
Meliodas in Danmachi

Hestia was desperate to get her first familia member, so when she found a demonic summoning ritual she diden't think twice. MC is a reincarnator, but he has no knowlage of the plot. tags: #danmachi #the_seven_deadly_sins #reincarnation #op #power_trip #female_bell #fate_elements

Ferferfer22 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

2 Falna

"Are you my master?" The boy asked.

"Master?" Hestia was confused.

"Are you the one who summoned me?" The boy clarified and Hestia nodded. "That makes you my master."

"But I don't want to be someone's master!" Hestia pouted. "I just want a family member."

"You will forever be my master, as my mark will never leave your body. However if that is your wish, then I can be your family." The boy stated.

Hestia started to jump up and down in giddiness.

"Yay! I got my first family member! I got my first family member! I got my first family member!..." Hestia started repeating with a smile on her face wile the boy just stared at the picture of happiness.

"Oh, right." Hestia stoped. "I have not introduced myself yet! Name is Hestia and I am the godess of home and hearth." She extended her hand happily.

"A goddess?!" The boy exclaimed in surprise, but it vanished in a second. "My name is Meliodas, nice to meet you." The boy said as he shook the godess' hand, a smile on his face.

"By the way." Hestia started. " What do you mean by "My mark will never leave your body"?" Hestia asked confused.

"Comand seals are given to every master, they regenerate every day to a maximum of 3, they are engraved on the back of your hand."Meliodas stated and pointed to Hestia's right hand.

The godess looked at the red marks on her hand in curiosity. Now that she knew about them, she felt she could activate them, but she still had no clue what are they used for.

"What are they used for?" Hestia asked and boy, she did not like the answear .

"Comand seals are proof of our bound as master and servant, they are used to force my Phisical body to do something the master orders, even against my will, they are absolute orders that can not be disobe-"

"I HEREBY VOW ON MY ARCANUM TO NEVER USE A COMAND SEAL!" Hestia bellowed and the air glowed blue arround her for a second.

Meliodas was surprised at her divine vow, but after a few moments he sighted in disapointment "Oh well, that is a bummer." Meliodas said surprising Hestia this time arround.

"What?" Hestia said confused.

"Look, I apreciate the feeling of you not wanting to enslave me. But if you had waited until I was done talking then you would know that comand seals can be used for more then just that!"

"What?" Hestia repeated in a daze.

"Comand seals are used to force my phisical body to do things, including things it normaly could not do, such as teleporting me or even resurrecting me should I die!"

When Hestia's brain finished processing the information, she trew herself at the floor and started trowing a fit at the magnitude of her own blunder.


After Hestia calmed down, she apologized for beeing such a kluts and that she understood if Meliodas did not wanted to be part of her family anymore. The boy had to cheer her up and assure her that he still wanted to be part of her family. That got her back to her giddy self.

"Ok, then take off your shirt and lie on the bed so I can inscribe my falna on your back." Hestia said as she dragged Meliodas to the bed as if afraid that the boy would change his mind.

"Ok master, but what is this "falna" you speak about?" The boy asked as he took his shirt off.

Hestia's eyes widen. "How can you not know what a "falna" is?"

"Well, I am from another world, so excuse me if I don't know of your common sense."

Hestia's eyes widen further as her divine senses detect no lies and she starts to give the boy a crash course on the world of tenkai.

"So, gods were bored and decided to become mortals? Also this world have monsters coming out of a hole in the ground unless people with gods' blessing, AKA falna constantly cull their numbers? Am I about right?" Meliodas asked.

"Not 100% correct but close enought." Hestia nodded.

"So you are giving me falna so I can slay monsters?"

"Nonono!" Hestia panicked. "The falna is just to mark you as a member of my familia, it is just that most of the people with falna go after the monsters in the dungeon so they get stronget faster! It is completly your choice wheter to go down there or do something else!" She assured that the boy did not have to risk his life and she was not forcing him to do anything.

"Hmmm. I understand. But still I think it is better if I become one of those adventurers that go into the dungeon and slay monsters. You said it was the fastest way to make money right?" Meliodas said.

Hestia had a heavy heart thinking of the possibility of her first family member not returning home one day but acepted his decision.

Meliodas laid on the bed flat on his stomach and Hestia started to inscribe the falna on his back.


[Name: Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas the Demon.









Godslayer: SSS

High Level Demon Phisique: SSS

Hellfire Manipulation: G

Darkness Manipulation: G

Demon Mark: SS

Seven Hearts: SSS

Demon Prince: SSS

Swordsmen: SSS



Full Counter

Enchant Hellblaze



One Thousand Gods' Slayer(A/N:I may change this to "Slayer of One Thousand Gods" because me chuni :P)]


The status screen hitted Hestia with all it's information at once. And the godess could not stop herself from trembling in fear.

"Master, are you alright?"

"D- d- d- d- d- d-..." Hestia wanted to scream "DEMON!!!" and run away from there as quickly as her legs and arcanum could carry her, but the fear had her paralised.

(A/N:hmm, i seen to have written myself into a corner there... Does anyone have any idea on how i make those 2 make peace? i wanted hestia to treat meliodas as if he were bell, but i just can't see this talk working out...)

last updated on 06/26/2023

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