
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Jeux vidéo
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Friends and possible family

While on the deck of the fire nation ship Zuko can be seen trying to fight Valerie who doesn't even fight him with both hands and placates the angry young man by responding once in a while. However his mind mulls over what Iroh. Has been saying, he needs someone close to be the arrogance out of himself and a person who will support him as he was thinking this tell a fire nation soldier ran over to Zuko and in informed in strained tone while Zuko looked like he was about to explode in anger.

"Prince on the horizon there is a royal fire nation ship with it having been marked as Princess Azula we have been asked to stop and dock at a port in the Earth kingdom, what are your orders prince " said the soldier 

"Very well we will meet at the port and stock upon supplies while me and the old man will go and see her" said Zuko with a bit of venom in the last part. 

The solder nodded and walked to the captains bridge who relied the order. 

[Time skip 2 days]

As the royal fire nation ship loomed over the small dock and out came a ramp that made a loud crack as it hit the stone jetty and as Iroh And Zuko has gone up to receive Azula Valeriel tagged along interested. To see if its still following the cannon timeline as he arrived the fire nation soldiers from Zukos ship backed away they know their prince has been trying to attack him all the time but never succeeded. 

Azula finally turned up with her mind in a different place than most would think 'he's handsome' she said in her mind while discreetly looking at Valeriel, she was not the only one as Valeriel prepared to see a teenager Azula not a young Woman who's in her early twenties. As both discreetly checked each other out till they locked eyes both entered a staring match that no one noticed bar Iroh who looked with a smirk while his nephew questioned him on what's funny.

Finally a royal guard who noticed what was happing shouted "HOE DARE you peasant look at her Royal highness " as he shot a stream of fire towards Valeriel, he just waved his hand. And all of a sudden all the hands of the fire benders who aimed towards him had their wrist broken as, Azula looked on with a frown while her mind was 'He is strong I wouldn't mind him as my husband ' while outwardly looking like somebody killed her dog she raised her hands and fought with Valeriel yet like Zuko not one hit was to be had. 

While Iroh watched on 'Could this be fate working its machinations to people crippled by loneliness find each other such a occurrence is not within the realm of impossibility. 


AN/ Here uhm I'm not sure about romance stuff and I wanted to see your guys opinion on it I think Azula and Valeriel both deserve happiness so what do you say I need comments on this because Im not sure to commit to it fully or not as some people don't mind romance while others would rather die let me know anyway toodles !

ill release 2 more chapters today 


automation 10

construction 10

multitasking 10

weapon mastery 5

battle experience 5

body creation 5

soul knowledge 7 

Nanotechnology 10

Blank 10

Auspex/sensors 5

Anti warp technology 5