
Medieval Hunger Priorities

Human can be hungry for anything. Hungry for food. Hungry for knowledge. Hungry for love. Hungry for money. And... Hungry for world. In this story where villain wants to conquer the world, read how our main character and his crew saved the world.

RitikKaushik · Fantaisie
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8 Chs



Human can do anything for Love.

Human can make the whole world it's enemy, just for the sake of love.

Human can even give it's life for love.

Love is the only feeling that convert bad things into good and good things into bad.



There was heavy crowd present outside of Mansuta Concert Hall. Nancy was giving flowers to everyone.

[Nancy - Flower seller and friend of LGT.]

Everyone was there to watch grand performance of Magical Donkeys. The performance was 1 hour later.

Host announced that Baba ji was coming on stage to give his performance.

[Baba - Predicts future in form of riddles.]

Baba came on stage and started his boring lectures on God and yoga. After all the boring stuff, it was finally turn for the only good stuff baba can do - Future Prediction.

Baba stated

"The one who will fell for the love,

will not going to wait till tomorrow,

wanna do it today for the sake of god,

but fast is a work of a demon who will lost everything,

which can't even be saved by the god."

"Your stuff is very important,

you should keep it very safe,

love, pain, happiness will be seen together,

miracles will happen without any strafe."

This one was one of the hardest riddles of baba which no one understood. Do you get it?

Finally it was the time for the Grand Performance. The host called Magical Donkeys on the stage.

A voice came from the speakers

"We will make you laugh like the baby of monkeys,

to show the magic here comes the Magical Donkeys"

Audience was shouting loudly.

Justin asked Stella if everything is ready or not. Stella noded and said yes.

Justin asked the audience

"Are you ready????"


"Then let's start our today's performance."

Magical Donkeys did their old comedy skit.

A dedicated die hard fan shouted

"It was same as before, what's grand about this performance?"

Justin picked the mic.

"Today's magic is going to be so grand, that no one in history had ever witnessed and nor will witness in future."

Pablo gave Justin his stick and hat.

Justin chanted

"Black Magic Huhu Jhggh Wroom Kra"

As soon as he chanted lights turned off. Now you know what happened next.

Lights turned back on. Justin said

"So how did you like our magic?"

"Where's the magic?"

Pablo said

"You will get it soon."

Justin asked Stella to sang the outro song.

"We are going from here by singing a song."

"Nothing is right and nothing is wrong."

"For sake of the people we stea-----

A stranger girl came on the stage and snatched the mic from Stella's hand and started saying

"I know their magic. They are thief. They steal people's stuff after turning off the light."

Everyone checked their stuff. Ofcourse it was stolen.

"This girl is right. Our stuff is gone."


"Give us our stuff back!"

"Give back"

Stella took the mic back from the girl and started confronting everyone. Pablo was stopping everyone from coming on the stage. That girl was still shouting standing on the stage. Wait a min....where was our Justin?

He didn't went anywhere, he was right there standing still on the stage, keep staring at the stranger girl, just quietly staring.


Because Justin was fell in love. It was the love at the first sight kinda moment.

She kept shouting, he kept staring.

"Justin let's go."

"Justin the police have arrived."

"Justin run."


Pablo punched Justin

"Oi Justin police have arrived. Let's run."

Justin, Stella and Pablo ran from the scene like police were chasing after them.

Wait...This time the police were really after them.😂

After all this scandal, performance of LGT was decreased in the government.

But what happened after 1 month was so hilarious.

Baba's riddle is the hardest part known to translate and make it work in human history.

RitikKaushikcreators' thoughts