

I couldn't Cha, not sure why. Probably because I'm too far from his signal. So I tried called Locke, he answered the phone, but he couldn't risk his men to pick me up, it'll draw the C.M.S to the gang.

"You fucking kidding me? Fuck I'm supposed to do? I have the device with me, and C.M.S are chasing me" I said in frustration.

"Listen carefully Ethan, I need you to put on the suit, its the only way you can get out alive even if C.M.S spots you" Locke said.

"Put on the suit? But I thought it was for you?" I ask.

"I only want the suit so I could destroy, like I said, this suit is a danger to us if any gang gets their hand on it you understand?" Locke replied.

I didn't hesitate, I opened the suitcase. And there is a weird shape chest piece. I equipped it, and pressed the power on. One I did, the device began forming metal arounds me. A metalic shape like armor begins forming all over my body like a knight.

"Well that was easy boss" I said.

"Really? Did you activate neuron function to your spinal cord?" Locke said

"What the fuck? Do I look like a doctor?" I yelled.

"No, if you look at your right arm, you will see a virtual screen. And all you have to do is apply neuron function, this will allow you to control the suit at will, and as well as improve any skill ability you may or may not possess." Locke explains.

As I activated it, it was like taking a hit from cocaine. Except it felt painful and my brain felt like It was burning like acid.

"Aghh! The fuck locke!" I yelled.

"I didn't warn you but, you may or may not survive, forgive me Ethan. But if you do survive, meet at Scarla apartment" Locke said.

"How the fuck-" He cut off his phone before I could reply.

"Damnit Locke, you fucking shit fuck!" I yelled as I scream in pain while my brain is being fried.

A.I suit function: 20%, 50%, 80%, 90%, 99%... 100% compatible.

I felt like as If I had just transform into a robot, but despite the painlful procress. Everything felt faster as If I can see 5 steps into the future..

A.I suit: "Well that's because you are Ethan"

"T-the fucks that noise?" I said.

"I am the voice operating control of this device, because this is a prototype you're wearing, disable is not an option. But I am here to aid you of this suit for better experience" Said the A.I.

Great, its going to be a headache all day long, until I take it off. Seems like I can't call Locke, but he wants me to him at Scarla house. How the hell does he know about her. I always make sure I'm invisible, even to people I trust. Damnit, does he know something I don't. Well time to find out, once I see him, we're gonna have a talk.