

There is so many phenomenon in this world to be dechiphered, some still can be explained and another thing just doesn't make sense at all. In all things, we all knew well about zombie's; a fantasy thriller horror genre that watched by many. Its fun reality for her, the girl was devastated and tried to survive as much as everyone does but eventually death embraces all the living too well. Except for her. Forced to wake up in a damp iron bars, as she greeted by the same hunger; acidic fluids that burn her throat has been bothering for more than two years was no match for what she witnessed. "Wake up!! You're all sold!" The entirely different situation just after she felt the burn pain from their rotten teeth. Cracked voice, bruised body, and beggar like appearance displayed herself. "Where the hell I am ?" [Disclaimer : This is work of passion and I am not an english natives. Unedited work; Possibly of misspelling and grammatical error. Any way, thank you for reading.]

Blackcat96 · Histoire
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11 Chs

Chapter 04 Roles of a Maid (2)

Meanwhile, at the garden.

Mellisa's putting back the equipment she had used to cutting the garden grass and bush, then moving the basket full of wild grass to the palace backyard near the forest that separating this castle with another.

Garnet palace's one of the castle that has been built in the Leonnes Main Palace [A1] are, The princes has their own separated resident while the crown prince palace occupied by the first prince despite he hasn't been declared as one.

Going to do her another task, which was wiping the windows. Mellisa immediately act on it until the start of break times just like she usually does. Whenever she did her job cleaning the windows near the training field, her eyes always wanders to the knights who was in training.

Swords clashing sound reverberated from their spar, she honestly wants to try wielding it. While her self defense could help her back in the earth because there's no leap power gap between man and woman, whereas here she needs to reevaluating that minds.

Their sharp sword clearly causing sparks, and there's otherworldly phenomenon from the swords that the knight using. Mellisa keen eyes can see it as well the other too, a bluish hue formed around the shard edge.

Some of the bluish hue was transparent, a little dimmed. Then, there are people who had solid blue light on their sword. It last longer than the transparent ones.

I looked at them in between wiping the always dusty windows, a murky water tolds me to change it sooner as I thought. Walking to a nearby well near the training field where the knight usually wash their face to cool down the heat.

"Ugh..." Pulling the well rope is hard because of her lack stamina, although she diligently increasing her stamina by exercising in the morning its still hard.

"Can I help you ?"

An unknown voice of someone suddenly offering his help, a knight in his twenty or more. He had dark brown hair with green eyes, sharp eyes, and muscular built standing behind Mellisa who held the well-pump joints. His thin moustache caught her interest as its his strong point besides his eye.

The knights behind him stealing glances at their directions almost ready to tease him when he came back to their comrades, and it didn't missed Mellisa eyes.

"Did Sir Knight on a break from training ?" I curiously asking him, for the whole month working here they probably aware of my gazes. Should I use this chance to ask about swordmanship ?

"Yeah, I always saw you cleaning the windows at 09.45 a.m in the morning. Oh, by the way My name is Dylan Cess, one of His Highness knight." He smoothly showing his white teeth, like a good natured person as he tried to hold the ropes connected to the now filled-bucket of water inside the well in my hand eagerly. "Let me help you."

"If Sir Knight insist, thank you so much." I let him pull the bucket out from the well, his muscle hand could be seen everytime he pulls the rope. While he did it, Mellisa continuing their conversation. He didn't know I was in charge of brushing the fields too, as I always did it in the morning.

"I was called Mellisa, how long you've been a knight for His Highness the third prince ?"

"I met with His Highness before the war happened. I was a wandering knight from the Yvethe kingdom far in East. Miss Mellisa can call me by my name, i didn't mind."

"If you say so, then Sir Dylan; Can I asks what kind of place was Yvethe kingdom are ?"

"Well, its not that different from Leonnes Kingdom Except for the seasons. At Yvethe, there are two seasons which was rainy and summer season whereas here in Leonnes we get to experience four seasons including autumn, fall, summer, also winter seasons. But the sceneries was beautiful escpecially the moutains landscapes from another top mountain. We can enjoy moon fruits water in the hot days... " Dylan happily babbled, he change the already filled bucket with the last empty bucket.

"You must be travelled a long the way to be in here. Did it hard ? Travelling around..."

"It'll be tough if we don't have means to protect oneself [A2] or financially unstabble. Luckily, I was rather skilled; I was joining adventurer guild to take on people commission to make ends meets. Oh here, this is the last bucket."

A very wide grins on Dylan face dazzingly shone, there's no trace of tiredness from when he lift the rope connecting to the bucket inside the well until he moved the water into the wooden bucket.

"Here, I made this." Pulling out a bag of sweet potato fritters made from a bread crumbs mixed with sweet potatoes, salt, onions, two eggs, pepper, and capsicum changed into a fried round shape snack folded inside the white handkerchiefs. Mellisa made it in the morning by sneaking around the kitchen before the one in charge woke up, not everyday but she did it whenever she craves earth foods.

Mellisa's wasn't a great chef, by the time walkers eating human society away; She made up anything she can to survive. Looking for any edible plants that can be replanted, canned food, and foraging supply from residental area. there's no room to waste for useless things, she better hunt rather than starving.

"I don't know if its suit Sir Dylan plate, but please take this as my gratitude." She handed it to the dumbfounded Dylan. If not for his title as a knight, she would love to tease him.

"Th-thank you so much, Miss Mellisa!"

He's sounds jubilant and looked strange for a big guy to nodd his head back and forth almost made her felt bizzare; reminding her to the neighboorhood puppies in her younger days that she always observe from behind the iron fence.

"Its me who should said that, then I have to do my work again. Seems like Sir Dylan breaks come to an ends too." From a far, Mellisa saw a familiar face approaching the training field. He was Alexander personal knight and aide, James.

"You're right. I should get going." Dylan agreed, when he saw the Vice Captain James come to the training ground.

Mellisa left alone near the well; Dylan rushed to the training ground after packing the snack given by her into his pocket. For a lively man, he just left without causing ruckus; leaving Mellisa wondering where is his cheerfulness goes or maybe he had high sense of duty or he respected the Knight Captain but whatever his reasons is; Mellisa didn't care at all.

"His highness wont come to the training grounds as of today schedule will be watch over by myself. Let me see how much all of you progressed, Do you understand ?"


Their vigorous voice reverberated in the open space almost shouting behing Mellisa back; Lining in sequence in front of James as their vice captain just like seasoned warrior is. They moved in pair after James instruction heard by all, some using a wooden sword and the other unsheating a their real swords.

Practicing of what they called swordmanship, blueish spark in between their clash from each other weapon. Its mystifiying, Mellisa saw it all with her own eyes almost everyday.

She wants to be able to wield a weapon, its fine if she didn't master it; just enough to defend herself. The hands that held the wet fabric still not strong enough to lift one wooden sword for a long time. One month wasn't enough to built her own stamina or to thicken her wallets.

'There's no other choices...' one thing she realizes from talking with the knight named Dylan; ability means more comfortable life. What Mr. Boule said was true, there's no better workplace except in here at the imperial palace.


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