
Memories You Can Never Forget

As the class rolled on, I was really getting into my studies, diving deep into the whole academic vibe. But then, out of the blue, I felt this gentle nudge, like the universe saying, "Hey, check this out." So, I looked up, and there she was, this girl sitting upfront. Her eyes, this warm brown hue, caught mine in a kind of mesmerizing way. I found myself just staring at her, totally caught off guard by this unexpected connection. Her eyes just grabbed all my attention, and man, my heart was racing like it was trying to win a marathon. I'm pretty sure she felt the same way... It wasn't like I hadn't seen pretty eyes before, but there was just something very special about hers, you know? I just couldn't stop looking at her; it was like her eyes had cast a spell on me or something. And then, without saying a word, she subtly pointed to my pen on the floor and gestured to pick it up. It might sound simple, but in that moment, it felt like there was this unspoken understanding between us, you know? Like a little spark in the midst of a regular day. "Memories You Can Never Forget" is all about the love story of Hamlyn Hasegawa, the brainiac of high school, and Sheryl Shinohara. Their lives took a whole new turn one ordinary day at school when their eyes locked, setting off a chain of events that would stay etched in their memories forever. Come along on this rollercoaster of Love and Hate, Loyalty and Betrayal, Joy and Tears.

Hamzix Verse · Urbain
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164 Chs

Chapter "The Brawl"

"Are you serious?" Taken aback, Hamlyn swiftly questioned Hamond's statement.

"Absolutely,” Hamond affirmed with a grin “Isn't she stunning?" His admiration is evident.

"I'm a bit shocked to be honest," Hamlyn admitted, still processing the unexpected revelation.

"You doubt me?" Hamond inquired, sensing Hamlyn's disbelief.

Hamlyn began to clarify, "No, I trust you, but-"

"Wait, I'll prove it to you.” before he could finish Hamond interrupted,

Hamond exchanged glances with Rurina, both locking eyes for a moment. With a subtle signal, Hamond conveyed to Rurina to move to the right side.

Rurina swiftly grabbed her bag from the right, placing it on the left, and settled herself on the right side without any delay.

Witnessing the scene, Hamlyn's jaw dropped in amazement, a smile spreading across his face. He turned to Hamond, extending his hand to shake, both shaking hands.

"Congratulations," Hamlyn said warmly.

"Well, what do you have to say now?" Hamond beamed proudly.

"Congrats," Hamlyn chuckled, his smile unwavering, replying, "I'm genuinely happy for you.” Hamond smiles in response…..

As lunch break approached, Hamlyn found himself seated on a bench outside the classroom, enjoying his meal. Suddenly, Fredy dashed over, coming to a halt in front of him.

"Thank goodness, I finally found you!" Fredy exclaimed breathlessly, "I've been searching everywhere.”

"I've been here since the start of the break," Hamlyn replied, Fredy settled beside him.

"How was your class? Anything interesting happen?" Fredy inquired curiously.

"Not really," Hamlyn shrugged. "Just some seating arrangements and introductions.”

"Did you spot any beauties in your class?" Fredy's enthusiasm peaked as he prodded.

Hamlyn shot him a disapproving glance, replying "Why is everyone here so obsessed with girls?" he asked.

"So, someone else also brought up the topic of girls to you?" Fredy's excitement grew as he pressed.

Hamlyn remained silent, focusing on his lunch,

"Oh, come on” Fredy persisted, “Spill the beans. You can trust me, your buddy."

Pausing in his meal, Hamlyn glanced at Fredy before saying, "Well, he shared it without knowing me too well, so I suppose I can share it with you.”

"Yes, spill it, tell me," Fredy's eyes lit up eagerly.

"Remember Rurina from our neighbourhood?" Hamlyn began.

Fredy nodded, "Of course, I know her, but I don't recall her being in your class."

"You're right, she's not” Hamlyn confirmed,

“But her boyfriend is in my class,"

Fredy's eyes widened, "Whaaat? Nooo way! Seriously? Who is he?" he exclaimed

"His name is Hamond,” Hamlyn replied,

“And he's seated right next to me and Rurina is sitting right In Front of my class facing him.''

"Keep an eye on those lovebirds; it'll make you feel even more lonely," Fredy teased.

"Shut up," Hamlyn retorted, prompting Fredy to burst into laughter, and Hamlyn resumed eating……

As lunchtime drew to a close, Hamlyn returned to his class. Everything seemed to be proceeding as usual. Hamlyn contemplated asking Hamond for his notes to see if he was paying attention, but when he glanced at him, he noticed Hamond exchanging smiles with Rurina, and she was smiling back at him. Both were lost in their own world.

Hamlyn noticed and let out a chuckle. Hamond noticed his chuckle, "Hey, what's so funny? I'm just admiring my girlfriend," he questioned.

"Sorry, my bad," Hamlyn apologized adding, "But as your mentor, I'd suggest focusing on your studies during class; you can indulge in romance after the class.”

"I got it, no worries," Hamond assuredly replied. He leaned on his desk, resting his cheek in his hand, and continued gazing at her.

Hamlyn shook his head disapprovingly and thought to himself, “Love can be quite cringe” He then refocused on his studies…..

Late at night, Hamlyn sat at his desk in his room, diligently working on his assignment. Suddenly, Ullmar entered, carrying a stack of books, "Hamlyn, could you please finish this assignment for me?" he implored

Hamlyn glanced at him, a playful grin spreading across his face, "And why would I do that?" he teased

"I'll treat you with your favourite pizza," Ullmar countered with a promise.

Hamlyn's smile widened, "Well, now that's an enticing offer." He accepted the books from Ullmar, who settled onto the bed, inquiring, "How was your first day back at school?"

"Yeah, it was alright. A few things happened, like everyone finding out about Aunt Sarah, and they also sorted out the seating arrangements," Hamlyn replied.

"Just routine stuff," Ullmar brushed off casually, when suddenly his phone buzzed with a notification. Swiftly, he reached for it and immersed himself in its contents.

Meanwhile, Hamlyn diligently tackled the assignment. After ten minutes of focused work, he declared, "All done." extending assignment to Ullmar.

With a smile, Ullmar took the finished assignment, "Don't forget to hit the hay early; waking you up in the morning is no small feat." In response Hamlyn nodded in agreement…..

As Hamlyn stepped into his classroom the next morning, a voice called out from behind him. "Hey, look who's here—our newest friend!”

As Hamlyn glanced behind him, he noticed a classmate he didn’t recognize, standing with a friendly demeanour. The boy’s fair skin and brown hair were neatly in place, and his brown eyes sparkled with warmth.

“Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met before,” Hamlyn inquired, his curiosity piqued by the boy’s welcoming smile.

"I'm Henry, a friend of Hamond's” The stranger introduced himself.

"Ah, nice to meet you," Hamlyn responded cordially.

Henry then broached the topic, "So, you already know about Hamond and Rurina?"

"Yeah, he filled me in," Hamlyn confirmed.

Henry nodded approvingly, "Cool. Want to be friends?" Extending his hand for a handshake.

Returning the handshake with a smile, Hamlyn agreed, "Yeah, sure thing." Both exchanged smiles, a new friendship budding between them.

As Hamond entered the classroom, he exchanged greetings with Hamlyn and Henry before his gaze wandered over to Rurina's empty seat. "Hasn't my girlfriend arrived yet?" Hamond asked, furrowing his brow.

"No” Henry shook his head, replying.

“She hasn't shown up yet,"

Expressing his impatience, Hamond exclaimed, "Ugh, I can't wait for her."

Amidst the conversation, Hamlyn couldn't suppress a chuckle. Sensing the chuckle, Hamond fixed his gaze on Hamlyn and remarked, "Hey, I've noticed you've been laughing at me since yesterday.”

"I'm sorry, it's just all a bit new to me," Hamlyn playfully apologized.

"Better get used to it. It's going to be strange if you keep laughing at me all the time," Hamond advised. Hamlyn simply smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

After a few moments, the teacher arrived, prompting everyone to take their seats. Then, making an announcement, the teacher declared, "Alright, class, I have an important announcement. Hamlyn and Sasha, please stand up."

With a hint of confusion, Hamlyn and Sasha rose from their seats. The teacher continued, "As of today, they will serve as the class representatives.”

A round of applause erupted as Hamlyn and Sasha assumed their roles as the new class representatives. With a sense of accomplishment, they resumed their seats amidst the supportive cheers.

"Wow, that's awesome. Congratulations!" Hamond chimed in, impressed.

Hamlyn graciously accepted the compliment with a nod of gratitude.

From behind, Henry added, "Congratulations! This is great news. Now you can help us even more with our studies."

Hamlyn smiled in agreement, affirming his readiness to assist.

The rest of the school day proceeded smoothly for Hamlyn. After classes concluded, he waited outside the school for Fredy. When Fredy arrived, they began their journey homeward together, chatting along the way.

"No way! You're a class rep now? That's incredible!" Fredy exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's an honour, but it comes with its share of responsibilities," Hamlyn acknowledged.

Curious about extracurricular activities, Fredy inquired, "What's your take on joining clubs? Have you signed up for any yet?"

"I'm considering joining the football club," Hamlyn contemplated for a moment before replying.

"That's exactly what I was thinking! I've heard our school's football team isn't the best," Fredy's enthusiasm matched Hamlyn's as he exclaimed.

"Once we're part of it, we'll work on improving it,” Hamlyn casually remarked.

"Let's turn in our application forms tomorrow," Fredy suggested eagerly.

"We'll consider it," Hamlyn responded.

Suddenly, a stranger approached from behind, calling out, "Hey, you there!"

Startled, Hamlyn and Fredy turned around to find eight unfamiliar faces standing before them. wearing the same school uniform as them.

"Yes, what do you want?" Hamlyn inquired cautiously.

"Are you Ullmar Hasegawa's brother? And your name's Hamlyn Hasegawa, right?" the stranger interrogated.

"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" Hamlyn confirmed his identity.

Without warning, the stranger lunged forward, aiming a punch directly at Hamlyn's face. Hamlyn's eyes widened in shock as the punch drew closer to his face.