
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


Tatsuya Pov-

"This place is different from what I remember."

After Yue and I were done fucking until satisfied, I clicked on the 'Meet The NEET ROB' button that suddenly appeared in my system, and somehow, I ended up in a weirdly ancient place, similar to Stone Age.

'It looks like some sort of village?'

I looked around, not sure what else to do. A lot of people were moving around, wearing clothes made out of animal skin, only covering the necessary parts.

It didn't take long before they started forming a circle around me, looking at me with curiosity.

'Is this the moment where I get attacked by everyone? Is this my chance to face-slap an entire village? Is this the second coming of Roran?' I wondered, and soon, I felt a familiar sensation as everyone around me stopped moving.

Someone just stopped the time of this world. After realising that, I turned towards the 'source' of that familiar sensation.

"So the one who stopped time was you?" I asked, looking at the white-haired young man, who was acting like he was frozen as well.

After a few seconds, the man smiled. "How did you realise?"


Hearing my reply, the man chuckled as his clothes transformed into that of a butler.

"As expected from the one who has the Authority over Time. Even as a mortal, you are unaffected by my powers." Leaving the crowd, the man walked towards me and got on one knee, lowering his head respectfully. "I apologize for my rude display, as I couldn't keep my curiosity in check."

That was surprising. I could feel that he was strong, and by strong, I mean the level where he could one-shot Luminous, the strongest person I've ever met.

Well, there was the NEET ROB, too, but I never sensed any sort of power from him as I did from the white-haired man, so I subconsciously placed ROB above him.

"Please don't be alarmed. As someone who has seen the horrors an Authority holder is capable of bringing into existence, at least potentially, my actions are completely justified." The man replied, probably knowing what I was thinking about.

"I take it that the horrors you're talking about weren't done by the future me?" I asked.

"No, what I am referring to happened a long, long time ago."

"So, you are?"

"My name is Stelex, the Manager of this Universe, and the Apostle of your friend, ######." Stelex explained, looking up at me. "It was I who created your system, along with preparing your mortal body for the Naruto World, but I am sure My Lord told you that he was the one who did it. Either way, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Lord Tatsuya."

"Hm?" Hearing his words, I raised an eyebrow. I couldn't hear the NEET ROB's name, and all I heard were some high-pitched sounds.

"Oh. My apologies. I thought that since you hold the Authority over Time, you might be able to hear My Lord's name, but I guess that wasn't the case."

Stelax got up and snapped his fingers, creating a portal in front of us.

"Please follow me, My Lord is waiting for you in a different dimension." Stelex replied, walking into the portal as I followed behind him.

Just as I walked inside, the gate of the portal disappeared as I felt Stelex disabling his time-stop ability.

"It will take 15 minutes for us to reach that dimension, no matter how fast we travel, so it's best to walk slowly and not bother with it. Feel free to ask me anything you wish to know."

"So, where was that place?" I asked.

"That was a self-created Universe under my control, it lies outside of the known Multiverse, and I also use it as my laboratory." Stelax replied.

"So those guys were your lab rats, huh." I concluded.

"Indeed, it's a short-term experiment that'll only take a few thousand years. Most places in that Universe hold various test subjects and different races. Usually, I stay here alone, but since My Lord's place was tarnished by the Omniversal FBI, he moved in here." Stelax nodded.

"Since you're watching over a Universe, could it be other Universes are watched over by Apostles as well?"

"Yes." Stelax nodded. "In fact, the Universe you are from was once the territory of an Apostle."

"Isn't the Naruto World NEET ROB's territory?"

"Ah, no. I am talking about the original Universe you were born in before coming to your current Universe." Stelax explained.

"That's weird. I remember that almost half of the matter within our Universe was destroyed after we were done with Doomsday. And even after our death, our Universe would've been wiped out in like 50 or so years. So why didn't the owner of that territory come even after we did so much damage to it?" I questioned.

"That's because 300 years before your birth, the First Level 0 Esper, Doomsday, had already killed the owner of that territory. Although rare, there have been times when Mortals were able to match the levels of Apostles." Stelax explained, surprising me a bit.

"Are other Apostles that weak? I'm pretty sure I'd lose to you even with all my powers back."

"No." Stelax shook his head. "After the battle, Doomsday had lost most of his powers, and that was the reason he needed Lady Elena's powers to restore himself."

"Wait, if I were to fight Doomsday when we both were in our prime, who'd win?" I asked.

"Being brutally honest, I'd say you can handle a single hit from him." Stelax replied.

So we had plot armour even in our previous lives?

"And how will full-power Doomsday flair against you?" I asked, curious.

"I'll say Doomsday would survive for around seven minutes, but that's all." Stelax gave me a knowing smile.

"Damn." I exclaimed.

Stelax and I walked while talking about random stuff, and about 14 minutes passed.

"By the way, since you're the NEET ROB's Apostle, why did he bother you with creating our System and preparing our bodies? He could've just done it himself."

"He can't use even a part of his powers in the pseudo-body he is in, and since he did mess around not too long ago, his body is currently recovering." Stelax replied.

"Psuedo body?" I asked.

"Something like his way of interacting with us lesser beings. You can ask him for details, as I'm not too well informed about it myself, even though I've been by his side since the dawn of this creation."

Before I could ask anything more, the two of us suddenly appeared in a room.

The room was similar to the one Mikasa and I had previously visited, just a bit bigger.

The games 'Unholy Relationship With My Tsundere Sister' and 'My Yandere Step-Mother And Her Daughter' have been switched with 'How I Ended Up In A World Full Of Women, Creating Three Billion Children' and 'My Eroge Life In A World Where Women Rules'.

"I apologise." Saying that, Stelax started cleaning the place up.

Ignoring the mind-numbing but interesting games, my eyes moved towards the NEET ROB, who was peacefully sleeping on the floor, snorting loudly.

But there was one thing different about him.

There were black lines spread throughout his body, and unlike the Sukuna marking I use for Creation Rebirth, they seem to be decaying his body from the inside.

"What's with these lines?" I asked, walking towards the NEET ROB before crouching down.

"I don't know, but from what My Lord said, it is the price he has to pay for using his powers in this Psuedo Body. He told me to not touch them, so please don't do that." Stelax explained.

"It's too late to tell me that now."

"What do you-" Stelax turned around, and he stopped mid-sentence before shouting. "CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF?"

I watched as my finger slowly disintegrated into purple dust.

Honestly, it was very painful.

It was even more painful than the time I had my body destroyed and constructed on a subatomic level while staying conscious.

I tried to regenerate, but it didn't work, and neither could I stop this process with the help of my chakra.

"Let's wake My Lord up." Stelax came running towards me, but before he could do anything, I touched his hand with my almost right hand, which was missing a wrist now.

We both looked into each other's eyes, but soon, an ear-piercing scream came out of Stelax's mouth.


'I thought that he might have some resistance to it, considering he is the NEET ROB's Apostle, but I guess that's not the case.' I concluded, looking at Stelax, who was rolling on the ground while crying his eyes out.

On the other hand, for someone who could tap Luminous to death, his pain resistance was rather low.


"How am I supposed to do that? I can't rewind time on something this strong with the little time I have in store, you know?"


"Alright, but can you not shout?"

Stelax looked at me with red, tear-filled eyes.

I know it hurts like hell, but isn't this reaction a bit too much?

"Zafkiel. Dalet."

A small, pitch-black Kunai appeared in my hand before I stabbed Stelax with it.

His shouts soon subsided as his arm started coming back.

"Haah... Haah... You sick fucker... No wonder you're My Lord's friend. Your expression didn't even change although half your arm is gone." Stelax panted, sweat covering his body.

"Hey, that's not how you talk to guests." The NEET ROB, who had been asleep till now, finally got up. "And you, can't you keep your fingers in check? Do you plan on killing my Apostle or something?"

"I was just curious." I replied, stabbing myself with a 'Dalet' Kunai as my hand came back, turning towards the NEET ROB. "Should I heal you as well?"

"You can't do that, so don't even try." The NEET ROB replied without thinking about it much.

"How did I even heal the two of us, to begin with? I didn't even use a bit of time that was in store, and it just happened on its own."

"You simply used a bit of your Authority." the ROB replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Uh, let me explain." Stelax looked at me. "Lord Tatsuya, when you have Authority over someone, let's say your servant Hikari, then what's the basic thing that comes along with that said Authority?"

"The ability to order her?" I replied.

Hikari would literally accept any command I give her, and I must say, I've trained her quite well over the past years.

"That's exactly what you did with Time just now. You wished for it to heal the two of us, and time obeyed. That's what it means to be an Authority Holder. If you weren't restrained by your Mortal body, you can quite literally order time to do anything for you, regardless of the scale. Destroying Universes by collapsing the main timeline would be a mundane task. Also, things like Existential Erasure won't work on you, because if someone wishes to do that, they'd need to erase the concept of time itself. Though, thanks to your weak strength, normally killing you would be easy enough." Stelax explained.

I knew Authorities were amazing, but damn.

"But seriously, the conditions around our Authorities, and the things they can and cannot do, are really vague." I said.

"Well, my Authority over Chaos was a concept that existed beyond creation, something only I can access, but your Authority coexist with it, so I can't really say much." The ROB explained.

"Wait, isn't Existential Erasure Mio Takamiya's biggest hack? If we're immune to that..."

"She still bests you with just physical power alone." The ROB stopped me in mid-sentence.

Guess we'll just need to use Shido as a hostage if things come down to it. Nothing beats blackmailing someone, right?

"That's not all. When you're able to access the full power of your Authority, you can freely control the powers someone has over time. For example, you can even take away my powers that can manipulate time, delete timelines on a whim, and so on." Stelax explained.

"What about the saying 'When you mess with time, time messes back'?" I asked.

"That doesn't apply to you, as you're quite literally the ruler of time within the whole of existence. The only thing holding you back is your limited power. And the threat of Outers killing you the moment you use your Authority in another world that isn't within the Chat Group or my Domain." The ROB said.

"Wait, doesn't that mean if I were to change a timeline, I could alter what future I want on my own?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but you'll probably die if you exert your authority to that level. You're still a Mortal, you know?" The ROB replied.

"Now I really wanna check something. Should I experiment it with the Date A Live world?" I proposed.

"Don't do it through time travel, the world might not like it." The ROB suggested.

"Why not? We messed with Shido plenty, and the world seems fine with it." I asked.

"Ah, right. The shit you did to Shido was hella funny." The ROB started laughing out loud, and even Stelax let out a small chuckle.

"Protagonists can be chosen whenever the world wishes to, but if you were to accidentally cause the Universe to collapse, it'd be troublesome." Stelax explained while the ROB kept laughing.

"I see. So, why did you call me here?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just bored, and something happened within the Outers that I thought you might be interested in." The ROB shrugged.

"And what's that?" I asked, my interest increasing.

"You might end up getting your first Chat Group Mission a bit earlier than expected." The ROB said.

"The Outers are up to something?"

"Yeah." The ROB nodded. "Although I have no idea what they're up to. But it should be something really nasty. So your first mission should be hella difficult to deal with."

If it's gonna start early, I might need to do some things quickly.

"Why am I even here, then? You could've just texted me about it." I said with a bland face.

I left my Horny Blonde Loli Vampire to come here, you know?

"Anyway, what's with this Psuedo-Body stuff of yours?" I asked.

The ROB shot Stelax a glance, making the latter shiver under the gaze, before turning back to me.

"It's just as it sounds. My Original Body exists outside of all concepts, and this is the body I use to interact with this Multiverse. I used a bit of my power some time ago, and my Psuedo-Body is already breaking apart from the Power of Chaos. It'll take some time, but it'll heal eventually." The ROB explained, showing the markings on his body.

"Can't you use your real body normally?" I asked.

"It's a big-ass explanation." The ROB whined. "You'll find out about it in the future, so why bother? I called you here to say that be careful on your First Mission, as even I can't protect you outside of my Domain."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. But since Mikasa and I already know that we survived until we learned how to use our Authority in the future, there shouldn't be much to worry about, right?"

"That's where you're wrong. Just because that version of you survived, doesn't mean you would as well. It's complicated, but 'this' you can still die, so be careful, and consider this as a warning." The ROB said with a rather serious look.

"I'll be careful." I nodded.

"In the meantime." The ROB pulled out a bunch of games from who knows where. "How about we play some games?"

I had no reason to deny it.

"Stelax, go prepare us some snacks." The ROB ordered Stelax, who nodded.

After a few hours of video games, I fell back on the ground, stretching my body.

"Man, that was fun."

"Wasn't it?"

"Right, you're going to Tensura soon?" The ROB looked at me.

"Yeah, why?"

"If you can find Veldanava's body, make sure to store the corpse and absorb the Authority within it when you're strong enough, as it'll be compatible with your Creation of All Things." The ROB said.


"Hm? Didn't I tell you, Veldanava from Tensura was the former Apostle of the Goddess of Creation I fucked."

"You certainly didn't." I growled. And how was I even supposed to find Veldanava's body?

"I just told you to keep it in mind. No need to stress over the small stuff." The ROB said.

"Hmm, then, can you give me the 'Spirit Contract' Skill from the Quest Rewards beforehand?" I asked, looking at ROB with some expectations.

"Not really. Your System works completely independently now. I can only give quests and rewards, not alter the conditions already given." The ROB shook his head.

"That's a shame."

I would've used the contract well right now, but I guess I'll do it the old way.

Now, I wonder which Spirit should I go after next?