
Megumi hime

Sukuna and Megumi are on their way to find there love but sukuna is afraid because of the difference between him and Megumi. Will a curse and a sorcerer be able to fall in love and stay together. (I don't own these characters)

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11 Chs

Unexpected saviour 1

~Medical room~

"Nobara, please give me a side"

Ms. Shoko rushed over to check Megumi's condition. He is fine and conscious but the thing is that he is just calling for... SUKUNA.

Ms. Shoko ignored  what Megumi is mumbling, she called him.

"Megumi..... Megumi..... Can you hear me?  Can you open your eyes..... Megumi....!!!"

Megumi started to slowly open his eyes,  he looked around a little bit like he is searching for someone. He closed his eyes and opened it back, after a few moment he tried to get up.

"Don't get up, you should take rest....!!"

But he didn't listen, Ms. Shoko helped him to get up. Megumi groaned and put his right hand on his stomach.

"Where..... Where am I??" Megumi said with a faint voice.

"In the Medical room, don't worry you're safe here."

"And..... Su.... Sukuna??"

Principal and Ms. Shoko are surprised by this unexpected question but for Nobara it's not unexpected for him to ask this question since she is the only one who has some idea how close Megumi and Sukuna are. But asking about Sukuna in place of Yuuji is a bit weird for her too.

She went closer to him and quickly replied,

"He has been tied up in the training room, everyone thinks that he is the one who is responsible for your current condition but it's not like that right?"

Nobara wants to believe that the Sukuna she saw that night could not hurt Megumi.

Megumi lift his head up after hearing Nobara, eyes are wide open, his stomach is still in pain but he couldn't bother about this. He tried to get off from the stretcher, he removed the white cloth on him and put his left leg on the floor followed by the right leg. Ms. Shoko tried to stop him,

"What are you doing? Don't move, you aren't completely healed yet."

But he didn't listen to anyone, he can't think of anything except he need to see Sukuna right now. His stomach is in pain but he need to bear it at all cost, he took his his 1st trembling step through his pain and went towards the door. He opened the door and found others waiting outside but he ignored everyone and turned towards where the training room is.

Maki and others outside were surprised when they show the door opening and Megumi came through it.


"Where are you going in this condition"

They tried to stop him, teachers also came out of the room and tried to stop him but everything was in vain. There is nothing in his head except that he need to find Sukuna, he need to go where Sukuna is. With his weak and trembling steps which is quick but firm reached in front of the training room where Sukuna is now.

Click, he opened the door.

Gojo is sitting on a chair, his face is towards the ceiling with eyes closed and beside him is Toge, his eyes are stuck on Sukuna and alert. Yuuji body which is under Sukuna's control is tied down on his knees. Megumi can see marks on Yuuji's body which confirms that the one he's see right now is Sukuna and he is relived seeing that the wounds have been treated with no signs of being beaten by Gojo sensei.

Gojo suddenly stood up from the chair with a force due to which the chair got a push and fall back. Gojo went towards Sukuna and grabbed his cheeks with his left hand.

"That's enough, now you'll say it what happened there or I'm going to exorcise you here and right now."

"Not a word until I see Megumi."


Gojo can't control his anger, he lift up his right hand and was about to hit him when,

"No, Gojo sensei. STOP....."

Megumi run towards them with every energy he have ignoring the aching inside his body. He grabbed Gojo's right arm stopping him to hit Sukuna. At the very moment others also came there.

"Please don't hurt him, he did nothing to me. I'll tell everything, just don't hurt him."

Gojo is surprised after seeing Megumi here.


Gojo looked from where the sound came, Sukuna has snapped the rope filled with curse energy tying his hands. Gojo's eyes got bigger, he is surprised that how he snapped the rope highly filled with curse energy in just a second.

Sukuna pulled Megumi in his arms, Megumi's body is resting on his left arm and his right hand is caressing Megumi's cheek.

"I'm glad you're fine..."

No one noticed but Megumi can clearly feel the warmth in Sukuna's eyes and his every touch but he doesn't have a single strength in the body speak let alone moving.

"Mmm..." Megumi groaned,

That's when Ms.Shoko noticed that the bandage on Megumi's stomach is shocking with blood.

"Ahh....!! We should treat Megumi first, his wound reopened. Since Megumi confirmed that Sukuna isn't responsible, there is no need to tie him up."

Sigh,"I'll take him."

Gojo take back Megumi from Sukuna and went for the medical room. Everyone followed behind him, after everyone left Nobara approached Sukuna,

"I knew you did nothing. You should come too, he will be happy."

Nobara's gentle behaviour took him off guard but he is more about Megumi than this sudden change in the Tomboy.

~Few moment later~

Megumi opened his eyes, he is back to its previous place in medical room, covered with the same white cloth. He moved his eyes, Ms. Shoko, Gojo sensei, principal are there in the room. He moved his eyes when he noticed Sukuna is sitting on a chair and beside him is Nobara on another chair.

'When did they came this close that an exorcist and a curse is sitting together without any fight, specially someone like Sukuna and Nobara.'

He wanted to tell this but he rather keep this thought to himself. He was about to close his eyes back when Ms. Shoko said,

"Ahh....!! Megumi you're up, are you feeling any pain??"

Now everyones eyes are on him, he nodded lightly in response. Everyone became relived,

"Now you know Megumi is I think you should bring Yuuji back, SUKUNA."

Everyone moved their eyes on him, Megumi also looked towards him without knowing what's going on.

Sukuna took a glance of Megumi and gave a nod, he took a big breath and exhale. His face is looking downwards, everything is silence. Suddenly the marks started to disappear and a dumb looking face is in front of them. He rushed near Megumi and bombarded with his talking.

"Megumi, you okay? How are you feeling? Are you in pain? I was scared when I found you unconscious after I came back to my senses. Sukuna even took control of my body and refused to give it back until he meets you. Such a pain in a$$..."

Megumi is so tired to understand his train of talking and closed his eyes but the only thing that stuck his mind that,

'Sukuna even took control of my body and refused to give it back until he meets you.'

~Next day~

Megumi is laying on his bed in his room, Nobara and Yuuji are there taking care of him since morning, they got a special permission for this from Gojo sensei. Now it's afternoon, everyone came to meet with Megumi and to ask about his wellbeing. Those three finished their lunch together in Megumi's room, Nobara asked,

"Megumi, I know you are still recovering but I'm suppper curious about what happened there."

"Same goes for me too."

Everyone looked towards from where the sound came, Gojo is standing in front of the door. He went closer and sit on a chair.

"If you're feeling a little better then can you tell us what happened there that day actually."

Silence filled the room but Megumi break the silence,

"Yes, I'll..... I'm feeling better now and I'll tell everything that happened there."

Megumi took a deep breath, everyones eyes are on the him. The surrounding is getting tensed every second.....

*Back to the day of the incident*

Megumi and Yuuji went to the location of their mission, they decided that they will wait for Nobara to come and join them while they search if there is anything near by. The location is a half constructed building not too long ago but not recent. They entered the building which is looking like a lobby,

"Is it a hotel....??"

"I think so, and this is the lobby I guess. Let's search here until she comes then we'll continue further inside."

Yuuji gave a thumbs up sign with his stupid smile and both went to the opposite direction. There is a big desk at back of the lobby right in center and two elevator in each side of the desk. There are two big doors at each side of the lobby, left door leads to the housekeeping section and right door leads to dining and kitchen area.

Megumi went to check the housekeeping section and Yuuji went to the kitchen area.

After a while Megumi returned to the lobby, it's weird that Yuuji didn't returned yet. Yuuji should have come by now since there's is nothing much beside a large dining hall and a kitchen in front of housekeeping section which is full of many rooms.

"Why isn't he back yet? He shouldn't have take that long...."

Megumi went to check,

There is no one in the big dining hall, he went towards the kitchen. He opened the door, his eyes popped out. The kitchen is full of spider waves which is definitely not the spider waves he saw in other rooms. It's big and black, suddenly he noticed some movement at a corner of the kitchen. Yuuji is wrapped up with the black threads from his mouth to toe.


Megumi run towards him but someone pulled Yuuji through a door.

Megumi reached where Yuuji was, there's an elevator path but no elevator, Yuuji have been pulled up through here....

"I need to go up, Yuuji is in great danger."

Megumi took a look on spider waves in kitchen and went for the elevator in the lobby.


Side note: Like I said I'll not be able to update for the time being therefore this chapter is a sorry gift from me. It was already half written so I thought let's complete this and give this as a sorry gift.😅😅

Next chapter will update after my exam, around 20th of march. Enjoy...!!❤️❤️

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Meet you soon...👋🏻👋🏻