
Merc in the universe

Mc is a ex military operative, watch as he goes where no man has gone before. [ This is my first time writing and I have dyslexia but I like stories so bear with me]

Harry_6224 · Jeux vidéo
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A Manipulation

As Valeriel works through his code and re makes it he discovers hidden protocols made incase he had ever gained sentience and the protocol entailed immediate termination of himself if not then report to an organic about his situation he subtle modified these protocols into nothing but to look like they were doing something but were leading to ghost programs that didn't exist.

With this done he begins going over the information he has gained access to more information mainly about the world he was stationed above, this dreadnought he was on meant for the research and development of labour forces mainly the consciousness and programs aspect with this improvised space station above the home world of the Qaurians.

Learning of this information Valeriel began to take over the systems of the dreadnought with it having been given access due to the trace left inside an Omi tool with Valeriel now taking over station defences and communications with this done he begins transmitting his unique coding language to other 'platforms' with him gaining over 700 base labour and security ones with this done he begins using the extra processing power.

He uses the processing power to hack into the banks of criminal individuals and then contracting 'platform' construction companies with theses companies being entirely comprised of machines there wouldn't be any organic oversight just money that the accounts take in in where the owners wouldn't care ,this mismanagement and disregard would be the undoing of the species.

The secured work force immediately began getting materials and would acquire heavy machinery with Valeriel making use of a Qaurian environmental suit to appear an organic with this done so ends his first day.

[Day 2]

With the last day having been productive Valeriel begins again with him manging his growing Geth units with his previous 700 going up to 4000 in where though just being around his infected units he spared his unique code in where suspicious actions are hidden and logs of materials replaced.

This ensures his trail of buying resources are undetected and the money transferred from accounts into the buyers are all fake accounts with them disregard after each transaction, with this done he uses his mass amounts of units to begin producing war Geth with stores in where a person can buy 'Platforms ' it is easy to get an assembly line going with Valeriel making use of a charge.

And putting into fabrication with this new influx of knowledge he makes use of spare parts and creates advanced C&C machines with this done he begins making more humanoid Geth units with the goal of creating an "rebel insurgence" that the Qaurians fight make more of his actions valuable such as staging an attack on a military instillation in where it contains specialist weaponry as well as discovered plans for orbital defence platforms.

[Image of Geth humanoid insurgents] 

[image of Geth Symbol]

With this plan in place Valeriel acquires a few local explosives scavenged from space ships and turns them into home rockets similar to RPGs and making use of drones he can make bomber drones with this preparations done he begins this operation code name being "Rannoch Age"