
melody of a massacre vol 4

twins Yadara and Narimo kusake are affected by what their mother had done ten years ago and now they have to find out what happened to cause their mother to do what she had done ten years ago. Follow the twins on their journey to find the cause of their mothers actions and maybe some secrets that the twins didn't even know about themselves.

nishio_takeyoshi · Action
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chapter 40: mission 1 search and destroy

[itami,hikimi,mitsu and the international team head to headquarters to get their badges]

Itami: Once we get to headquarters we will get your badges and then we'll get your first mission ready.

Mitsu: what are we going to do with leo?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: you'll see.

Mitsu: ok.

[itami shoots leo]

[everyone looks at itami in shock]

Mitsu: how could you do something like that?.

Itami: he was no use for the team, plus he was annoying.

Hikimi: Now we have three international members.

Toby: Ok captain obvious, now what was that for?.

Itami: he would have been a compromise to the team, plus we wouldn't have been able to take him on any missions because of him being so loud and he has a risk of endangering us.

Mitsu: It's understandable, but why kill him?.

Itami: his government told me that if i didn't have any use for him to kill him because they were planning on executing him anyways.

Mitsu: oh ok.

[itami,hikimi,mitsu and the international team arrive at headquarters]

Itami: Now, anymore questions.

Toby: What do you want us to do with the body?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: I'll get someone to clean it up, first we need to get everyone their badges.

Toby: ok.

[itami,hikimi,mitsu and the international team walk down the hallway]

Itami: ok let's go to my office, mitsu and hikimi wait in the training room.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu and hikimi walk down the hallway to the training room]

Itami: [sigh] now we need to talk.

[itami hands the international team their badges]

Itami: hikimi isn't who she seems, she is actually a saviours strand that has a second consciousness.

Toby: So you want to kill her too?.

Itami: no, because she is the only one who can stop yadara.

Porthos: and how is that?.

Itami: yadara won't hurt his sister he will break down at the sight of her being alive and then we can take him down.

Alina: So you're using yadaras dead sister to capture him?.

Itami: pretty much.

Alina: I think you should let me build a bond with him and once the time is right to kill him.

Itami: That's a good idea but what yadara has done to this city he should suffer.

Toby: Well whatever the circumstances are we should take him down at all costs right?.

Itami: I suppose so.

Toby: Good, let me get the other two badges and I'll go to the training room to give them to hikimi and mitsu.

Itami: But we still need to discuss the mission.

[toby holds his hand out]

Toby: You told us Mitsu is our captain, and Mitsu told us at the meeting that she wanted me and hikimi to scout out some strand hotspots.

Itami: [sigh] you hold a good head on your shoulders, don't forget i'll kill you once you become useless to me.

[itami gives toby the badges and toby smiles]

Toby: I know you won't kill me, because once you kill me you don't have a direct shot to yadara.

[itami looks at toby surprised]

Itami: what?.

[toby walks down the hallway to the training room]

Toby: figure it out.

[itami walks to his office]

Itami: He's right, if I kill him we won't have anyone on our team to take yadara down.

Itami: I mean hikimi is pretty much a sacrifice to break yadara down. That's why I got a sniper on the team to kill both of them in one shot.

[toby arrives at the training room]

Toby: Well girls, I got your badges.

[mitsu looks at toby surprised]

Mitsu: how did you get these?.

Toby: oh, I had to tell the captain off.

Hikimi: why would you tell him off?.

Toby: because he's ruthless to people who are here to clean up for him.

Hikimi: what do you mean?.

[mitsu looks at toby surprised]

Mitsu: who is cleaning for him?.

Toby: You know exactly who I'm talking about.

Mitsu: who are you talking about?.

Toby: you know.

[toby points at hikimi]

Toby: She is.

[hikimi looks at toby surprised]

Hikimi: what do you mean?.

Mitsu: it's nothing, now you two will be going to these strand hotspots.

[toby looks at mitsu surprised after she hands him the paper]

Mitsu: Now I'm counting on you two to do good.

Hikimi: We will.

[toby and hikimi leave headquarters and walk down the street]

Toby: [sigh] I can't believe these people.

[hikimi looks at toby surprised]

Hikimi: what do you mean?.

Toby: It's nothing.

[toby looks at the map]

Toby: this map says that there is a strand hotspot at an abandoned office building not too far from here.

Hikimi: ok, we'll go there first.

[after sometime toby and hikimi arrive at the abandoned office building]

Hikimi: Well, let's go inside.

Toby: ok.

[toby turns on his flashlight]

Toby: This place feels so empty.

[hikimi sees someone in front of them]

Hikimi: wait here.

[toby looks at hikimi surprised]

Toby: what?.

[hikimi runs and cuts the strand user's head off]

Hikimi: That's one.

Toby: Now where are the others?.

Hikimi: they're most likely on top of us.

[hikimi uses her oppressors strand to blow the rest of the building to pieces]

Toby: I guess you were right.

[toby thinking to himself]

Toby: I've never heard of a saviours strand using their past strand, usually they have a new strand.

Toby: I guess she really isn't who she seems but it doesn't mean i can't get to know more about her.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: that's 104 strand users.

[toby looks at hikimi surprised]

Toby: You're pretty strong huh?.

Hikimi: yes i train everyday so i dont fail on my missions.

Toby: You know training doesn't help you not fail, it's your mindset.

Hikimi: I know.

Hikimi: where is the next hotspot?.

Toby: um.

[toby looks at the map]

Toby: It's at a house not too far from here too.

Hikimi: ok.

[yadara gets the scent of narimo]

Yadara: narimo?.

Yadara: It can't be she's been dead for ten years.

[yadara looks out the window]

[yadara smiles]

Yadara: it has to be her, she's the only one i know that has an oppressors strand.

[yadara leaves the building with his mask on]

Yadara: [sigh] well it won't hurt to go see if it's actually her.

[yadara jumps building to building and stops once he sees hikimi and toby walking down the street]

Yadara: So this is who has the scent of narimo.

[yadara uses his branch of power to see that narimo is inside hikimi]

Yadara: so narimo is inside her.

Yadara: Well it confirms that she's being used as a saviours strand.

Yadara: I'll keep an eye on this girl for the time being.

[yadara jumps to another building]

Yadara: The thing i don't understand is that, that's narimos body as well.

[yadara laughs]

Yadara: So someone did a surgery to put a second consciousness into narimos body so she wouldn't remember herself.

[yadara looks at the sky]

Yadara: narimo, i will free you from the tourtures that they have you under.

Yadara: The time will come soon enough.

chapter 41 january 25th