
Chapter 2

As Merit Greyson made his way back to his office in downtown Arkham, his mind raced with the possibilities of what could be behind the rogue shoggoth's appearance. Was it an isolated incident, or a sign of something more sinister stirring in the city's occult underbelly?

He knew that he needed more information, and so he reached out to his contacts in the local cult circles. Despite his aversion to their dark practices, Greyson had long cultivated relationships with those who dealt in the arcane, and he knew that they could be a valuable source of information.

It wasn't long before he received a response - a meeting had been arranged with one of the leaders of the local cult scene. Greyson made his way to the appointed location, a dilapidated church on the outskirts of town.

As he entered the dimly lit chapel, he was greeted by a group of hooded figures. They led him to a back room, where the leader of the cult, a wiry man with a pale complexion and a sharp gaze, awaited him.

"Mr. Greyson," the man said, nodding curtly. "What brings you to our humble abode?"

"I need information," Greyson replied, cutting to the chase. "I've just taken down a rogue shoggoth in the city, and I suspect that there may be more like it out there. I need to know what's going on."

The cult leader raised an eyebrow. "A shoggoth, you say? That's no small feat. What makes you think there are more of them?"

Greyson explained his reasoning, citing the aetheric residue left behind by the shoggoth and the rumors he had heard about strange goings-on in the city. The cult leader listened carefully, his eyes flickering with interest.

"You may be onto something," he said finally. "There have been whispers of an awakening, a stirring of ancient forces. It's possible that the shoggoth was just the beginning."

Greyson felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. "What kind of forces?"

The cult leader hesitated, as if weighing his options. "I can't say for sure," he said finally. "But I know that there are those who seek to open the way for the Old Ones, to bring about their return to our world. They believe that they will be rewarded for their loyalty, that they will be granted immortality and great power."

Greyson felt a surge of anger. "And what about the rest of humanity? Do they not realize that the Old Ones' return would mean the end of everything we know and love?"

The cult leader shrugged. "They believe that they are above such petty concerns. They believe that they are the chosen ones, the ones who will survive the coming apocalypse and rule over the ruins of the world."

Greyson gritted his teeth. "I need to know more. Can you give me any leads?"

The cult leader hesitated again, his gaze shifting to the floor. "There is one name that has been cropping up more and more in our circles," he said finally. "A man named Caleb Dorne."

"Dorne?" Greyson repeated. "What do you know about him?"

"Not much," the cult leader admitted. "He's a recluse, rarely seen in public. But there are rumors that he has powerful connections in the city's underworld, that he may be behind some of the recent cult activity."

Greyson nodded, his mind already racing with the possibilities. "Thank you for your help. If you hear anything else, please contact me."

As he left the church, Greyson knew that he had a new target - Caleb Dorne. He didn't know much about the man, but he was determined to uncover his true intentions and put a stop to any plans he had for bringing about the end of the world.