

Date Jan.26, 2020

Today is the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards, and I just entered, I have done the photo area and interview area, and I am walking into my seat, though I do want to perform I don't want to.


I got 12 nominees and I won every single one of them, making history. When I went to pick up my awards at the stage which I did 12 times to like say some things on the stage but I just said every single time I went to the stage that I am truly thankful for those who liked, watch, and listen to my music and for those who hates I also thanked them as I counted them as my fan because they watching and listen to my music.

Though I did not have some big haters, it's like 90/100, the haters are just very little but still I have millions of fans so maybe there are a million haters out there, though like I said I don't really care that much.

Today I wiped out the awards just like last time on the music awards that I went to. By the way, the LaFerrari that I ordered last August just arrived last week and I am pretty happy about it, and now I am planning to buy another car which is Bugatti.

After the event, it has after party part but I just kinda don't care so I just talk to some other artist to become friends, though I did meet Drake and exchange socials and contacts with him.

After that I went home with Kendall, the event is just in LA so I didn't need to go outside LA. Kendall is with me because she wanted to, though she came people didn't notice as they are distracted by other artists and maybe I was just good at being not noticed.

I am driving my new LaFerrari which is smooth af, it is night though so Kendall and I went near the beach and just hang out there talking some stuff, and taking pictures. In the end, Kendall and I make out and did the deed inside my new LaFerrari which is kinda hurt but I can't resist my lust over goddesses.

After that, I did actually got drunk because Kendall force me too but I also don't want to reject her so both of us got drunk, maybe make out, and did a lot more rounds of the deed and just pass out.

I woke up by the sun hitting my face, when I opened it I my self being fully naked without clothes or anything to cover me, while they're a lot of bottle of empty beer and wine laying on the bottom and seats, while Kendall is hugging me, she's also fully naked.

I wake up Kendall and she is like a kid she doesn't want to wake up, and It came up to my mind this is the first time I see her acting like this. After 10mins of trying to wake her up finally wake her up, for a moment she was surprised by the things she sees and then she realize what we do last night.

Though it is embarrassing, well actually not that embarrassing because I see her body almost every single night and morning but not in this kind of situation. After getting dressed for like 10mins we go to McDonald's drive-through to get our breakfast, I ordered 2 Big Mac, 2 10 mac piece nuggets, and 2 large colas for Kendall and me.

Kendall was embarrassed at first and when we were eating in the parking lot the weird thing on her disappeared, we eat and have a conversation. Kendall is asking me when do I date her and I was like, I don't know, Kendall was weird after that but I break the weird thing for asking her some questions.

After finishing our meal I escorted her into her house, I hang out in her house after that, well Kendall and I did go to the bathroom together and wash together, for clothes no problem with it because I have clothes in Kendall closet, which is she decides to do it because of this kind of situation.

Kendall and I hang out in her living room though all I do is play Cod MP, and she was mad at me for not giving attention to her, but then I asked her why she being mad, and I added is she on her period and Kendall said yes so I was like okay chill.

For the rest of the day, Kendall and I take a long and good nap while I cuddle her at the back in her bedroom, though my assistant was like calling and asked where am I and said I am at Kendall's house, and I asked Larry why is he calling and he said he was just worried because I didn't go home last night, but I tell Larry if that's the case it's either I went to sleep with another girl or sleep at Kendall's house.


Date Jan.27, 2020

So I did spend the night at Kendall's house and this morning Kendall's mom Kris, just caught Kendall and me sleeping together for like 20 times now. Another 1 hour talking from Kendall's mom Kris and then things go back again, Kendall and I are very similar in one thing we both don't follow what others tell us what to do.

Kendall, Kendall's mom Kris and I eat breakfast just the 3 of us at Kendall's house, well I did get notice and praised for my cooking skill.

After we finished eating I said goodbye to Kendall and her mom Kris and go back to my house as I think Larry have things to tell me.

When I arrived at my house, I parked my car at the garage and went inside my house, there I talked to Larry, he said he got a call from Marvel and they said do I want to play a role in the Wanda Vision show and I just accepted it immeditly.