You could only see blood and fleshes everywhere.

"YEAHH! FUCK EM UP!" Yelled one of the bird member.

I began heading outside, there stood more C.M.S member. And there I spot one of the person Ethan was fighting.

"Dion.." I said.

"Hello there, looks like you and I aren't so different" Dion said.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with" I said before fighting him.

Meanwhile Bronco and Vronco are out of the building, seeking haven in another place. I have no idea about Locke and Daniel, but after I take him down, I'll blow away this whole army. Even If I die, it'll buy some time...

"Too slow" Dion yelled as he gets behind my back and throwing a right hook to the side of my face. I raised both of my arm with 2 Hand shotgun, shooting 5 times. It would not injured Dion, but push him back 2 meters away.

"Seems like you need weapons to fight" Dion taunts.

"No, I just want to blow your brain out" I said calmly.

We began clashing with each other, he would keep on punching while I kept shooting him.

"Don't forget, I've got more lives than you!" Dion yells to assert dominance with his fueled ego.

We were moving so fast, C.M.S didn't intervene our fight. Dashing left and right, dodging from above and below. The ground was breaking and shaking, shockwave could be felt as we clashed. I was running out of shells, but Dion body looked like it was tearing apart.

"Not so fast" He yelled before throwing a sharp straight punch in my chest. But it looked like he used his finger, he then released some electrical current throughout my body which began slowing me down and frying my body. Then he began beating me as my body was shutting down for a moment. Little did he know, I was more than a robot.

As I rebooted, I grabbed Dion's right arm and broke it apart. And send him flying a kick against the building of the Birds. Dions dashes back and tries shutting me down again, but I slam him down on the ground before he could grab me. Regardless, I would've just reboot again.

"Tell me, how many lives do you have?" I said coldly.

"This isn't over, unfortunately I won't be able to kill you yet" said Dion.

"Obviously" I said as my arm is holding him against the cracked grounds.

As I held him on the ground, there approach a group of members in black suit. The one in the center was a female, white hair, black trench coat. She was holding some kind of square like handle of a gun without the top.

"Crow members, they're here" Dion said frightenedly.

The bird gang was inside the building watching as I defeated Dion, and they came out believing the fight was over. But unfortunately the fight had just begun.

"Yeah!! We can win this! These fuckers can't stand a chance!" yelled one the gang member and another as all of them began coming out the building.

"Wait! Get back!" I yelled just before one of the member in black suit goes pass me and begins cutting up all the Bird member in just 5 seconds. If was almost like they were moving faster than light.

I tried fighting him, but the crow member dodged so fast. His sword looked like something from a mmo rpg video game. It was sharp thin and long, like a katana but wider. We both would start fighting each other, he held better speed but my durability was more powerful. But as we fought, he began damaging my body.

"Just what kind of weapon do you possess" I said.

"He's not allowed to talk" said the female crow member.

"And your name?" I asked.

"Ramia, I also go by the black butterfly" she replies.

The black butterfly, I've heard of that before. There was a myth about the person who used to work for the U.S special ops, but that was a male. Unlike Ramia, the others wore mask. These guys were almost like knights, except stylish.

I sprinted forward to her, if I can take out the leader I can beat the rest. But in a flash of my eyes, my right arm was gone.

"Huh..." I said.

"These crows member are bad news, I need to get out of here before they start questioning me" said Dion.

There she stood with my arm, not even using a weapon.. she was powerful. She had to be genetically modified or a cyborg. I tried attack again but I couldn't land a single punch, she then punches me right in the chest.

"AGHH!" I grunted.

"Huh? Aren't you a robot?" Ramia asked.

"Sure..." I said unemotionally.

I got up and kept trying to chase her, I began over over 100 mph, the whole area would shake and cause a broken sound barrier. But still I could not catch her, and she would land more attacks on me. Despite the durability I possess, I could not withstand her strength and she still isn't using weapon. My body began losing energy.. If only I had Ethans armor. The S.I.A.. its strong enough to withstand a nuke, analyzed the future, and even defy certain laws.

Damnit what am I doing, I can't think about something I can't do at the moment.. wait .. what's happening, I'm losing vision. Damn. Am I dying, fuck.. I don't want to die yet. Wait.. what am I fighting for..-oh right, I need to evolve, we need to evolve. I can't stand weakness, it feels like my old self all over again. I have to evolve.. evolve.. evolve...

"Look's like you're going brain dead" said Ramia.

"No.." I said softly as I stood standing with my arms suspending down.

I remember the time when I saw a bird fall out of its nest, it couldn't do anything but cry for help. I didn't do anything as I watched it, I thought the only way to be the best version of yourself is accepting pain and doing it by yourself. 10 minutes later, it was snatched by a snake. It just wasn't fair, the baby bird couldn't fly, the snake could move faster and had fangs. Why couldn't the bird protect itself.

What am I even doing.. I can't stand here spewing fucking dumb fucking shit. I'm not dying in this shit hole, I still want to live.

"This is the end for you, your body will be a useful device to my boss" said Ramia unemotionally.

"No...NOT YET!!" I shouted before resuming my fight against Ramia. With one arm, I kept trying to kill her, using all my energy and body. Exerting myself until I can no longer function, until what it means to be greater than you know.

"You're doing nothing but acting like a wild beast" said Ramia.

She punches me 5 more times, my body starts breaking apart. You could see parts coming out, and pieces of metal chipping out.

At that moment, I had thought about was knowing I lost to someone who was more... evolved. I wasn't satisfied, I still wanted to live, I wished I could rule the world for 1 day.. I started having memories, my past friends, squads, my time in service... why am I remembering these, is it regret?

"huh...?" I said softly.

Ramia unleashes her sword of the shape of a tip of a arrow but more tinner and longer. It was black and red, it would strike my neck and decapitate me and though my spirit fighting remained, my life vanishes with my regrets.

"See ya later old friend" said Daniel as he watches from the roof top and retreats as well.

Kayla runs out from the back as he witness the death of Jay.

Bronco and Vronco saw the whole thing through Jays eyes.

"Locke.. you there? Ethan! Hello?" Bronco called Locke and Ethan as Jay had just been killed by one of the crow members.

"Everyone, retreat to our base, make sure nobody follows you" said Kayla.


Ethan Pride (Ethans pov)

"Scarla! Scarla! Where are you?!" I shouted as I entered her house.

Her place was trashed, I couldn't spot her. She was taken by C.M.S, or Tusk, or Crows..

"Fuck!" I shouted.

I got a call from Scarla's phone, I answered.

"Ethan Pride, you want your girl? Meet me here" said the unknown called as he sends me the address to the place he wants me.

"The fuck you want? If you hurt her, I will fucking blow your brains out you hear me?" I threatened.

"I suggest you watch your mouth, or your boss Locke and girlfriend will die" he said.

I wasn't sure how Locke was captured, I thought he had escaped. But now they got 2 hostage.. and I need Locke alive because he has the antidote for Scarla. I agreed to come to the address but I needed to prepared myself.