

Nothing but a broken guy on a path for revenge while trying to protect his family. ~DISCLAIMER~ It will be a mix of many worlds but mostly hentai so ya there will be mention of rape and also gore and ya a fair warning there is tragedy mentioned in the tag and I will also tell you a little bit about it so you little bitches don't get angry there WILL BE ntr or something like that BUT for one time only to give me some reason to do something AND it will not happen. ~READ AT YOUR OWN RISK~

Deadman69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The reflection of water running through his face in front of the mirror hit the young man he could look handsome if not for his long dry hair that reached his shoulder black circle under his similar black eyes and stubble of facial hair that made him look like a homeless beggar rather than a handsome young man and that depressed-looking young man is Jun Kisaki.

A sigh escapes his mouth as he removes the bandage from his hand, he looks at the wound that is going to leave another scar on his body

he already has multiple scars on his body but those can be hidden underneath clothes but scar-like this one is difficult to hide

but he can't change what has happened so with a sigh he made his way to the bathroom to take a bath.


he looked at his dark gloomy room with the only source of light was the computer ignoring the mess in the room he opened the window for the light and shut down his computer and after wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants he finally made his way to the door.

'Nothing has changed' jun thought as he made his way downstairs even though he lives in this house he hadn't left his room for the past months even when goes out at night he leaves his room through the window secretly.

"Hana is that you? come down the breakfast is ready!" hearing that voice jun stopped in his track cause it has been a long time since he had heard that voice

"Hana..." not getting any reply Nanako tried to ask again but the word stuck in her mouth when she looked at the stairs "Juni!? Juni is that you darling?"

Nanako rushed toward jun who was standing there like a statue and enveloped him in a hug "mother" jun said awkwardly hugging her back.

Nanako started asking him different questions as she dragged him toward the dining table.

sitting in the chair he looked at the blonde-haired woman who was making something, He didn't know why he felt like a stranger in his own house so he sat silently while looking at her

"Mom, I'm hungrrryyyyy... brother is that you!" jun looked at the blonde-haired girl who looked like a little version of their mother with the only difference that she has longer was looking at him she had seen a ghost before jumping at him and hugging him.

"Alright, young lady let your brother go" Nanako said as she put the food on the table and Hana also sat down "brother you... you look different with that hair and goatee"Hana said nervously and Nanako looked at him.

"yeah I am going to cut that later" as he finished an awkward silence filled the room no one saying anything before his mother broke the silence "alright let's eat, itadakimasu"

"itadakimasu" all of them started eating when Hana turned on the tv where the news was coming.

"...the reaper has struck once again this time saving a teenage girl from three rapists and killing her in the process, he has been going on a killing spree for seven months but everything about him is still unknown..."

"...we have chief officer Kozue Kuga here, how are you officer Kuga and what do think about all this murder?" hearing that jun clenched his fist and looked at the tv more like glaring at him with emotionless black eyes.

"well I am fine and about your question, I am very sad about their death even though they are bad people but outrageously killing them was even worse he should have let the law do its work that's why I think he is nothing but another psycho killer" Kuga replied sadly while shaking head.

"but what do you have to say about people on the internet saying that he is some kind of hero or vigilante giving him aliases like the reaper or the punished?" the reporter questioned again.

"well as I said earlier he is nothing more than an evil psychopath, a mass murderer, and a menace to society, now people idolize him as a hero but once he starts showing his true color then people will understand"

"so have you-"

"Hana off the tv"


"no buts! turn off the tv now!" Nanako said sternly and worriedly looking at jun who was blankly staring at the food "are you ok, honey?"

"huh!... yes I'm fine" hearing his mother, jun comes out of the daze and continues eating quietly.

"Yeong-gu had called" Nanako said breaking the awkward atmosphere of the room.


jun looked at his mother after all he had heard that name after a long time. Yeong gu cha was their father who now lives in Korea after his mother divorced him after finding out he had a second family in Korea, he had visited them in the past when they were kids but after that, he just starts sending money even though they never needed his money because Nanako is CEO of a fashion company so money was never a problem for them.

he used to hate that man before because of him, his mother had to take care of both him and his sister alone but now he doesn't care about that man and he knew his sister also doesn't after too little to even remember him.

"he asked me to send you and hana to live with him and his family for some time, especially you after he had heard about that incident."

Everybody's mood got solemn after that nobody liked to talk about that incident, especially jun because he still has nightmares of that incident.

"and what did you say?"

"Nothing! cause I wanted you to decide and... I also wanted you to go there but it's fine if you don't want to go there, you can go anywhere on vacation but I want you to clear your mind."

jun looked at the worried face of his mother and sister even though he didn't show he fills happy that he had his family with him he didn't know what he could have done if he alone but he knew what he going to say next going make than more worried and sad and little angry but he has to do to keep his family safe and to take revenge for miyu.

"well, that's good!"

"so are you go-"

"no! I'm moving out, I have already chosen a house."


"I'm moving out!"

"no! you are not going anywhere I am not giving you any permission to move out."

"I was not asking you, I was telling you!"

hana looked at her mother who was fuming with anger and her brother who still had his expressionless face since the time she saw him today one moment they were eating together as they used to next moment they are fighting.

Looking at her brother she felt pain and sadness, her brother who was once always a happy and cheerful person became so emotionless... so apathetic she knew her mother also felt the same after all that incident left a big impact on everyone especially her brother leaving him with an emotional scar but now she angry and confused at him he had finally got out of his room after locking himself in his room for months and now he is talking about moving out `that audacity of his!`.

"Brother, you said you are getting a house and not an apartment, why is that?" after swallowing her anger hana asked the question that confused her the most after all even if he is moving out why get a house and not an apartment?

"he will not be going anywhere be it a house or an apartment because I will not be giving him any money."

jun looked at his angry mother he knew he was too blunt and almost crossed the limit, their mother had already sacrificed so much in raising them and he also didn't want to leave but he has to for what he is doing and he also doesn't want to have a bad relationship with his family.

they are the only thing he has left.

"I'm sorry, mom! I know I was too hasty and because of that I also talk back to you but this place reminds me too much of Miyu and I have money to buy the house myself.

sighing in resignation nanako finally nodded with a gentle smile but there is still one thing that confused her.

"and how did you get that much money from?"

"stock market! I have some shares in your company" what jun had said was only half truth, half of the money and his weapon were from very generous people who don't need it anymore.

"Alright! you don't need to use your money save it and where are going to live then?" a gentle smile appeared on his face seeing his mother even now concerned about him "not that far! the house is only 10-20 minutes away from here so both of you can come there anytime you want"

"that we will, young man! you don't have to worry about that" nanako said with a grin on her face and getting a nod and grin from hana as well.

"Mom, did I say you look beautiful with that short hair"

"Ara ara! so you finally notice I thought you wouldn't say anything and you just want to make your mother sad" he gave his mother a hug who was acting sad getting what she wanted she gave a smug smile and teased him "so you're saying I didn't look beautiful before?"

"no, you always look beautiful be it with short hair or big, and even if you become fat you'll always be the most beautiful woman"

even though her teasing had backfired there was a smile and little blush on her face after all who doesn't like getting a compliment and more so it was her own son who had complimented her.

"Hey! what about me? I look beautiful!" hana seeing that she once again got ignored by them got angry and shouted at them "hey, stop ignoring me!"

"haha! sorry darling" nanako apologized and laughed seeing her baby girl angry with a pout on her that made her look like a chipmunk.

"so you wanna know how you look..." hana nodded while looking at me expectantly "you... you look like a brat" "you... you idiot brother of mine" hana shouted and looked at him like she had eaten something sour as she storm off to her room while muttering something like 'no one loves me in this house'.

nanako laughed her ass off and his lips also curled up a little seeing her storming off like that. he looked at his mother who was ready to wash the dishes and asked "mom I'm out for a cut"

"Okay! be careful outside"

nanako sighed looking at her son worriedly, though he was trying to smile she knew it was all fake she can just hope he come out of his shell fast.