
Building up

"Alright so, the Tusk building is about 20 floors or more. We know they have a high security, but we won't expect much of a threat from them compared to us. If you die, not because of another teammate mistake, then that's on you. But if any of you get killed by a Tusk member, your grave will be pissed on. Now the objective is to place explosive B-CB, these bad boys were made in 2030 just during the war. They were used against Russians tanks and citadels. We're going to be placing these 20 of these, 10 on bottom floor, and 10 right below to give it a good measure. Bronco will disable their coms and security, Jay will be scouting, Daniel, Kayla come with me. Each of us will be placing the explosives on the pillars of the building. Now it can go either way, we can kill them all first them blow up their building, or take out a few, kill them and get out of their quick as possible. So is there any other question?" I said.

"Yeah, first what will Vronco being doing, and secondly, I think the best choice is to get in and get out, there's over thousand of these Tusk member" Bronco said.

"Well that might sound the best way, the problem is, B-CB can easily be triggered by intense pressured. Any sort of weapon the Tusk might and will possess can shoot them off and we're all dead" I said.

"I think I might a solution for that, I know a guy who can modified those bombs, but cost will be high" said Jay.

"Good idea, now where can we get the money first, because a piece of these B-CB is a hundred k a piece" I said sarcastically.

"It's easy, you can easy ask the boss for some, or we can make some easy heist of 10 million right now, or Vronco here can just transfer some bills into us" said Jay calmly.

"It's not easy it is Jay" said Bronco.

"Calm down, obviously I'll ask the boss, learn to take a joke" I said. "But anyways, if we can modified the B-CB, then we'll get in and out. Sounds easy right, but there's 1 last huge problem. Underneath the building, they have a basement that has a mecha, now if we're fortunate, hopefully that thing is just for show. But If not, this might be a bust unless Bronco can disable it, or even us destroying it which I have doubt." I said.

"And vronco?" Daniel ask.

"I'm still not sure what Vronco does, but if there's anything majestic thing he can do, be my guest" I said.

"You do realize Vronco can lift up to 500 tons, and is bullet proof" Daniel said.

"Good then he'll be our support if we need one" I said.

"But the problem is, he runs low on energy, Vronco has to run on electricity, the more power he uses, he faster he gets weaken. We're still trying to fix that problem" Daniel said.

"It's fine, we'll have 2 days to plan, and begin the day after. And I'll say this once, things might know go as plan, so have low expectation" I said.

Everyone looked a bit serious when I said that, I wondered why, but I guess they're taking this mission seriously. As long as they listen and go along with the plan, and Locke doesn't pull some bullshit. If he does, he knows what happens to a man that has nothing to lose, but before I kill him myself, I need to ask him some questions.

Next part is going to be long, so expect it to take it a while to come out.

madusa10creators' thoughts