
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Shizue Izawa

3rd Person Pov-

Luminous was sitting on a luxurious chair with her chin resting on her right palm. Looking at the papers lying in front of her, she asked, "So, that clown Clayman is making some weird moves?"

"Yes, Luminous-sama. And from the looks of it, Frey is involved with him as well." Roy, who was standing in front of her replied.

"Hmm." Luminous knew what Clayman was up to, but couldn't do anything about it since Chloe had said so. But she was also wondering about the Chat Group. Did she have the Chat Group in the future Chloe told her about? The chances of that being true were next to zero.

She leaned back on the chair, closing her eyes. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to take a gamble.

"Roy, go and prepare official identities for Mikasa and Tatsuya stating that they are otherworlders who belong to the Holy Empire Ruberios. And make their status high enough so that no one would bother them too much."

"Yea, Luminous-sama." Roy bowed before leaving the hall. And so, a few hours passed.

{Luminous-sama.} A telepathic message from Louis rang inside her head. After hearing the message, veins were popping out of her forehead.

Luminous was seriously considering killing those two to teach them a lesson they'll never forget before reviving them back to life. Her plans came to halt as a hologram appeared in front of her eyes.

[Ding! 'The Queen of Nightmares' is warned that killing other Chat Group members is strictly forbidden, even if you planned on reviving them later]

She didn't think much before contacting Hinata telepathically. {Hinata, you better have a good explanation for this.}




Mikasa, Tatsuya and Hinata were standing in a line as they looked at the angry Demon Lord in front of them, who was sitting on a chair, her eyes closed. Everyone ignored Roy, who was standing in the corner with a bunch of papers in his hands.

'Scary.' They all thought. Even if one ignored the amount of Killing intent that she was releasing, just her expression was scary enough.

"So, which one of you will explain what just happened? The one who'll answer shall come forward." Luminous said, opening her eyes. Her eyes met Hinata's. "So Hinata, you'll be the one explaining?"

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise as she looked to her right. Both Mikasa and Tatsuya were standing a few steps behind her. But the catch was that she never stepped forward. Those two just teleported a few steps back.

'You fuckers.' Looking at the smile on Mikasa's face, Hinata cursed internally.

"Actually..." Hinata began to explain everything that happened.

Luminous turned toward her two culprits. "Is there anything you wish to say before I kick you out of my universe?"

Tatsuya thought for a second before an incredible idea appeared inside his head. "You know, Luminous, we were just helping you."

"Helping me?" Luminous asked, doubtful. She knew that their intentions weren't bad. For them, it might just be another prank. Strong people have a knack for playing pranks like these since they're bored. Guy destroyed quite a few nations in the name of pranks. But it'll be troublesome later if she doesn't do anything now. As for the trouble they caused? She wasn't worried about it since that was Louis's problem.

Tatsuya looked at Mikasa before the latter nodded.

"Luminous, you use the people's faith in you by changing it into power, right? The stronger their faith is, the more powerful you'll get." Mikasa asked.

Luminous nodded. It wasn't strange for Mikasa to realise that, considering that she was a prophet. But Luminous was also wondering about how much Mikasa knew.

"Right now, Luminism is only famous for your protection. But think about it, if there is something that'll be able to attract people's attention in the masses while also making sure that you'll earn quite a good amount of money from other countries. And that will also boost your popularity as a God if you advertise yourself correctly. In this world, people lack a source of entertainment, so it'll be the best business model right now. Of course, you don't have to do that personally. Just dump all the work on Louis, Roy and Hinata." Tatsuya said. Imitating the best salesman he knew.

Luminous thought about it before she nodded and asked, "So, what do you have in mind?"

Roy and Hinata were internally cursing Tatsuya and Mikasa for giving them extra work.

"Here." Tatsuya waved his hand as thousands of books, Manga to be precise, appeared inside the hall. "Just create more of these and start selling them. Not only will it be good economically, but it'll also help you gain followers if you write a few pages about yourself here."

"And who is to say that this will do as well as you're saying it will?" Luminous asked again, but she was tempted by the offer.

"We can guarantee that." Mikasa said, turning towards Hinata. "You said that your wish is to create a better world for everyone, right? The funds you'll get from this will be an unimaginable help towards that goal." Mikasa pointed towards the mountain of books.

Hinata thought for a few minutes before answering. "Luminous, I think we can try it. There isn't much to lose either way." She knew how popular these were back in their original world, so it wasn't hard to guess that it'll be the same here.

'They both are so easy.' Tatsuya and Mikasa thought, wondering if Hinata and Luminous were actually smart or not.

"So, what do you want in return?" Luminous asked, looking at the excuse of a salesman.

"30% of the profit. And don't remove our names from the books you publish. When you're done publishing these, just ask us for more." Mikasa said. Her goal wasn't money. It was a nation full of weebs along with claiming Hinata- ahem* fulfilling Hinata's wish for a better world.

"Hinata, I'll leave this matter to you and Louis." Luminous said.

Hinata nodded. She gave Mikasa and Tatsuya a warm smile before leaving the room to prepare everything.

"Roy, are those identities prepared?" Luminous asked, turning towards Roy.

"They are, Luminous-sama." Roy said before coming forward, giving Tatsuya and Mikasa two cards along with a pouch. "With these, no one would doubt your identity as otherworlders who belong to the Holy Empire Ruberios." He explained.

Mikasa opened the pouch and looked at the few gold and silver coins. 'So Luminous decided on seeing what'll happen in the future if we intervene right now?' She thought before looking at Luminous. "Are you chasing us out?"

"I am. I'll contact you if there's anything." Luminous replied. Although it sounded rude, Luminous was seriously hoping that their presence would change the future for the better.

After they left, Luminous decided to give this 'Manga' thing a try. After reading it for a few minutes, her eyes widened in surprise as she shooed Roy away, saying that no one is allowed to disturb her unless the world is about to end.

And so, the God Of Luminism started her journey to become The God of Culture.


Tatsuya Pov-

We left Luminous's place around an hour ago after discussing everything about the 'plan' we told her. Now, we were walking towards the entrance of the Holy Empire Ruberios to get the hell out of here while holding hands like we usually do. Luminous did ask if we wanted her to teleport us somewhere, to which we declined. Looking around, a lot of people were reading the Mangas we distributed a few hours ago.

"We escaped pretty easily." I said, somewhat surprised.

"Well, we did hold back a lot." Mikasa shrugged her shoulders.

True. Our original plan was to create a thousand shadow clones each and have them transform into different anime characters while shouting their most popular dialogues.

"Anyway, let's see what era it is right now." I said, wondering where should we go to confirm it.

"Right, I forgot to ask. Is this the Web Novel or the Light Novel?" Mikasa suddenly asked, curious.

"It's most likely the Light Novel since Hinata didn't seem like she was mind-controlled. Not to mention that she's a virgin." I replied.

Although I am not sure about the Mind Control part since it's related to Magicules, I am quite sure about her being a virgin. And the latter indicated that this was the Canon version of the story. Which was nice to know.

{A/N- What was? Hinata being a virgin or the story being canon?}

Both. Anyway, since this is the canon story, it'll make things way more fun.

"I see." Mikasa smiled after hearing my answer. "Then let's go to the Kingdom of Blumund since that's the closest to Tempest."

I nodded. After a few minutes, we arrived at the entrance.

"That's a huge line." I muttered, looking at the line of at least fifty people standing in front of us. Taking out the identity cards that Roy gave us, we looked at them. They were fairly simple identification cards with a weird symbol at the top right corner.

"Hey, kids. Don't stand together like that." The guard who was patrolling near us said, walking in our direction before his eyes fell on my ID card. "E-Exuse me, can I please take look at that?"

I didn't think much, directly tossing it over to the old man, who caught the card with shaky hands before his eyes widened and he bowed.

"W-We apologize for making you wait. Please follow me, there's no need for someone of your status to wait in a line." He said, returning the card before showing us the way.

The crowd started to murmur as we soon became the centre of attention.

'What's up with that?' I thought, following the guard. Looking at the card again, I noticed that there were four words written on the backside of the card. Western Holy Church Officials.

That certainly explains a lot. It didn't take us long to leave the Empire after that. We stored our IDs inside our inventories. We had no plans of advertising our relationship with the Holy Empire right now.

Taking out the map, I looked at it before pointing towards a direction. "The Kingdom of Blumund should be in that direction."

"Wanna race?" Mikasa proposed. Since we had nothing better to do, I agreed.

"What about the stakes?" I asked.

Mikasa thought about it for a minute before she smiled. "The one who loses will dress like an Edgelord for a whole month."

"That's interesting. We'll use our authorities as well, how about it?" I said with a smile.

"Are you sure about that? My authority is basically made for travelling." Mikasa asked, doubtful.

'If I am not wrong, she can teleport about 10 Kilometres without the Flying Thunder God Mark. This should be doable.' I thought before replying, "Yeah, don't worry about it."

"Zafkiel." I said as my left eye turned golden with a clock appearing inside it. There was no one around us, so I wasn't worried about summoning Zafkiel.

'Now that I think about it, how strong is Zafkiel in this world?' A golden hologram appeared in front of my eyes.

[The Angel Zafkiel can rival an Ultimate Skill in terms of power and potential]

'I see.'

"First Bullet Aleph" I muttered as a black Kunai appeared in my right hand. It was the bullet which speeds up external time on its target, increasing its speed. Just to be on the safe side, I used more than 30 years' worth of time in this bullet since I had no idea how much of a boost I'll get. No one wants to be an Edgelord for a whole month, just look at Mikasa already creating portals.

We got into positions before looking at each other.





I looked at Mikasa who disappeared before stabbing myself with the Black Kunai as I felt everything slow down. There was no wound even after stabbing myself since I could choose whether to damage the target physically or not. Using my Blood Control, I started flying towards the Kingdom of Blumund. If it wasn't for my past life, flying while maintaining the blood flow within my body would've been impossible. Not to mention that I was also protecting my body with chakra due to the wind pressure.




"Maybe I overdid it a little?" I muttered, standing at a distance from the gates of Blumund. It only took me five minutes to cover a distance of 2,500 kilometres.

'Considering my normal speed is 100 km/h, the 30 years' worth of time gave me a boost of 300 times. And I guess that's also my limit.' I thought. My body won't be able to handle any more boost than that for now. The speed I travelled was around 30,000 Km/h, which was decent.

After another two minutes, Mikasa appeared in front of me. Her face was anything but happy. I guess it's pretty sad to lose the thing you're most confident in.

"We'll dress you up tomorrow, for now, let's go." I said as Mikasa reluctantly nodded. The next month will be fun. The reason I gave her a day wasn't out of kindness, it was for me to decide about the dress she'll wear.

After entering the country, we asked around for directions, our goal was the Free Guild. Along the way, we(Mikasa) picked up various snacks and other eatables to munch on even when our inventory was filled with an infinite number of snacks and food.

I was reading the Admin Privileges again since I skipped most of it while walking before Mikasa tugged my t-shirt.

"What's up?" I asked, closing the Chat Room.

"I think we don't need to confirm about the plot anymore." Mikasa said, munching on some potato chips.


Mikasa didn't answer my question, just pointing to my right. I turned around, only to find something very interesting.

Four people were having a discussion, two guys and two girls.

"I guess the plot has just begun?" Mikasa said with a smile.

The four people were none other than the idiot trio and Shizue Izawa, who mostly goes by the name Shizu, Hinata's teacher.

That girl with blonde hair should be the Elf who told Rimuru about resurrecting the dead, Ellen. Her real name was most likely Elyun Grimwald, Elmesia's sister. As for her two bodyguards, I couldn't care enough about them to remember their names.

Hearing their conversation, I noticed that Ellen just accepted Shizu's offer for them to travel together.

"Excuse me." Mikasa suddenly barged into the conversation in a loud voice, gaining everybody's attention.

"What's with you two now?" The guy with a sword on his back asked. He was most likely the leader of Ellen's party.

"We would like to travel along with you guys as well." Mikasa said with a smile.

"The Great Jura Forest isn't a place children should visit." The oldest one out of them said with a sigh.

"But you guys look different. Are you otherworlders?" Ellen asked.

"We are." I replied. Shizu looked at us intently from behind the mask.

"Then you guys must be really strong." Ellen said, clapping her hands together.

I gave her an awkward smile. "We just came to this world yesterday, not to mention that we don't have any skills. All we have is an enhancement in physical strength."

Hearing my reply, all of them were shocked. Even Shizu was surprised. I guess being summoned into this world without skills is lame, huh.

"That's why we asked you guys for help. Because you looked really strong." Mikasa said, looking at Ellen's party with admiration.

"Hehehe. Kids, you got a good eye. Don't worry, we'll protect you two no matter what happens." The guy with the sword was the first one to change gears, followed by the other two. And so, it was decided.

'They won't even ask us about why we're going towards the Great Jura Forest even if we don't have any skills, huh? As expected of the idiot trio.' I praised Ellen's part in my mind.

"I'm Ellen, he's Cabal, and he's Gido." Ellen introduced her party.

"I'm Shizu." Shizu said, putting a hand on her chest. I was trying my best to not look at her chest, which was being emphasised by the tight armour.

"I am Mikasa and he's my boyfriend, Tatsuya." Mikasa introduced us.

"Pleased to meet you guys." Ellen said with a smile.

"We'll be leaving in three days. Feel free to come with us if you guys are fine with that." Cabal said before he and his party left. We also turned around to leave.

"Wait." Shizu's voice came from behind as we turned around.

"Is there anything you want, Shizu-san?" I asked.

"Come with me." She said, turning around. I looked at Mikasa who just shrugged her shoulders. Since we had nothing better to do, I decided to follow Shizu.

'Considering her personality, she'll probably take care of us as she did with every other kid who was summoned in this world.' In all honesty, I am surprised that people like her still exist.




A chapter with Hinata's backstory was just released in the Slime manga. A weird coincidence, so go and read it if you want.

I'll change the name of this fanfic soon so don't forget about it. Still thinking about the new name.

Extra chapters depending on the power stones will be released at the end of this week, I'm trying my best. (power stone reset)

I'll be doing the thing that every author should do. A DxD fic with good grammar and some plot(just enough to pass as some plot). And maybe a serious Naruto fic as well(if I have time).

Random Numbers Recommendation- 352403(A satisfying NTR. Or is it not? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.)