
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Global Crises:LOA, 5% Assimilated[File Name:Hero!Tale Academia].

"That feeling, I love it the hate the fear, the malice I feel from them consuming it is pure ecstasy and embracing it is better, is this XP" I questioned while I felt much stronger.

[You have reached max level Your stats cap at 300, you have gained the Ability [Erase], you have unlocked all souls, Reset has Become [True Reset], You have gained an ability called [Karmic Debt],

The level seems irrelevant for player Removing concepts of leveling+Xp Replacing Xp+leveling With an ability [vampirism].]

Ooh well then I'll check those abilities later, now we are going to g- what the fuck is that.

"Is the time line collapsing?"homura asked her face scrunched., No one in this world could feel that unless someone whose abilities are Connected to time or space, An almost endless of wave of spatial and time energy wrapped around the entire world covering it in a cocoon.

The problem isn't that though, it's the fact that now supernatural creatures or Abberations or even Robs could easily breach into this world, technically time anomolies won't happen but Space Anomalies would definitely happen.

"Well this is a problem, looks like we have bigger problems now" I said rubbing my head.

"…yeah we shouldn't stop time or use our powers too much" she said looking at the sky, strangely the moon and sun were out at the same time.

"What's happening?" Kaina asked in confusion, but her face seemed a bit more calm.

"Don't worry about it, your world is potentially falling apart" i said waving my hand dismissively.


"No time for that let's go back to the base" I said snapping my fingers and making the tendril wrap around her.

"Homura…looks like we may really have some problems in our hands" i said while looking at the sky, now there was a black line seperaythe sun and moon, it was spreading cracks slowly true the world, but it is unseeable to human eyes.

"Yeah that's definitely bad" she said with a frown.

We went quickly to the base and as we entered I told Kaina to sit on one of the seats.

"Well then let's begin the…meeting" I said while looking at the rest with the exception of the chat group.

"So we have a bit of a problem" I said.

"Yeah we saw"Ainz replied.

"Khaos do you know what's going on" I said allowed.

[Khaos: Simple because your strength increased two of your abilities flunctuated a bit and created a time space anamoly and because Neptune was in this dimension it got weakened by 70% by fighting a reincarnator that became a dimensional god, technically speaking it's Neptune ms fault] ….well not my fault it's the systems fault.

"Don't look at me like that, you hear him it was just two gods fighting Nothing much" I said while avoiding the gazes of the others.

[Paranoid bat]: Yeah it was definitely your fault.

[Foul mouthed Black egg]: technically it's the gods fault, chara didn't even know.

[Warbound Evil tyrant]: personally I would never trust any god…

"Hey Nick has a good point" i said reading the text.

"…sigh whatever this is probably gonna last for a few months looking at the situation" Homura said.

"Actually it's in two months" I said feeling the increase of the spatial energy.

"Rifts may start opening in a week from now then" Ainz said his arms on his chin.

"Well this won't hinder our plans, but be wary of any strange person or thing" I said while closing my eyes.

"Dad your back yay~" I heard Nero say suddenly.

"Hey Nero how did you sleep" I said while picking her up and putting her on my lap.

"It felt nice but I was sad you weren't there" she said pouting a bit.

"Fine next time I won't leave" I said while rubbing her hair. She was currently wearing a skirt and some white clothes.

"Really?" She asked with suspicion.

"If you behave" I said still rubbing her hair.

"Dad! You meanie" she said while I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah also lady Nagant is here, Kuchita show her around" I said while Kuchita nodded his head.

"Dad give me candy" she asked.

"Did you feed her anything healthy" I asked.

"She's a spider so we have her some chicken and vegetables,French fries and Ramen."Ainz said.

"….fine take a lollipop" I said pulling out one and giving it to her.

"Thanks Dad" she said happily while giving me a peck on the cheeks.

"So now then I guess we need to make some more plans" I said and thus the days passed..

After a week our admission letters came in it was a video of Allmight saying some stuff I ignored and then there was the uniforms thankfully we bought a fake house some days ago and now two of us are living here, so faking our adress wasn't that hard to fake.

"So Itadori tomorrow we go to the heroes school, what did you say your quirk was?" I asked curiously.

"Well I said it was Enhanced physical abilities and I can enhance my attacks with cursed energy…well technically I'm stronger since I'm exposed to cursed energy" he said while looking at the tv.

"Right that's smart" I said while covering Nero with a blanket,she was sleeping next to me.

[The world is currently in chaos as strange black portals kept appearing over the world, there is a count of approximately ten of them, there are currently two in Japan the areas are currently evacuated, could this be the work of the league of Anarchy…Could they be gods. people call this phenomenon 'The Cleansing' if the league of anarchy are watching, We beg for forgiveness] The news lady said as I turned off the tv.

"I'm going to sleep, bye" I said while carrying Nero with me. I gently put her on the bed, then I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up to only find Nero's arm covering my mouth, she had drool on her my but was sleeping peacefully.

Ah yes today is the day we went to U.A, well I'll go wake up Itadori.

"Itadori wake up it's time for us to go to school" that was strange to say….Never.

As I said I went to take a bath…but I found Nero awake.

"Hey my little Dark Star, heheh you look Cute" I said while looking at her messed up hair and her half asleep eyes , her crown was floating slowly.

"Hey daad huuh, where are you going" she asked while rubbing her hair.

"School and yes you can follow me" I said fixing her hair.

"I'm taking a bath now" I said.

"Can I follow" she said prompting me to carry her.

"Fine let's go" I said as icarried her into the bathroom.

After bathing which took roughly ten minutes. I went out and put Nero some new clothes.

"So do you want to wear a bow or a Necklace?" I asked showing her.

"Why not both?" She asked.

"….Good point" I said while putting the bow on her head and the necklace on her. She was currently wearing a purple shirt and a black short. I was currently wearing the U.A Clothes.

After that I went to cook some classic breakfast…Pancakes and eggs with a cup of apple juice.

The past week has been busy, Homura found us a Villain Hq, it was an abandoned facility we took over, Ainz fixed it up, Kuchita fought with a few heroes without using his other Form.

And now we are here, By the way the line has formed bigger cracks. And the black voids are breaking bit by bit. In another two weeks it will fully be 'broken' and a breach will happen.

Well since that happen let's see my abilities



Race:Fallen Human.




DEF:300+99(The Locket).

ATK:300+99(True Knife)


[High Intelligence],[Genocide Route],[Transmutation],[SAV(E)ING And LOA(D)ING],[True RESETing],[Ebodiment of Hate],[KnifeManship],[True Knife],[Trial By Error],[The 6 Fallen Souls](All Unlocked),

[Erase]: You can erase a saved file or erase the Narrative Existence of an entire being or item.

[Vampirism]: The more you kill The stronger you get. You absorb the stats of anyone you kill.

[Karmic Debt]: depending on the Karmic debt of an entity your attack multiplies by that amount


1.The Heart Locket(Equipped).

2. True Knife(Equipped).

[World Assimilation]: You can Assimilate any world to your current universe, if you have met up with some conditions.

File Name:

Hero!tale Academia:5% Assimilated]

Well then…that's surprising well I am not concerned, I'm actually glad and also my abilities have been boosted , and the World Assimilation well I guess this world isn't gonna collapse…well not yet I'm pretty sure I could unlock everyone's soul traits before we leave even Nero's own…the others well yeah that's for another time.

Now let's eat….


I think I was drinking something this chapter oh well must be my imagination.

Go read my other fanfic Card creation system… I know it's a corny name.