
Loss of Iridescent

Locke.. you fucking bastard. Roger died because of you, and because you put someone I love in deaths hand. I can't smash your fucking brains out. I sat on Scarla couch as she lays passed out from the injection. Thinking about everything that just happened. It's not like this is the worst thing to happen to me, but I wasn't going to let it slide. Fine Locke, I'll play your games but don't expect to be alive after this is all over.

Scarla wakes up moaning painfully, "W-what happen?" she says.

"You want to hear the good news or bad news?" I said.

"Don't fuck with me Ethan" Scarla said in a pissed tone.

"You.. you have 1 month left" I replied.

"Shit.. so your boss betrays you and uses me as a hostage" Scarla says.

"I know... I fuck up. I fucked up everything since I did this mission.. and Roger.. He's dead" I said depressed.

"Ethan.. sorry about him, he was your best friend wasn't he?" Scarla said.

"Yeah, but what did I expect. We knew the mission was dangerous, but went in anyways. Maybe I'm the crazy one" I said.

"You're the least crazy dumb shit I've ever meant" Scarla says as she slowly leans on me.

Scarla comforted me, but time was running short. And Locke didn't explain to me how I should take down the other gangs. Is he really serious, just what can the suit do that can take down C.M.S and 4 biggest gang. I decided to head out, told Scarla I'll be back again, hopefully at least.

I walked down the street like it was just another normal day, disregarding the fact that we causes some havoc on the streets. It's funny how the world works, you can pretend you're all nice and peaceful, but deeply, you're one of the worst kind of people inside.

While walking to HQ, a group of 2 Tusk member spotted me. One I them I've seen before. I tried ignoring them, but these shitheads always have an eye for something.

"Hey Pride! Heard you shot up one of our areas" said one of the Tusk member.

"And if I did? Not like a bunch of pinheads can stop me, especially one that got his cock blown off by a girl" I said.

"Y-you fucking say what? How the fuck did you know about that?!" He asked

"You serious? It was all over the fucking news, even the leader of the Crows knows it" I replied.

"Those fucking japs, and that asian girl, next time I see her I'll skin her alive, what do you think? Ha ha ha, pretty crazy enough for me to rise up in my ranks right?!" He said in excitement.

"The fuck you talking about, whatever man, I'm outa here" I said.

"Wait! Don't you wanna know a SECRET?" He said uncomfortably.

"What're you talking about?" I ask.

"There's been a leak in the system, 2 hours ago there was an heist, and a piece of device was being transported, and guess what. It was Himikuru that wanted that device but now it was taken. We're hoping he's going to be starting more gang war." he said.

"Interesting, I was told different. But I'll see what my boss has to say." I said while I began walking away.

Guess there's more question to ask Locke...