
Game on

Bombs were finally done being modified, Dr. Chain explains that it was rein enforced with anti-gravity force field. It cannot be penetrated from outside, even tank shells could not go through it. It could only be activated from my remote control or Broncos laptop. The first step of the plan was to get into the Tusk territory's, which we did by disguising ourselves. The Tusk gang didn't really have a tough security, and members weren't really official. As long as you act and dressed like that, you were pretty much part of the gang. Probably why there's a lot of Tusk gang member.

Our gang excluding my current squad has 121 members from the "Birds", the one eyed octopus has 300, the fang 235, crow 64, Tusk 450 or more, and fang 600 or more. Wasn't exactly sure how many there are, but doing my best estimation, they're around those numbers.

When we go pass Tusk territory, Bronco went to the nearest building by the main base of Tusk. We made sure the area wasn't occupied, Jay went to scout somewhere near the base, Nolan was in the cars trunk aiding Bronco with security cameras; making sure our path is clear, Daniel Cruise and Kayla kid went with me.

The Tusk base had a gate in front massively guarded, armored trucks, armed men, and maybe carrying of tech that can be a problem to us.

"Bronco find us an entry" I said.

"There's 5 underground entries to the building, I've scanned the whole area. Head west of the Main base, there you'll find a building, guarded with 6 men. Head down the basement, and there should be a tunnel. Be careful though, in the tunnel there are about 20 men guarding the path" Bronco said.

The bombs were in our truck, 20 of them hidden well enough so the Tusk member couldn't spot them. The bombs were in 2 case so we could move them lightly and efficiently. We began driving to the building, there Cruise was easily able to take down the 6 men in less than 5 second. He would slice their heads off clean, even one that was a half bot.

"Luckily that wasn't those with Azuminium armor" said Cruise.

"Good work Cruise, now I want you stay here and guard the area. Me and Kayla will head in the tunnel" I said.

Cruise nods and gives a imitation salute before me and Kayla started heading down the tunnel from the basement. When we got in there, I detected about 20 men just like Bronco mentioned from my A.I suit. "Alright Kayla, you think you can make a collateral here?" I asked.

"Are you serious, my bullets can't go through damn 20 people at once, if only I had a more advance weapon" she said.

"Looks like you're making excuses" I joked as I scanned every Tusk member in the tunnel. The Tusk member were relaxing, some were up and guarding and some were sitting on chair playing cards. But how would we do this without alarming everyone.

"Bronco can you disable their coms and lights?" I said.

"Consider it done" she says as she disables the lights and coms from the Tusk member. Everything went dark, Kayla began shooting at the enemies. At first I thought she was randomly shooting, but she had eye contact lenses.

"So that's how you were able to shoot accuracy last time" I said.

"Of course not, I just can't see in the dark dumbass" she says while finishing shooting everyone. We began running through the tunnel as Bronco turn the lights on. After getting out the tunnel, we were in the main basement. It was strangely empty, but we found tons of weapons, guns, boxes, storages, and probably unknown tech.

"Bronco, Nolan, you seeing this?" I said.

"Holy shit, how the fuck did they get all these stuff" Kayla said.

"That's not the problem, these are all property of C.M.S, looks like we might be facing something bigger" said Bronco.

"We don't have time, we'll talk about this later, Kayla start setting up the bombs. Remember 10 for this floor only" I said as we began placing explosive. Jay looked like he was doing fine, Daniel yet has nobody coming in the buildings. Everything was going smooth as plan, but there was still question to be asked.

"When Fedrick Damon confronted me, he made a deal, he gave me a reason to began my process of elimination" said a loud voice from a glass window shield garage door. The lights turned on and the man was in a mecha suit.

"Bronco what the fuck, did you not detect him?" I said.

"No, no where in my signals or camera, not sure why. He probably has anti electromagnetic wave on, fuck I thought they stopped producing those" said Bronco.

"The names is Pablo, you ever wonder why the leader of Tusk is never revealed. Because I never let me ego do the work, you see Ethan Pride, your boss Locke just started a war. Or at least will, that's if you surrender with the suit you took" he said.

"You know about the suit? Tell me something else I don't know, how about the crows, why are you working with C.M.S? I thought you hated those cocksuckers, and why do you guys need the suit so bad" I said.

"When the rock fell down the sky, its when we knew we were more than just a human race with a society. We had to evolved, for so much we have rejected our human nature, it only lead us to a weaker and divided civilization. Russia tried fighting against it but failed, so did Japan and Iran, but then we began working for many years. Waiting for the right moment, it was more than just about some goofy fucking gang wannabes, we needed soldiers and followers" Pablo said.

"Does Locke know about this?" I said.

"Yes, before he had betrayed C.M.S" Pablo said.

"The fuck you mean? He worked for C.M.S?" I said in shock.

"Sure perhaps in his younger days, maybe one day you'll out the truth and lies he's been telling you. But unfortunately, you won't be alive to hear it" Pablo said as the garage door began opening and his mech suit starts turning on. "Bronco can you turn his suit off" I said. "I'll try, but I'm not sure If I can" she replied. "Just do whatever you can" I said. This mission wasn't a bust yet, but Locke wanted me to get information from the Tusk system. But look's like I'll have to tell him the bad news after I take down this fucker.

"Kayla stay here, I'll distract him. See if you can plant a bomb on his weak spot!" I yelled.

"Right!" she replied.

I began running and dodging as Pablo uses his mecha to shoot his machine guns at me which went at 500 rounds per second as my A.I began calculating its projectile speed. My suit allowed me to move at such speed, and even if a bullet had land on me, it would just shatter. My suit was indestructible, and my speed was faster than a bullet, but I had to test its strength.

Kayla planted one of the bomb on Pablo mecha leg, Pablo notices and tries shooting Kayla. But I activated it and it would not destroy the leg but stun Pablo. These mech were strong, designed to take down army of thousands, perhaps even millions.