
Chapter 55: First school day

Its finally the first school day, im just too excited to go and see how things work in there, it is the best magic academy after all, people from all over the world come to study here.

Lucy and Ash returned both yesterday to Xyrus, after resting from the trip we now are heading towards the academy in the family carriage. "Meliodas, what do you think of my uniform?" Lucy asked.

"Well it is good, but did you copy me?" I asked, pointing to the fact that her dress has short sleeves too.

"No I didn't, my fighting style requires great physical abilitie, this is why I have these muscles, and to be honest the sleeves are tight for my biceps so I decided to shorten them.

"Yeah yeah we dont really care..." Ash said, turning towards me. "But bro, your's is really cool tho!"

My uniform is composed of a white dress shirt and light grey vest on top without any sleeves, exposing my strong and well trained arms with the dragon tattoo. Both the new vest and dark gray pants were made from a different material though, with special engravings on the inside.

In place of my pocket watch on the breast pocket like normal uniforms, mine however, was a strap that went across my chest and snugged in around my shoulder, holding my sheathed, silver knife over my heart. A gold string replaced the red string that I had tied around, underneath my collar, giving my whole attire a mixture royal and tough fighted look, adding to that Amaya wrapped around my body makes me look badass, licture of black and white.

"True, to be honest after trying this unifrom I truly am happy with my decision to become part of the student council." I folded my arms under my chest.

"Lucky bastard... I really want to wear this too, you know I love to look cool and stylish." Ash turned his head in jealousy.

Ash's uniform, on the other hand, had a much sharper design. His black blazer had white trimmings that matched his black pants. Instead of a string, he wore a black square-end tie with one white stripe, indicating that he was a level one student.

With his white dress shirt underneath and a badge with a crossed sword and staff etched intricately over the breast pocket, he looked dashing. It was approximatly the same for Lucy, just she had a skirt and short sleeves.

"You mean you want to get some girls right?" Lucy corrected him.

"I feel like you read in my thoughts Lucy, we truly think the same." Ash had a funny smile on his face.

"Its funny that we are late on our first day guys." I reminded them.

"Damn it man, I almost forgot that. While you are part of the student council, you wont have problems with that, we are normal students so we might hear some unpleasant words." He held his temple with his right hand.

"Who fucking cares, im not that interested in the academy in the first place, im only here because Meliodas said it would be fun." She harumphed, with her usual angry attitude that I always find cute and funny.

As we kept laughting and chatting, the ride to Xyrus Academy wasn't too long since it was in the same city, but the campus itself was enormous, so going in through the main gate took some time.

There was an abundance of other extravagantly decorated carriages, some twice as long as normal carriages, with low ranked mana beasts pulling them.

"Tchh... what a bunch of show-offs." Lucy grumbled as she watched pompous looking students, confidently stepping out of carriages, with decorated weapons to signify that they were either a conjurer or augmenter.

Our carriage was quite luxurious as well, but that was from the standpoint of commoners. Compared to those richly decorated carriages of major families, ours weren't nearly as eye catching.

"We have arrived, Master Meliodas, Master Ash, Lady Lucy." The driver opened the door for us and we stepped out inhaling a deep breath of the campus air.

"Huh…the air tastes the same here…Thought it'd taste better." Ash said while smacking his lips.

"Don't be stupid." I pushed my friend forward as we followed the crowd of students walking on the bright marble path.

"Holy shit…" Ash's jaw dropped as he looked almost vertically up at the building in front of us. The enormous white building that had runes etched covering it left even me astounded.

"Let's go in." Lucy snapped Ash back to his senses and we walked in alongside the other new students attending this school for the first time

*Arthur Leywin POV*

It is my first day at the academy, I came here early with my friend Elijah, we made a small tour in the campus hoping that I would find my brother, but he is nowhere to be seen so we just headed to where everyone else was going.

Once inside, I winced by how loud it was. Thousands of excited students chattered away, some with friends that they had come with, some with people they were meeting for the first time.

"LET'S FIND A SEAT!" I needed to shout for Elijah, who was right next to me, to hear. Eventually, we found a seat in the middle of the auditorium near the back rows.

Looking around more carefully, I was surprised at how many dwarves and elves I spotted, chatting away with those around them.

"Wow, I've never seen full elves until now. Looks like it's true that all three races can fully attend this academy now." Elijah excitedly looked around, scouting for potential soul mates amongst the crowd. I couldn't help but shake my head at the expected behavior.

Getting bored of looking around me, I focused my attention on the stage where it was still empty except for a single podium. Suddenly, a sharp blur focused into form and I saw Director Goodsky standing behind the podium.

She wasn't wearing the oversized hat that conjurers normally wore like she did the last time we met almost four years ago. Instead, she wore an elegant white circlet that matched her white robe, appearing much more refined than the witch-like impression she had given off on our first encounter.

Director Goodsky had her eyes closed but when she opened them, she seemed to be peering straight into me, sending shivers down my back. Smiling, she raised her hand slowly while her eyes remained locked onto mine.

By this time, many more of the incoming first years noticed her and began talking even louder, some cheering, but when Director Goodsky's hand reached the level of her head, suddenly, everything went dead silent.

Looking around, everyone had expressions of surprise, because while everyone's lips were moving, no sound was heard from anyone in the audience.

"Excuse me for my rudeness but I do hate speaking up. Not good for my throat, no it is not." She said in a pleasant voice that, while soft, was heard perfectly clear, even from here in the back row.

"I welcome everyone here, the future leaders, scholars and powerhouses of Dicathen, to this humble academy. I am Cynthia Goodsky. Please call me Director Goodsky and do not be afraid to say hello when I walk around campus.

I am no good with speeches so I stand here before you mages today to say hello, and introduce to you the Student Council that represents this academy and takes part in making important decisions along with me. Please give them a warm welcome." She waved her raised hand and one by one, members of the council started walking out.

I first saw a frail looking boy witt blond hair walking confidently, looking straight ahead, his pretty boy face eliciting a wave of shrill screams from the girls in the audience. Behind him, a very playful, cheery girl came out confidently waving at the audience and beaming us a bright smile.

"Look, look! There's Lilia! We need to cheer!" Elijah stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs and I followed him, yelling her name as well. Her shy demeanor was nowhere to be seen as she walked calmly towards the center of the stage, where she gave small bows in each direction. There was no way she could see us or make out our individual cheers but we still gave it our all to cheer on our friend.

Behind her walked out a tall student with long, parted bangs. His face was frozen into what looked like a stern grimace with a sharp gaze that seemed to be looking down on everyone, giving him a rather pompous appearance. While the cheers for him wasn't as loud as it was for the handsome guy or Lilia, he, nonetheless strode with practiced grace.

Finally, the last two to arrive actually made the crowd silent. The unmistakable gunmetal silver hair that reflected the lights in the auditorium gave them a serene glow as their peachy cream complexion made the boys around me gape. They walked to face the audience so that their figure captures the hearts of every boy in this auditorium.

'They are only thirteen...right?' I asked myself.

While still a little taller than Lilia, they both were quite a bit shorter than the serious looking guy next to them, but their posture made them seem bigger and grander than everyone else on the stage.



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