
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Group Meeting And Knowing each other’s skills

Well I should probably get prepared before we get teleported, even though it is ten minutes it still is better, I wonder how they'll interact, I mean two people in the chat can stop time one has an Evil King that will kill without reason…well maybe make that four including me,Ainz and Homura But were not evil though… just Partially insane.

Well I've got to change my clothes and probably see my Stats


Name:Chara Dreemur.

LV: 5.


Race:Fallen Human.




DEF:100+25=125+99(The Locket).

ATK:100+25=125+99(True Knife).



[High Intelligence],[Genocide Route],[Transmutation],[SAV(E)ING And LOA(D)ING],[RESETing],[Luiquid Hate],[KnifeManship],[True Knife](Weak),[Trial By Error],[The 6 Fallen Souls](patience(Cyan) Unlocked).


1.The Heart Locket(Equipped).

2. True Knife(Equipped).

Well my stat's seems to have increased and I should probably change my clothes too, Neptune really had to get me over Ten sets of my previous clothes didn't he…I'm not complaining but I can probably get more clothes if I start doing this hero business.


[One Minute left Until Teleportation]

Oh well I guess it's almost time, let's see Knive check,locket Check,Clothe Check that..Should be all.


[Time is Up Beginning Teleportation]

After that, the next thing I saw was a pure White light covering my eyes…

(AInz Oowl Gowns POV).

Hmm interesting who would have thought the Multiverse would have existed hahahaa, Truly interesting.

"Albedo I'll be gone for a while don't worry if you don't find me or feel my Presence" I said to Albedo who was curiously looking at the black device on my hand.

"As you wish Ainz Sama" Albedo said while I walked out of my throne room.


[Time is Up Beginning Teleportation]

Haha What Great Timing I wonder how their personalities are Next thing I know I was blinded by a pure white light…

(Itadori Yujis POV).

Oooh so my phone is some kind of group chat that lets me chat with people from different Universes sooo Cool, And the Strange messages said I'll be teleporting to a lobby,but I do hope sukuna doesn't mess things Up.

[Times Up Beginning Teleportation].

"Let's Gooooo" I said while teleporting in a blinding flash of light.

(Akame Homuras POV).

Interesting this Multiverse Theory is almost like going through different timelines but instead of going back in time your going to a completely different Dimension..How intriguing but I do wonder how they look like, I'll probably see them in a bit.

[Time is Up Beginning Teleportation]

Hm let's go I guess…..

(Bruce Wayne's POV).

What a headache, atleast I don't have to Change from my bat suit for a while, The members seem approachable but it's never too late to be safe… I have to know if whether they are a threat or not….

[Time Is Up Beginning Teleportation].

(Nick Fury's POV).

Hmm I'm being teleported to an unknown area in a few seconds I should probably tell coulson or Natasha to look for me,and I should probably carry a gun with me…Just incase. So after a few seconds of telling Natasha,Coulson And the Remaining Members of S.H.I.E.L.D To not come into my office for the next hour or so finally ready for what lies beyond….

[Time is Up Beginning teleportation]

(General POV)

In a seemingly large White lobby with some Chares and a table, There were around six chairs Surrounding a Large table and a few decorations on the walls.

Suddenly a white flash of light appeared on the Chairs and Six people were sitting on them No one talked for a few seconds unt.

"Hello there fellow group members, I am your admin, Chara Dreemur nice to meet you all" Chara said trying to break the Akward Atmosphere

"Hello…I'm Akemi Homura as you know I can control time and I'm a magical girl it's also nice to meet you all" Homura said not changing her expression in the slightest

"Yo How you doing Everyone I'm Itadori Yuji A student from The Tokyo Jujutsu high And also there's A curse living inside Me Nice to meet you all" Itadori said with enthusiasm

"I Am Ainz Oowl Gown The Ruler Of the Tomb Of Nazirick And also a supreme being, if you're wondering , I'm a skeleton or in my World I'm called An Overlord it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance " Ainz Said introducing himself

" I am Nick Fury The Director Of S.H.I.E.L.D An American organization Dedicated in trying to protect the Earth from foreign invaders

"…I Am BatMan..A hero" Batman said clearly not wanting to talk anymore.

"..ok so now that we're done introducing ourselves what's next" Itadori asked

" We could start by getting to know about each other?" Chara said not clearly sure

"Ok then why don't we start with our abilities" Batman Spoke Trying to Find out what their abilities are.

"You Know What sure it doesn't matter if you actually know what they are, So I have a high intellect and I also have a knife that can easily cause infinite amounts of damages , I can teleport, Can Transmute My soul to energy attacks, I have good physical abilities and, I can Also 'Save' And 'Load' Which makes me practically immortal cause if I die I could just load from were i saved and yeah that's basically some of my abilities the rest you have to find out Yourselves" Chara said With a Grin on his face

"Can you explain the immortal one does Your body disappears after you die or not" Ainz asked with a bit of curiosity in his voice

"Yes my body does disappear" Chara Answered

"You said You had a…Knife that does damage beyond dimensions Can I see it" Homura Asked interested in the knife

After pondering for a bit Chara decided it was okay "oh you could but do you really want to see the blade which reaped a hundred lives with no mercy or remorse".

"…"Batman's Expression

":0" Nick fury's Expression

":D" Itadoris Expression

Chara waved bear hand the true knife appeared as if a glitch was placed upon reality.

"Where did you find it" Batman asked

"What do you mean 'Found' it appeared the moment I took the lives of my last victim waiting silently to be claimed by me" Chara

said his eyes glowing in a mysterious light.

(Charas POV)

Hmm well I don't really want anyone to find out I'm a transmigrator yet and also Batman and Nick definitely memorized all my abilities especially Batman he is still paranoid as fuck like for Neptunes Sake Just Open your heart And trust someone already I mean yeah he did…look a bit disturbed when I said I committed Mass genocide On Innocent well semi innocent monsters but that some that was chara, I may commit my own genocide though.

"Anyways since I'm done explaining my powers let's ask Ainz for his abilities" I said clearly wanting to shift the attention on Ainz

"I'm a Dark Mage that owns multiple World level artifacts and able to create anything I desire,and I have a lot of subordinates..explaining my powers will take too much Time so it's pointless saying them, Why doesn't Itadori go next" Ainz said while pointing at the pink haired boy

"Oh,oh I got one hmm I can run really fast and I am also very Strong and there is the King Of Cursed Ryomen Sukuna Currently Residing in my body if you wanna know how he's residing in my Body I Ate His finger to save my friends from a curse and thus becoming a jujutsu Sorcerer" Itadori surprisingly answered quite honestly. everyone turns to look at Homura Which makes her a bit Anxious

"I Can Control Time" She said not wanting to say more after a while Batman said he is a normal humans who has high strength and Learned Martial arts

Nick said he was a good tactician but I highly doubt that I'm pretty sure BatMan is better than him and he also said he knows how to handle guns…


[Quest Complete Recieving Rewards]…..


This Chapter feels somewhat tasteless