
Melinda and the hidden secrets

After being silent for years about her mother hidden secret which she is yet to find out......... She drowns her sorrow with sex..they called a slut, whore, bitch and many other things but she never cared...... When she decides to reveal her mother's secrets.. she suddenly disappeared or maybe died.... What happens when she saw her look-like in an unpleasant situation..? She sets out to find the truth but find out more secrets hidden that she had bargain at.... Find out what happens in this novel about Melinda and the hidden secrets.... Author_Meyun

Author_Audri · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

Macmalian Library

•Magical corp•

•Minal hotel•

After a short prayer he began; We have called this gathering today, so as to discuss the forthcoming dean election,and principally to nominate our pallbearers without rancour or bitterness, especially now that we have some few days to the renewal of students, having said that,i must state, honorable members of this organization, that time is our greatest enemy here Let us act fast as we listen to short speeches from our aspirants".

Blaze raises up to address the audience,he his a light complexion man of 40 years dressed in a milk coloured suit;

Good evening everyone, for those who know me very well.it would be no news to them that am contesting for the "dean of M.S.A"however,for the benefit of those who haven't know me much, let in be said that have been in this organization for a very long time,I should perhaps have the opportunity to lead this great school,this time.. I'm coming again and i count to your support, thank you.

Felix is a forty two year year old,yet he looks much younger than his age.Rash,vocal and seemingly uncompromising,he takes his turn to address the audience;

I'm sure,you aren't surprised to see me on my feet, this evening. I'm not going to say much for now;only that i wish to state that I've come with the full consent of the teeming magical association,and that I'm the most capable to for the school's number one position,Do i have your support?

Screams of yes rend the air as he took his seat in confidence.

There is a little pause, during which the members wait for the address of other candidates if any, and in no time Beryl is on his feet to round up the meeting.

Clears his throat and began; Respected candidates,all these important personalities (indicating the whole house) gathered here, Magical corp is so thank for your presence including the aspirants.You've equally told the truth when you said time is very much our enemy.The election is in three months time meaning you have time to campaign around the school and persuade them you are the "Chosen dean of M.S.A" this same meeting will be held in a month time..thank you". he bowed slightly and left the stage leaving the hall was filled with hoos and woos.


"Uhn"! Melinda grunts getting up from her bed. She stood up to notice her bedroom door was half opened...yes she was tired yesterday but she remembered to shut the door tightly.

She was about to take her bath when she realized that her luggages are with her Aunt. She springed up in a jiffy and headed to her aunt's room. She entered but no was.....there though she heard water pouring through the bathroom door,She decided to seat and wait till her aunt was out.

After minutes of seating, she got bored and started looking around..more like snooping around...she opened her closet and started ransacking like she lost something..then she saw a letter with "M.S.A" plastered in the middle.."Macmilian libary" was written at the bottom left of the envelope.

As she was about to open it..her aunt entered and she kept it behind her.

"Melinda,what are you looking for in my closet?" She asked with crunched eyebrows.

"I..m...i...w..as.. look..ing....." She stammered trying to drop the envelope back in her well spacious closet.

"Hm.. what's behind you?" She asked trying to check but Melinda moved back and dropped the envelope quickly..if one saw her you could have mistaken her for flash.

"Oh... Aunty Linda...i was looking for my luggage" She said with a straight face.

"It's in Ella room". She replied and Melinda dashed out.

"What's she up too.."? Linda asked her self looking for the letter... she then found it in between some clothes and sighed"Thank god..she didn't read or set her eyes on this".


Macmilian libary?! Macmalian library?! Macmalian library?!.... Melinda kept chanting walking towards Ella's room. she stood and then hid at the side peeping her head through the slightly opened door.

"Uhm...what can i do... Macmilian libary.. I can't go...but something,will happen..damn this is frustrating". She roughed her hair and Melinda choked on air making Ella notice her.

"Mel...aunt... Melinda...what happened to you" she said dragging her inside..

"I'm fine..thanks...m..my luggages?" she asked and Ella pointed where they where kept in response.....


"I know but that mustn't happen.." the first deity said to the other two standing adjacent her..

"it's her faith...to find out... about their evil acts" the second deity spoke in a husky voice.

"Faith my foot.. I don't support either of you...let destiny take it's course.." The third deity was cut short by the howling sounds

"What's that?!"... probably wolfs or stuff.." the first deity said leaving in a puff of smoke..so did the other two..


"Get ready....don't embarrass me" A middle aged woman said yanking a girl named Belinda's hair.

"Mum... I don't want to be married off to some old hag..." She pleaded between sobs.

"You...! get ready....he will soon arrive.." She yelled releasing her hair...

"Mu...mo..oth...mother" Belinda yelled watching her mother leave the room with no form of regrets or sympathy.

"I will run away... I can't let my life be ruined by some witch.....yes i will...kill myself" She concluded wiping her tears off.


"Master....she is currently at her uncle's place" the guard said with his head facing the ground.

"Hm...okay...get me.. her movement for the last hour..." He said sipping from his cup filled with tequila...

"Sir....the..la...s...t..hour...the camera...was removed...and...." he was cut short by Arnold who slapped his left cheek...

"Get out...and get it..." He yelled and the guard ran outside in fear..

"So.... what's your plan?" His best friend Ben asked.

"One his already in my possession now i will try to get the second one", he smirked...


"Get out... please...Ellen... please..stop..i beg of you...!

Stay tuned and keep reading...