
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

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Chapter 7

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'With this kiss I pledge my love.'

'and take you my lord for a husband.'

'and take you for my lady and wife.

After that the Septon finalized his vows and Aaron SnowStark and Lady Ashara Dayne were officially married.

Their marriage was a closed event inviting only those close to them. Elia and the crown prince, the leadef of the company of the Rose, Larra Blackmont, Brandon Stark, Lyanna Stark,Oberynn Martell Nd his little daughters and others.

Getting this marriage to Ashara was not easy. After courting her for months. I requested a Catellan from House Stark to run the keep and keep up with the ongoing projects while I fucked of to Dorne to take Ashara on boat rides.

We travelled around a few cities but it was Pentos that sealed the deal for us. There was a festival that we attended. With huge fires in the background lighting up the scenery, musicians from all over the world we danced for hours to our hearts content. I didn't think I could be this happy. Coming into this world that being a bastard is already a huge negative on your record I managed to bag a goddess. There was a moment when we were swaying around the floor together and I looked into her eyes I just thought. I'm fucked. Cause I realized I truly fell for her. I decided then I was going to propose to her in the way of my old world.

The next day I found a jeweler and bought to pure gold rings. I asked him to engrave our names on each: Aaron and Ashara. That night I worked up the courage to ask her throughout the night but there wasn't a chance until she brought up what my expectations were for us.

' Aaron, what do you want from me? We've been traveling for moons now.'

'I… at first it was just about courting the most beautiful woman I've seen. Then I got to know you personally. Your likes, dislikes. How you feel disappointed when men seem to bend over backwards just to see your brother.'

'Hey! Don't say that out loud. I told you that in private!'

'You are headstrong, strong willed and can use a dagger to disembody a man. How could I not be attracted to you. I promise I would never try to stifle who you really are or disregard your advice or authority in my home. That's why I want to ask you my morningstar.'

I got down on one knee brought out the rings and presented one to her before asking,

'Would you marry me?'

Ashara blinked twice clearly not seeing it coming. Her shoulders started shaking lightly as water formed in her eyes.

'You must think you're Florian come again. Of course I'll marry you Ron.'

I then put the ring on her finger and told her to do the same for us. That it is a tradition I want to start for our house to show we bind ourselves to each other for life.

After that lets just say we didn't sleep that night. Ash can be a real shadowcat when she wants to. Marking her possessions and all.

Eventually we went back to Starfall to tell her parents of the engagement. Her dad was pissed that an upjumped bastard stole his daughter. Eventually it calmed down when iI offered to pay the bride price instead of the other way around. Eventually we agreed I'll pay but he'll also pay cause he's a noble not a copper counter.

Trade deals were formed with minimal taxations for both sides, military alliances qnd gold. I had to marry her in the light of the seven and also infront of the Old Gods back north.

Which brings me back to the wedding going on now. Rhaegar has been talking to the Dornish attendants all through the night. Elia has been by Ash's side too. I've been drinking and smoking my way through a blunt (found weed in Myr and took it and grew it back in Sea Dragon).

'Its time for the bedding!!'

Never have I been groped in my life. I think I saw Larra smack my ass. That cheeky fucker. Ashara and I were thrown into our bedroom were we immediately went at each other.

6 moons later


Brandon Stark

Bruhhhh I should have gone South years ago if only to meet Lady Ashara but that guy Aaron has taste.

Ever since Aaron came back North with a wife my dad has been pissed. He planned to marry him to one of his bannermen's daughters to solidify his claim. At least he got to choose who he'll be chained to. I'm to get married to a trout. I just hope she has nice tits so my life can at least be manageable.

I went out to the courtyard to clear my head of thoughts of Barbery Ryswell. I love her and want to marry her but my father doesn't care. The same way he doesn't care about Lyanna's rebellion against the marriage to Robert. The old man is trying to make us unhappy throughout our lives as punishment for something we don't know.

I see Aaron sparing with Martin Cassel. Aaron dancing around Martin who is trying to keep up. Left, right , Left, Left then he places the two blades on Martin's neck while smiling.

'Damn bastard. How do you even move like that.' grumbled Martin as he picked up his sword from the ground.

I'm just built different. Arthur Dayne has nothing on me.' answered Aaron while twirling the tourney blade.

'How about it then. You and me.' I said while picking up a blade and getting into a stance. I've been sparring with Aaron for a while now and can say I am the second best in the north thanks to how hard he fights. The man pulls you into his rhythm and if you don't break out your dead.

I decided to taunt him first to get the match going,

'An upjumped sellsword. What's your house words again ahh yes 'Keep moving foward'. I'm going to move this sword through your asshole.'

I'm sorry if you feel repressed Bran but I don't swing that way.' he smirked before he attacked with his left sword.

Its a habit he has I noticed from fighting so often. The only one he truly has. He always starts from the left but from then on he just flows and drags you into his flow. As I kept blocking and moving about he threw a kick at my feet while moving backwards to dodge the slash at him. I tripped but hurtied back to my feet only to meet another kick to the midsection followed by a slash I managed to duck under. I rotated around until I got my bearings and launched a flurry of attacks.

He kept blocking most until I disarmed one of his swords. I rushed in for the kill only to be met with a fist to the face. I was on the ground when he pointed his sword and told me to yield.

'Bro we were sword fighting.'

'Tell that to soldiers in battle. You can't expect them not to use everything they can to win. You're green as grass right now. You have the technique and everything but you haven't lut your life on the line. I have a contract with The Company of the Rose this month ask Lord Rickard if you can join me in hunting some pirates near Lys.'

That is not a bad idea. Anything to get my mind of Barb for now. She'll be so disappointed in me anyway after she finds out we can't marry. I shook the thought out of my head and smiled.

I'll tell the old man I'm heading out with you. When are you going?'

'Next week.'

Little did I know the beginning of harsh times just started as a raven entered to rookery from House Whent informing us about a tourney taking place next year. If only I knew I would have burnt it before it ever got into my father's hands.

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