

I meant Roger when I was 20, so we've basically been friends with 8 years. Roger didn't take the world seriously, he didn't take himself seriously, but he still had humanity. He killed people who tried killing him, but he was never fucked up like the rest. But the problem I had with Roger was that, he had a dream. Though I once a while tease him about chasing a blind idea, he would always laugh about it and give me the same crap. Saying "at least I have a purpose in life". If one thing I liked him more was he could at least speak like a normal human being unlike most people here.

At the HQ of the Bird gang, me and roger began planning our mission to steal the Prototype S.I.A 1011. Roger didn't seem concern about this mission, I even told him he might die, but he was excited. Maybe I take it back, he can be crazy.

"Alright so, the suit will be transferred just in 3 days. The document states its being shipped in a a regular shipping truck or A.T truck, probably because it won't attract a bunch of criminals. But it also leaves it defenseless. Now the hard part is who's going to be there, we have the Tusk gang, Crow gang, and C.M.S." I explained.

"Our concern should we C.M.S, they're equipped with some of the most advance gears and weapon. A gun they possess carried a type of bullet called EC-T." Said Cha.

"Whats an EC-T? Never heard of it." Said Roger.

"EC-T is a type of bullet that is almost as big as a .50 cal but is lighter and accurate. Once it penetrates inside a person body, it shatters into more than 1 million pieces. Test has shown it can kill a person in 20 seconds, and paralyzing them in 1 second. Theres also a test showing it killed an elephant in 1 shot to the leg." Replied Cha.

"Interesting, luckily I ain't an Elephant ha" Roger jokes.

"Don't worry, it works on retards too" Cha jokes as well

"Alright enough, let me explain the next move. Shipment will enter Square S, as in state. After that, it will enter Square C as in City or Chicago, then It'll pass through Root E, then Root D and slide across Root F is where we're at. Because we're expecting company, we'll wait until who make first move. And whoever does, is what will affect our plan the most." I explained.

"Why not just hack the truck?" Roger ask.

"Because shipping trucks still uses gas, and have you forgotten over a million shipping trucks have been hacked before you idiot" Cha replied.

"Ohh.. right. So then whats the plan if say everything went smooth." Roger ask.

"First, we take out the driver. Use a high voltage taser to knock him out, unless he's a threat we can blow his brains out. Then we blow out the backdoor, export the device that is 20lbs. And then we also need back up drivers, so they'll come pick is up. And then thats pretty much, and Cha just make sure police don't follow us." I explained.

"Sounds easy and simple, this might be just another easy payday you agree?" said Roger.

"Like I said, things might not go as plan. And I trust you not to fuck it up Roger" I said calmly.

"Alright man, your game and rules. No need to get mad ha ha" Roger laughs as he teases Ethan.