
Medieval Hunger Priorities

Human can be hungry for anything. Hungry for food. Hungry for knowledge. Hungry for love. Hungry for money. And... Hungry for world. In this story where villain wants to conquer the world, read how our main character and his crew saved the world.

RitikKaushik · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Nuclear Weapon

Pablo was at Justin's house. He was looking at the city from the 11th floor of the building.

"Justin, our city has changed so much. Technology and the kids have become so advanced."

Pablo saw an image of destroyed city in his memories and screamed.


Justin and Luna came close to Pablo.

"What happened Pablo?"

"Did you guys saw that too?"


"Karin city completely destroyed."


"Yeah I just saw that."

*Tring* *Tring* *Tring*

Justin got a call from Stella on his phone.


"Justin turn to the news channel asap."

Justin turned on the TV and switched to the news channel.


QZ News

Goverment's New Discovery!

A Nuclear Weapon ☢️.

A bomb capable of destroying an entire city.


As you know, Justin, Pablo and Stella was ex-underground government members. They know that government wanted to destroy the city a few years ago but wasn't able to do so because of presence of LGT. After hearing the news and considering what Pablo just saw, all three thought of forming a trio team again against the government but they had a family now. Their husband and wives also insisted to join the fight. They left the kids with the Nancy.

The anti-nuclear weapon team had 6 members.







All 6 fighters set out on their mission and went straight for the Underworld Government.


Luna's Diary

Page 45

"We 6 went for the fight with the Underworld Government. "

Page 46

My Dear Son, I hope this diary reached you safely and Everything I have written in this is completely true. Love you, Ritik.


[ 2024 ]

We were in a cave. Me and Stacy was sitting next to each other besides a campfire and Puli was lying completely unconscious.

Stacy asked

"What happened next?"

"That's all there is in my mother's diary."

"Who killed our parents?"

"Don't know."

"You asked mucho about it?"

"Yes but he didn't answered any question."

"Riddle's answer?"

"Well I tried a lot but didn't get the answer."

"If we get the answer then we will be able to know who killed our parents."


Me and Stacy was talking. Suddenly, Puli waked up.


"Stacy, Puli waked up."

We both went to Puli but he was confused. Puli looked in all directions and said

"Stacy, Ritik, What are we doing in this cave?"

"Leave that aside,the bigger thing is you have come to your senses."

"What happened to me? And wait a min, what was the name of our city?, Yeah, Karin city, isn't this Karin city fo--"

"Yes it is."

"But this place was security sealed."

"Yeah and it still is."

"Then how do we get here?"

"Well it's a long story."

"Tell me anyway."

"I will you, first take a look outside."

"What's outside?"

"Take a look yourself."

Puli stood up and went near the exit of the cave and when he saw outside, his eyes remained wide open.

Puli came back and remained silent for a while and then asked

"How did this happen?"

After saying this, Puli started crying. While crying he asked

"How long had I been sleeping?"

I looked at Stacy. Stacy looked at me.

"Stacy you tell him."

"Nah you tell him."

"Let's tell it together."

"Ok. 3 - 2 - 1 -"


Puli was stunned. Now he couldn't keep calm anymore. He said

"Tell me what happened in 4 months asap."

"Ok I'll tell you, listen carefully...."


What did Puli saw outside? He saw

{ Karin City Completely Destroyed}

Next part is going to be so epic. ^⁠_⁠^

RitikKaushikcreators' thoughts