Noctis is reincarnated with a system. The system does not tell him anything except that he is in World One: Goblin Slayer and his list of Powers. Sadly he did not receive any powers except for his already athletic physique and good looks. He is also a half high elf. The System is also run through an indestructible phone. Obviously if not already assumed by the first world being Goblin Slayer there will be dark messed up moments. Not all the time but it comes with the territory.
(A/N Hey everyone thanks for reading just wanted to say a few things before the start. Every 500 powerstones equals an extra chapter. This story may seem similar as I wrote it on a different account however now I am rewriting it and finishing it. Also this story throughout will be 18+ in the sense of that there will be lemons, no NTR but who knows what goblins will do to others or the other worlds I plan to write about. There will be torture scenes as well as really messed up stuff. There will be no other 18+/lemon/warning in other chapters as I'm letting you know now this applies for the whole story. Not every chapter will have it but don't be surprised when it shows up. Now final thing since I know there will be questions on it. There will be a harem but I'm not sure how big might only be two girls if that even counts as a harem. Anyways hope you all enjoy. Also the first two worlds are decided but I'm open for ideas after that.)
On a very normal and boring Earth there was a meteor strike over the United States. Luckily both NASA and the military acted quickly and were able to somehow destroy most of the meteors. Except for one. A meteor that was heading towards an uninhabited mountain range. It was the last one they decided to get to as the death toll would be low if not nonexistent.
Sadly there was one person who decided to hike that day. The meteor crashed right into him an instantly killed him. When the military took control of the sight they found the dead body and were able to identify it based on a backpack near by. His name was Noctis Prince. The people who found the body were also in awe as the meteor was in the shape of a truck.
Third Person POV of Noctis the instant after the truck meteor hit him.
Noctis slowly woke up under the blinding but warm light of the sun. He was on a grassy hill with one tree. That he seemed to be sleeping under. When he fully got up and sat back against the tree he was confused. The mountain range he was previously at looked nothing like this. Right now he was in an open grass field alone on a small hill with a tree. He then looked down on himself and saw he was wearing some weird clothes. To him it looked like leather armor you would find on a video game or anime character.
Noctis then felt his pocket on the side of his pants and felt his phone. He immediately pulled out his phone and looked it over. He noticed the phone was fine but when he unlocked it he noticed there was only three apps one simply said Status and the other said Internet. Then the final one was the camera function.
He was really confused but he decided to click internet because he could at least use the maps function to possibly see where he was. When he clicked on the app there was already something loading up.
It instantly loaded up and he saw a video. Being confused he decided to click play as the title said Meteor crashed on Earth and he was interested. He seemed to get distracted from the fact that he was lost.
The video started playing an a mature and beautiful Female News Reporter started to talk "This just in we have sadly confirmed one death from the meteor that crashed into a seemingly uninhabited mountain range in the United States. Luckily for the family the military was quickly able to identify the body. While we do not have a picture we do have a name. Noctis Prince."
Noctis's eyes widen in disbelief he rested his head against the tree he was under "Wait but I'm here. Could it be possible that another Noctis Prince exists?"
Noctis's hands started to tremble while holding his phone. He remembered the status app that he saw earlier. He had read enough fanfics, played enough video games and watched enough anime to understand what might have happened to him. He closed his internet app and slowly started to press down on the status app. With what he saw next he new he had been reincarnated into another world. When he saw the world he hung his head down. As it was not an easy start.
World 1: Goblin Slayer
Name: Noctis Prince
Age: 18
Race: Half-High Elf
Titles: The Reincarnate
Title Powers: C Tier Athletic Physique (The Reincarnate) S Tier Tongue Knowledge (The Reincarnate) EX Tier Next World Locked (The Reincarnate)
Powers: None
Items: EX Tier Indestructible Phone, A Tier Black Mask C Tier Well Made Leather Armor.
Descriptions: C Tier Athletic Physique: Gives the initial physique of an all star world athlete in their prime. Can be improved. S Tier Tongue Knowledge: Host is able to understand and comprehend native languages of the current world. EX Tier Next World: Users is able to travel to a new world. EX Tier Indestructible Phone: The phone can not be destroyed by anything. The phone can also not be taken by anyone. Will only unlock for the host as well. A Tier Black Mask: Will hide the hosts face as well as give him the ability to perfectly see no matter how bright or dark it is.
Noctis stopped reading as he already understood the basics of Leather Armor.
Noctis leaned back as he slowly started to accept the situation he was in. He was in a very tough fantasy world. With limited knowledge since he only watched the anime. He could not even switch worlds immediately as it was locked for some reason. With no explanation as to why it was locked. Once he fully accepted the situation he heard a ding on his phone.
He looked at his phone and saw the new message.
Mission Complete: Fully Reincarnate and Except the Situation you are in.
Reward: C Tier Steel Dagger. C Tier Steel War Axe.
[Image Here]
When he clicked again on the highlighted reward a steel dagger and a steel war axe appeared in front of him. He strapped the steel dagger to his left side of his waist and then he realized he had a holster for the steel war axe to put on his back when he could. He did not bother reading the descriptions for these two items as it was self explanatory. He then noticed a pouch on the right side of his waist. He opened it and saw it was empty. He sighed. He then decided to use his phone for the camera function to see what he looked like.
He noticed he had medium length black hair and small elf ears. A decent jawline an a pair of grey eyes. He sighed again "At least I look good."
[Image Here]
He then stood up and looked over himself as best he could. He noticed he also had a hood and beside the pouch was a black mask. He then heard another ding.
He looked at his phone again to see another message.
Missions Complete: Check yourself over.
Reward: D Tier Three days of Rations. C Tier Healing Potion. C Tier Antidote.
He clicked on them again and felt his pouch get heavier. When he looked back in his pouch he saw the items that he had just been rewarded.
Noctis looked around the grassland he was just in trying to pick a direction. When he turned around he noticed a couple of lines of smoke in the sky. "I hope that is a village or at least a camp."
Noctis started to head in that direction "I guess it's not too bad of a start."
When he started to walk through the open grass field he noticed that the smoke was farther then he thought. Then out of no where two wolves appeared in front of him. He immediately noticed that they were bigger then wolves he had seen before. As someone who hiked in his past life he knew the size of a basic wolf. These were at least double the size of what he was use to. They seemed to be grey with piercing red eyes. At the end of their grey fur were white tips
One was approaching from his left and the other on his right. He slowly grabbed the war axe on his back. He could tell the wolves were still sizing him up so he had a little time to mentally prepare.
It then hit Noctis he had not received any combat skills or powers yet. He did have the athletic physique though. He also was a baseball player in his past life and had been axe throwing many times. He hoped he still had the muscle memory. He had come up with a clear plan in his mind he only hoped he had the reflexes to act on it. If the first move did not work he was guaranteed dead.
He waited for the wolves to make the first move. Both the wolves were still at a decent distance from him. The left one charged at him first causing the one on the right to react and be a little slower but started to charge as well. Noctis reacted and loaded up his right arm holding his war axe and threw it as hard as he could at the closer wolf on his left.
He got lucky.
The war axe went straight into the lower neck of the wolf on his left effectively causing it to stop and land on the ground. Noctis then quickly pulled out his dagger. He did not trust himself to throw this one. He had to get close. He decided to let the wolf pounce him. The wolf did just that as it jumped in the air to land on him and drop him to the ground. Noctis was being patient he kept waiting. Then just when the wolf was about to land on him he rushed forward two handing the dagger and stabbed forward into the wolfs chest. They both landed on the ground.
Noctis laid on the ground with the giant wolfs body on top of him. He quickly shoved the wolfs body off him and looked at his surroundings seeing that the wolf he stabbed with the dagger was not moving but the other wolf was barely moving. He quickly pulled the dagger out of the dead wolf and went towards the wolf he threw the war axe at. He quickly went up to the wolf and stabbed it in the chest. Ending the other wolfs life as well.
He then heard two dings from his phone. He sat down next to the dead wolves and took out his phone to look at the messages.
Mission Complete: Survive your first engagement with a enemy.
Reward: C Tier Low Grade Weapon Mastery
Mission Complete: Kill your first monster or animal
Reward: C Tier Instant Weapon Cleanse Cloth
Descriptions: C Tier Low Grade Weapon Mastery Gives the host a proficient amount of skill with all weapons. C Tier Instant Weapon Cleanse Cloth Can clean all weapons from blood or any kind of grime leaving them in perfect condition.
Noctis quickly took out the cloth from his pouch and cleaned his weapons to make sure they were in good condition. One touch from the cloth an all the blood disappeared. He then looked at the two dead wolves trying to figure out what to do.
He sighed "Well I do want to join the guild. I'm sure these wolves are relatively low level but it could be a good way for me to skip all the tests they might have to do. I guess I will take the right paw on both of them."
Noctis put the war axe back on his back and held the dagger out and cut the right paw off both of them. He cleaned his dagger again and put it away and tied the two paws with some string he had in his pouch to his side.
He then went back to walking towards the smoke. After a couple hours of walking he cleared his way from some trees and saw what was causing the smoke. There was a small fire lit outside a city wall with some people sitting by it. It was a pair of guards. They saw Noctis but did not pay him any mind except for a little stare. Noctis realized he still had his black mask on. He was about to take it off but then he figured a lot of people wear head gear in this world and that he would be fine. He walked past the guards with ease and made it into the city.
He then remembered he has no idea what city he is in or really the world at all. He thought back how in Goblin Slayer at least the anime the world building was not that expressed. He just hoped that there was at least an adventurers guild in this city. It would be the best way for both him to make money and to see if he could complete more missions that he did not know about.
It was still early morning and Noctis kept walking around through the streets. Luckily because of his skills he was also able to read the signs that were up around the buildings. He eventually saw what seemed like a group of adventurers and followed them hoping they were heading towards the guild.
Luckily they were. Once they entered the guild Noctis followed and when he opened the doors he had a smile under his mask. Looking forward he saw the same blonde haired teller who was in the anime. Noctis then thought 'Shit I don't remember any of their names. Wait did they even use their names. Even the elf girl was just called elf right?'
He just shrugged his shoulders and decided to not care. He walked up to the front getting around some people and went right in front of the blonde teller.
The blonde teller smiled "Hello, how can I help you?"
Noctis pulled out the two paws he had from his waist and put them on the table "Two things. First I wanted to see if there was a quest for killing these two wolves I found in the open planes about two hours east of here. Then I also wanted to sign up as an adventurer."
The blonde tellers eyes widened a bit but she then said "There was a quest for those two wolves. Let me get you the right compensation real quick."
She took a moment and then put a pouch of coin on the table. "That was only a porcelain quest rank job but since you were able to do it on your own we can skip the testing for you to become an adventurer. Sadly I will still have to start you off at only the porcelain rank."
Noctis waved his hand in front of him "That's fine I assume I have to complete a number of quests before I can improve and go up ranks. Do you have any quests right now?"
She nodded "Give me one moment."
The blonde girl went to the door behind her and went into the separate room. When she came back out she handed Noctis a porcelain rank necklace. "If you wait a bit longer we are about to give the new quests for the day so you can take a look to see which ones you want to do."
She then handed Noctis a paper and something to write with "Then please fill this out so we have your basic information."
Noctis nodded and took the paper "Thank you for your help miss...?"
Blonde teller jumped up a bit "Oh sorry the name is Lucy."
[Image Here]
Noctis smiled under his mask "Nice to meet you Lucy I'm Noctis Prince."
With that finished he went away to fill out the information on himself.
Noctis smirked as he thought 'Looks like I got lucky. Either that or the God or Goddess who dropped me here knew this would happen.'
He shrugged 'Either way time for some adventures.'
Word Count: 2730