
Chapter Ten: Reveal

As I drew in air from the other end of the straw that was out, I was filled with amazement. The guards would never know we were here unless somebody stirs the water. The only thing they would see were sticks.

But one particular thought ran inside my head. How did he know how to do this? I peeped up above the river surface and saw the guards come to a stop at the river, looking around, trying to see if they could spot us.

My heartbeat increased it's pace when the thought of them deciding to cross the river crossed my mind, but I calmed down and didn't dare move.

After few minutes, they got back on their horses and went the other way, round the river.

We got out of the river minutes after they had gone and I inhaled heavily and let out a really violent cough.

I dragged my worn-out body to the other side of the river bank and lay on the bare ground, coughing the air out of my lungs.

It was morning already, we had been running through the night.

He walked past me like that didn't mean anything to me, the mask still on his face and said "There's a horse waiting at the other side that'll get us to safety. We better get a move on, I believe the guards are going round the river and will be here soon"

He turned to leave but I stopped him "Wait!" He paused for a moment, not turning back but I spoke again "Even if you won't tell me your name, at least let me see your face. I need to know! I deserve to know! Just please, let me see. How do I know if you're not just taking me on a wild goose chase, only to return me to Archienoy later to have me killed? Just show me your face!"

There was silence for a moment and I sighed inwardly

I was about to give up and just continue going with him, no matter the outcome, when his hands moved and I paused.

He raised his hands to the mask on his face and removed it slowly.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw who it was.

The midnight-blue haired royal!.

"It's you!" I shrieked

I immediately stood up from the ground and backed away from him

"how...why...what are you doing here?" I stuttered in shock as I tried to get my thoughts together.

Why was he here? Was this all a ploy?

He didn't even say anything and just stared at me with those eyes.

Those eyes!

They wanted to suck me in and keep me falling into an endless abyss.

I forcefully broke off the connection, not wanting to lose focus.

I turned back to him "Why did you save me? Are you working with them? Is this a test or ploy? What's going on?" I asked all at once.

He stared at me "We better get to Leroy, we'll be safe once we're out of the forest" he said and started walking away again. I stood, rooted to the ground. He didn't answer my question.

What would a royal be doing with a common servant? Why would he go all this way? I stared at his back as he walked away but I didn't move an inch.

When he noticed that I wasn't following, he turned back to me "Do you want to get killed? Then all our efforts would be in vain! So you better start moving or else the guards will catch us here. We've wasted enough time already, discussing needless issues" he said and I blinked

"Needless issues?! I'm sorry, I'm just shocked at the fact that a ROYAL is helping a treacherous slave escape her terrible faith! And a strange, unheard royal at that! Forgive me for being so inquisitive and curious but I'm just trying to figure out my place in this merciless twist!" I half yelled and he scoffed "Make your decision now, either way, I'm still getting out of here" he said and turned, walking away.

I inhaled and exhaled, feeling confused.

I knew following him was uncertain, but waiting for the guards was certain to be death. And death wasn't a really fine story at all.

I sighed and moved, following him slowly. We walked for a few hours before we got to an opening and he whistled.

Seconds later, I saw a horse trotting toward us and I sucked in my breath.

His mane looked beautiful...