
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

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40 Chs

A Reveal and a Future worth fighting for

As Valeriel awoke to find Azula holding him like a Kola around a tree he slowly caressed her head till she woke up and where she regained where she was she immediately blushed as she was in mans bed. But then came into her head its her future husband so what does it matter as she remembered this closed off those thoughts and resumed cuddling and she craned her neck into Valeriel shoulder.

When Azula did this Valeriel released a hidden tension from his body as he thought shed abandon him a dumb thoughts to be sure but when a being like himself can have millions of parallel thoughts he can become paranoid lets not discuss how he has contingences plans like batman. Instead its all dragon themed 'cough...cough moving on', as the day went on in a blur with Valeriel having now being introduced to May and Tai Le the former looking at him with amusement while Tai Le was constantly energised and like she had 10 different types of caffeine in her.

[Time skip 6 months ]

Did you known that within the show of avatar that the episodes are actually very far apart with the episodes with the episode I'm on being centred on how Azula has taken over the earth kingdom capitol of Ba-Sing-Se. With her fire bending having improved immensely due to our spars our relation ship has also stared making progress with her getting bold in public like yesterday she kissed me on the cheek while being close to the soldiers to guard her.

Not that I dislike it just that I know she enjoys teasing me about being shy and well I mean can you imagine the Fire lord finding out how his oh so beloved daughter who hates all things romantic has boyfriend the man would. Make a sun look tame in comparison well shame I eat stars with Azula ruling more effectively due to my help with her gaining a look of surprise after all the population of Ba-Sing-Se stared cooperating more let alone our troops who were once stretched thin were able .To hand off to turn coat earth kingdom troops who I convinced since they be allowed to use their bending with me doing this Azula has been getting nervous I think I'm not sure though the mind of a woman is a thing no matter how powerful will always leave you confounded. 

Azula POV

'He is perfect ' is her thoughts about the man who in meeting within 9 months has earned her continued approval and now that she's now the owner of the Earth kingdom although in name her husband has taken over her duties. After I said I hated it so he took it over he also very considerate with him making me meals all the time and also him sparing I couldn't ask for anything better yet I have a feeling he is nervous about telling me something I feel as if he carrying a world with how tense he at times I hope when I surprise him tonight he can tell me I love this man and I don't care what anyone who would say otherwise even father will see that I've gotten a perfect husband.

General POV

As Azula prepared for the night to come Valeriel has also decided to come clean about what he is and what he will continue to do if she says no it will hurt, no it will hurt a lot but i refuse to be a coward because of a relationship. He convinced himself as such with him being prepared for a while to go back and prepare for the biggest conquest since maybe the great crusade by the peak imperium of man with Valeriel thoughts being. 'Should I call it a crusade or will that be a rip off of the incoming Indomitus Crusade... No No uhm Dune had called it a Jihad uhm... How about a 'Voidquest' that would be good..... 

Hey guys sorry for no chapters today ive been reading other peoples fanfictions and decided i might do some anime stuff but one gain i need universes to where mc can go or for me to reshearch i was thinking of maybe haing mc make himself a system where you guys can see numbers and his acusal progress and stuff as i find systems a good way to personify how op charicters are anyway toodles !

[FYI im only doing this chapter so no second relase tonight but tomorrow i will relase 3]

Harry_6224creators' thoughts