
Mission Prototype S.I.A 1011

November 9, 2030. It's time to initiate our plan. Shipment is almost here, just 5 miles away. We attack in 40 minutes after shipment passes across our root without interference.

"Alright guys, its almost time. Remember wait for the other gang to make their first move, then we attack from behind. And beware of C.M.S" I said.

"Don't worry, these suckers don't have the skills like we do!" Roger said confidently.

"Sure, but don't forget what happen to the other guys on our last mission" I said.

"Oh uh you mean Dago and Lex? Maybe we shouldn't bring fathers and daughters to our job" Roger said.

"That mission was a bust anyways, but focus on the mission" I said.

I stood by a building, the shipment is 10 minutes away from us. Roger is pretending to drive around the city until I need his support. Cha is 10 miles away from us, he is scouting our surroundings, and nearby factions. When the truck passes by, I'll get on my motorcycle, this baby is the best of the best. 2 sub machine gun in frontal side, a hook on the main front that can travel to its pin pointed target on its own. Can go faster than 500mph, and highly durable.

"Truck moving in now, move in now" Cha said.

"Alright boys, I'll be at the given destination. Make sure my back is clear" I said.

I started getting on my bike, but then suddenly 6 unknown guys just appeared in motors as well.

"Shit, what the fuck? Tusk member?" I said.

"Not sure, keep tails on them. They were in disguise I'm assuming" Cha said.

The unknown member began following the truck, and one of the member pulled out a hyper-laser cutter, it could cut into a certain object in different shapes. Though the truck trailer was bullet proof, it could not withstand high treasure heat.

They began cutting it into a large square shape, then suddenly I made my move. First I took out my hand gun, it was an custom gun I made. A hole for a laser, a hole that can shoot explosive bullet, and a hole that held 500 rounds from special made nano bullets.

I used the explosive bullet, taking out their bike first. 2 down, 4 to go. Then I used my bike sub-machine gun and took out then next 2. 3 Left, and they returned fire. As I maneuver my way to avoid getting shot, I return some rounds too. Though these thugs were experiences, they lacked skills and hard work. So I took them all out and began to reach the interior of the trailer.

"Ethan, you got a car behind you" Cha said.

The car was equipped with 2 large mini guns installed in the front before it revealed itself. Then it began shooting, but I sped up and went in front of the truck. I looked back and noticed there was no driver. The car began speeding forward till it saw me. But I just blasted an explosive bullet to its right windshield, and all you could see were the pieces of raw flesh.

"Ethan hurry up, police have been alerted" Cha said.

"Alright, looks like I'll just do it the hard way" I said."

I fired my explosive bullets to the trucks each wheel. The truck began spinning out of control and flipping to its side. I got off my bike, went to sprint inside the trailer. I notice the device, its in a suit case. I grabbed it but then I heard..

"This is C.M.S, surrender now or we will use fire power" said one of the C.M.S member.

"Shit! Cha get me the fuck out of here, disable their communication!" I yelled.

"Can't, they're optimized with the toughest security, even I can't decipher their program. Each program they use is always changed every year, it'll take make me century even If I could bypass it" Cha replied.

"Fuck, where's Roger? Roger come in, I need backup, C.M.S on the road." I said.

"1 minute away partner!" Roger yells.

Looks like I'll have to stall for a bit. My bike is outside the trailer, can't go out or they'll shoot me on the spot. I grabbed out my hand-held laser welder. I usually use it for getting money out of the safe, but this time I used it to cut an opening so I can stun them for awhile.

I shot my first fire, an explosive bullet. It hit one of the C.M.S member but it did not kill him, instead knocked him out. These guys were dangerous and wore indestructible gear.

Roger then came, his modified car with mini-rockets and heavy machine gun on his front engine were able to keep them company. The C.M.S only had armored cars this time, luckily they didn't bring in heavy ships. Roger car was bulletproof, he then parked in reverse against the trailer. There I was able to grab the device and get in Roger car, escaping successfully.

"You're a god Roger, thanks." I said.

"No need to thank me, thank this baby girl" Roger said.

We began escaping, C.M.S still chased us. And suddenly looked like C.M.S did bring heavy ship.

"Damn cocksuckers, bring out the big missile" I said.

"Huh?! I was saving up for the Tusk gang man.." Roger said dissapointed.

"Too bad" I said. I pulled the trigger, the missile appears out of the front engine, it aims at the heavy ship of the C.M.S. There it fires and hits the ship, but the ship still remained intact.

"Damnit, that didn't do shit" I said in frustration.

We kept trying to maneuver our way out as Cha is giving us direction to go. But no matter what we did, C.M.S were still on our tail.

News: "There have a recent act of terrorism going on in the Root D of Chicago, it seems like there have been a gang heist what had just occurred" Said the reported.

"Looks like they they're taking it, is it good or bad?" said an unknown women.

"All the money and effort we spent on.. but we did warn the buyer. The probability of surviving using the device is pretty low" said another unknown man.

Meanwhile, Ethan and Roger are still trying to escape from C.M.S. Ethan tries to calling Locke and the gang for support. But none were able to respond.

"Shit we can communicate with Cha but not our gang? The fucks happening!" I yelled.

"Alright Ethan, listen carefully. I need you and roger to head down east, there you'll see parked vehicles. And when you go down the basement, there's an escape tunnel" Cha said as he pin points us the location. We began going to the direction, and when we got there, it was occupied by the Crow gang.