

"Tell me everything you know" I questioned.

"What's in it for me?" Pablo replies.

"What's in it for you is that you don't get your cock chop, and eyes poked out and skull used like a fleshlight" I threatened.

"How kind of you but I appreciate the offer" Pablo sarcastically said.

"Well, guess we'll just do the usual way. Let's start with the nails" I politely said.

Kayla uses her raw fingers and pulls out Pablo finger nails one by one. Pablo screams in pain but he does not yield.

"AGHHHH!" He shouts painfully.

"Come on buddy, I know you got something for me, it'd be a waste to kill you right now" I instigated.

Pablo breathes heavily and is sweating, "f-fuck you motherfucker, you think toturing me will get you anything, hehehe in time, this whole fucking building will go off-" Pablo said before he could finish his sentence as Kayla pulls more finger nail from his hands.

He screams in pain again, he still does not concede.

"I can do this all day" I said.

"Oh, t-that so? C.M.S knows I'm captured, Fang does too, they'll be fucking coming for you cunts!" Pablo yells.

"Alright Kayla, lets bust his balls" I said.

Kayla grabs a wrench and smashes Pablo testicles until they were all squashed like eggs. His pants began flooding blood, but we had to keep him alive for another hour. So we injected him with a nano blood serum. It was a type of medical device, almost like morphine. It would keep soldier from losing blood, or dying before in 20 minutes so they could keep fighting. In other words, 1 injection could heal the body. It's unknown to how far it could heal though.

"AGHHHHH!! FUCK YOU! YOU FUCK!" Pablo cries painfully

"Agh.. agh.. " he breathes and huffs heavily.

"I just want information, I don't plan on killing you, you're not even worth my bullets" I said as I tried to convince him to spill some info.

"H..Ha..HAHAHAHA! You're... you're a dead man Ethan, soon they'll have your heart" Pablo says quietly.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"B-because, you'll never understand real power. It isn't the suit you wear, not the technology the faction possess, not the money corporation have. The moment I tell you everything, is also the moment of why you fail in the first place" Pablo says calmy and suspiciously.

"I'm all ears" I said.

"C.M.S... 1920, not too long after World War 1. Before it was called C.M.S (Control Military State) passed by congress in 2018 after a terrorist attack and inside job from the National Guard as you know. Frederick Damon was never the founder, he was given the powers. Samuel D. Gamos, founded C.M.S or at that time an astronomy research facility. He was 23 years old when he started questioning the skies, a moment has crossed his mind, he began seeing things and was labeled a schizophrenic because of his ideology. He was abandon by his family, friends, he couldn't continue his company. But these vision he kept seeing... he described them as cosmic and powerful. Nobody really knew his true vision obviously, only speculation and some autobiography he wrote. Samuel Gamos realize that he had to evolve, he realized that good and evil was being corrupted. Man creates war, war creates soldiers of aviary, history is change and retold. Gamos wanted to step up, for once he wanted to be the one who ruled the world for one day. But his dreams could not come true, 30 years later, he died to an illness. There he passed his knowledge and powers to sons and daughter. You would expect partial royalty from the children's, but Gamos was a god to them. The company began changing its name as the year went on, eventually they would become a private military for rich people. In 2000 when the rock fell down the sky, rich men and private investors began hiring C.M.S, made bunch of contracts, and some Nations couldn't really intervene" Pablo explains.

"So you're telling me, all C.M.S or Frederick Damon wants to do is, take over the world?" I asked.

"It's not how it sounds as you say it, they want power, but they also want to alter human perception. Gamos believed that if we force ourselves to act according to our nature, it would bring the best version of us" Pablo says. Almost as if he see Gamos as a god.

"You're fucking with me aren't you?" I said in anger.

"You wanted information, now will you release me?" Pablo said.

"It's not over yet, what does C.M.S want with Prototype S.I.A, what does crow want Prototype S.I.A?" I asked.

"I'm afraid your time is up, in 5 minutes C.M.S will invade your HQ. But to tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure what the truth is actually. But what I can tell you is that, once they kill you and take the suit. They will amend a new world order" Pablo replies.

Updates will be taking a while, I have the plan in my head, but I'm trying to see the best way to write it out.

madusa10creators' thoughts