

Everyone had a story, and every story influenced their life and the decision they make. Many people didn't understand that, people who tried to understand it only ends up in another bad path. You could only watch it go pass your life, it was truly inevitable. Even I couldn't understand what my values were, we just had to survive as long as we could. And then when we're finally done, we can rest, hoping the pain will stop. But I learnt that I couldn't without pain, and neither can anybody. We all needed a type of pain to be the best version of us, perhaps maybe it was necessary for us to live even if it meant the worst. Even if it meant losing a loved one, family, friends, and things we fight for the most. Whether it was good or bad, evil or kind, it is the foundation of strength. And if you could understand that, you would unstoppable.

It's November 11, Locke had gave me a new squad to lead. Or least that's what I thought, the new squad didn't even know I was the leader. I'm sure they're a bit pissed but at least it'll make the job easier. Not sure if I'll get along with them, but I tend to judge people on the way they act, so I'll give it my shot.

We're at a old yard garage, it used to be for people who went to get their bikes and cars modified. I heard a car could go at mach 1 before here, maybe I should get my bike to like that, that's if I ever take it back from the police. But this place isn't too bad, it's not like back my street its any better.

I walked outside, just bunch of people hanging around. Last night there was at least 32 people from what my A.I detected. Now 11, included the my squad. Seems like they're all chilling. Bronco is looking she's fixing her car, Cruise is meditating on top of a car, Jay is sitting on the hood of the car trying to look cool. Kayla is inside the car playing video games, and Nolan is behind the back seat looking through the window. Maybe since they aren't doing anything essential, I should test out their skills. Plus it'll be good for me to see how good they're are and give me less stress for the mission.

I approached the squad as they were just hanging around this car.

"Alright since you guys seem like you're doing anything part of the plan, lets see what you have the offer at the moment" I said.

"Huh? I thought you were going to get the bomb modified first" Kayla sad.

"They're currently being revamped by Dr. Chain Kayla, he said it'll probably take a day or more, so why don't you just shut up while I make one of the best top speed vehicle in Chicago" said Bronco as she is fixing the car everyone is occupying.

"Ugh, I know that dumbass, but why can't we just relax before going out" Kayla said.

"I don't think you understand, I'm not asking, this is an order from Locke" I lied.

Everyone began sighing and feeling angry as I told them they "had" to showcase their skills regardless. I first drove them to a plain land, it was before part of Chicago was blown to hell. Nobody really occupies here, and its only part of the city you could see millions of star.

"Hey captain, how are we supposed to show off our abilities if we don't have anything to cut at" Daniel said.

"Uhhh.. right" I said as I mistakenly drove there and then turning back to where we could actually find the best place to see their abilities. I drove to Root E of Chicago where its occupied by lots of gang like Root D where I live. Because Root E is rated as the highest crime, not many people patrol there. Only when its a large shoot out or war zone they will intervene.

In Root E, you could find big money makers, drug lords, drug labs, it was like the bank for the gangs. And this was the perfect place for the squad to fuck up some people, as long as it wasn't hurting actual good people. We were fine with it.

"Alright Jay, you're up. You see 6 of those guys over there, I'm aware of what you can do, but I want to see if the squad knows what you're capable of, I mean what you can actually do when you're not shooting people" I said.

"Those 6 guys?" Jay said.

"Don't worry, I read their profile from my suit that allows me to scan them. These 6 guys have been in jail before for murder, they ended up escaping, now they're back on the street. I I.D scanned their face, went through the camera related to their faces. Camera shows them robbery, drug deals, murder, triple murder, and kidnapping some dudes girl" I said.

"Come on now, you want me to rip them in half now, don't you? If that's the case, don't mind I do" Jay said.

Jay jumped down the building we were on, 30 meters down and crash on the road like it was paper. He walks up to the 6 thugs, they noticed Jays presence.

"Woah there cyborg, fuck you walking up fast to us" said of one them.

"Hahaha chill out my man, this nigga obviously juiced up" said another.

The dude who felt threaten pulled out his gun, points it at Jay.

"Like I give a fuck, listen tinman, if you don't get your goofy robocop ass out here, I will pop one in your ass" he said.

Jay grabs his arm, rips it off and uses his other arm and throws a right hook on the other guy, his jaw flies off. 3 other dude pulls out their gun, shoots jay but it does nothing. Jay runs up to them and punches all of them until they either died or knocked out. There was 1 left.

"Woah shit man, I'm cool, I'm good" he said as he drops his gun.

But Jay doesn't care, he grabs the man by the neck and tears it off easily. It was almost as if Jay had no emotion or morality, sure it isn't to say what he did was bad. He killed a man who had killed another, even when surrendering. Do you think it was fair for the other people begging for mercy but the man killed them anyways? Jay understood that either you kill or get killed.

Meanwhile everyone didn't look shocked at all, seemed like they were used to this. Well, what did I expect, these guys are all killers as well, and so am I. Thought there'd be a reaction, but now I know my team won't hesitate when it comes to doing the dirty work. We then relocated to another building, to see who's next to be used as lab rats.

"Alright Daniel Cruise, its your turn. You only get 2 guys this time I guess, but anyways, these guys-"

"I trust you know what they did was bad, just let me do my work here boss" Daniel said as he jumps off a building and using his katana to glide down it by shoving it down the concrete walls. He then dashes so fast to them, my A.I calculated 50 mph towards them and slicing them in half. Seems like Cruise is not only a skilled user, but the strength of his katana and speed are some serious stuff. Gotta be careful with him, I wonder if my suit is strong as him.

"Not bad Cruise, actually that was insane, is that your top speed?" I asked.

"Currently, year ago it was 30, I've been training since then. Well, I've been training ever since my prison time, I'm looking forward to go faster than a jet" Daniel said.

Daniel had an impossible goal, just what is it with people and their impossible dreams. I didn't want to ask him that, it'll probably trigger him. We relocated again, this time Bronco.

"Bronco you're up, looks like you're getting 11 guys, hope you bought lube" I teased.

"Don't worry, I made sure I bought enough for you" she replied as she uses her mini wrist hook to slide down the building.

She first shot tear gas that were the size of a gum ball out of her wrist. She then put on a mask to breathe under the tear gas, she then sneaks up the 10 dudes. Uses her taser from his wrist on 3 dudes, and uses a glove that is hard as steel to break peoples skull. Luckily for those guys, she doesn't have a strength of a gorilla.

"What the fuck is going on?!" said of them.

"Shoot her! Some bitch is fucking with us!!" said another.

It took 1 minute for her to take down 10 men, not bad. But it'll only work if she could find a good opening to sneak and attack, otherwise we'll have to see what happen if she actually fights a person that is not an average person, but someone who can actually throw a punch and eat a punch.

"Not to shabby, perhaps next time we'll see if you can fight someone who can actually throw a punch" said Kayla.

"Please be my guest Kayla and show me you can do something better" Bronco said as she is annoyed.

"Oh I will, look 2 cars, more of them are showing up, my turn to shine baby" she says as she laughs.

Kayla kid, 18 years old, trained by one the deadliest hitman I ever known. But the question is, does she live up to his father skills. She pulls out her pistol, a mile away she aims and fires her shot. All of them hit, she then pulls out her assault rifle. She fires 2 shot, both car are blown up.

"Explosive shots I guess, hopefully you know when to use that" I said.

"Of course I do, you think they call me cupid bullet for no reason?" Kayla said.

"Sounds like a name they gave to an autistic wanna be gangster 12 year old" I said.

"The fuck you say!" she said embarrassed.

Next up was Nolan, I'm still curious what has to offer. "Alright Nolan you're up" I said.

"I think I'll pass" he said.

"I don't think I'm asking" I replied.

"I'll display my aptness when call for, at the moment, it is not necessary for me to utilize my energy on an uncritical operation" Nolan said.

"Seems like you're not understanding my point, I don't care if you're making your call, I'm the one giving orders" I said.

"But isn't it foremost that we as a team make a call when at a decrepit state" Nolan said.

"Only if we allow each other to follow each other orders" I said.

"But that was my point" he said.

Nolan was being stubborn, obviously he's right. But I just wanted to see his dumbass do something.

"Look man.. how about shut the fuck up and show me something or" I said as I pulled out my gun and pointed between Nolan's eyes, "I'll shoot your brains out in 5 seconds".

"Woah the fuck are you doing captain" Kayla said.

"Put the gun down Captain, you know I can cut your hands off in seconds before you pull the trigger" said Cruise.

"I'm sure you will, but then I can just get another hand" I said.

"Cool, then I hope you get another head and legs too" Cruise replied.

"Just make sure you cut me clean, I'm sure the great samurai wannabe knows how to use a knife" I said.

"Don't worry, I'll also make sure you're be a great pair of dice" I said.

"Alright you 2 done sucking each other cocks? On a serious note cap, this is completely pointless" Bronco said.

"You're right" I said as I put my gun down. Then I kicked Nolan down the building, and as he falls he does not show any emotion. He falls down 30 meter, landing on a car and destroying it. Everyone reacts and looks down to see Nolan.

"Look he's alive" I said as if I didn't just try to kill a squadron. Everyone looked at my pissed except for Jay.

"You fucking idiot, what if he died!" Kayla shouted as he grabs my jacket yelling me.

"Eh, its whatever I mean. We only need 2 people on this mission" I joked.

We spent 2 hours doing this, guess it was time to head back and get relaxed before we start the mission tomorrow, or at least if we get those bombs modified from Dr. Chain. When we go back to the yard, everyone went back to doing their usual things. Bronco walks up to me and says.

"You didn't really mean that did you?" said Bronco.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Did you know Nolan was going to survive?" Bronco asked.

I hesitated for a bit, "Yeah, I knew he was going to survive. I just wanted to make sure what the document said were true" I replied.

"How come the boss didn't give us the documents, and we still don't know a lot about you" Bronco said.

"Probably because Locke doesn't trust you guys" I said.

"Be serious" she said.

"I am, I've known Locke for my entire life, fought with him. And don't get the wrong idea, there's still some stuff Locke hasn't told me if that makes it better for you" I said.

"Seems like you and the boss have some history together, when the mission begins, we'll see what you're truly made of Ethan" said Bronco.

"My entire life I've always been fighting, I'm sure you know what I'm capable of" I said.