
Chapter 8: Merrigold.

In he entered the kitchen with his Remington hunting rifle, he held it so close like an expert. A giggle followed behind him, I could not help but feel some sort of annoyance as I continued to cut the green peppers and onion.

"I could have sworn you were a professional.." She said softly followed by a giggle. Her voice reminded me that of a child, a little girl. Anything Austin did, she was wildly impressed. She held onto his arm as she continued to serenade him with compliments. With the hatred I felt for him, I'd never take pride in complimenting him. I saw him as a vulture, a hyena that preys on the helpless and already dead.

"My best mates father Joshua Gallagher used to take us hunting as kids. I could have done a better job honestly..."

"Those helpless birds were lucky then." She smiled dreamily watching him.

"I would not have wanted to look murderous with a stunning lady in my presence.."