
Mechanical Nightmares

[Mature Themes Will Appear Throughout] Sage was a college student that was an aspiring singer, she got the love from it from her mother who would take a part time out of her full time job to sing at resturaunts and diners for extra cash due to being a single mother. But due to an unsolved murder case, nightmares about an unfamiliar being of metal and demonic origins, and a dark history that traces back to her father. She can't get a break from her life, at least she has her online friend to help her through this.....she hopes.

SalemWritings · Romance
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2 Chs

Reliving the Past (Prologue)

There was a home, lit up under the dark night sky, a full moon to shine down on the small town that resides a single mother and her daughter. In the kitchen, the young mother seemed to be smiling down at her daughter while she was playing with her toy piano that she got for her birthday while the mother was cooking up dinner. The woman asks with a soft tone, sweet as honey and velvet,

"Are you ready to eat my love?"

The girl looks up at her mother, her iridescent purple eyes shining softly before a shy quiet voice replied to the woman, a smile adoring the girl's face, "Yes mommy-" And so the two went to set up the table making sure it was ready to dine upon, before they started eating their meals and talking amongst each other.

The mother in question watches her daughter with love as she asks the girl,"Honey, what do you think about us movnig to the city? I was just offered a job there, so maybe I can save up more money for your future." 

The girl looks at her mother confused while she played with her food a bit,

"What's wrong with our current living? I have my friends and everyone here loves you, I hear that city people can be really mean and scary.." 

The woman just chuckles shaking her head, 

"They use to be yes as I had met your father in the city, but now I believe it is time we return, considering you were born there. Plus, you have a chance to meet new kids your age who knows? Just think about it Sage, alright?"

Sage was quietly listening as she ate her dinner before nodding softly looking at her mother with a sheepish smile, 

"Alright mama....I'll think about it."

But the poor thing didn't have long to wait, considering it was that same night her mother got a concerning phone call, and so they fled the town to the city life. Sage didn't know how her life was gonna change once she fully settled in with her mother there, or the type of people she will meet. Will she like them? Are they as scary as she was told time and time again?

And yet...not all good things had came to living in the city with her mother as she had grown up to know, a whole series of living waking nightmares day after day before everything changed.


Salem now nineteen, was attending a community college that was fortunate enough to also have enough money to fund for dorms so she was living on campus with two other roomates. She never really was good at small talk or conversations when it came to face to face interactions, but there was a friend that she one day found on an old chat room site that she had gotten to know under the username 'Axe'. 

Why anyone would choose that as their pen name? She didn't know, but she wasn't one to judge considering her literal chosen viritual pen name was under the name 'Vex'. Any time she had gotten a chance to talk to this mysterious online friend of hers, whether it was during class everytime she finished her classwork and homework early for the day, during study sessions, or even during break hours. Sometimes even going as far as to pull all nighters talking to this Axe person, pouring her life out to them, as if they could understand her. 

It was her safe space, her haven free of judgement and scrutiny, of people's opinions over who she was as a person without the need to feel like she was being virtually dissected. Axe made her feel seen and understood, someone she could confined in with anything. Have they fought at times? What friends haven't done that sort of thing! They always manage to make up anyways, and this night was no different. 

Axe: Vex what have I told you about looking through old news stories about anything related to your mother's death?

Vex: I know I know, I could probably cause serious trouble for myself, but it's been bothering me for my whole life. Nothing felt normal about my mother's death, or the fact I do not know anything about my father. Hell if any old stories back from my childhood could reveal anything, I am taking what I can get. I have the right to fucking know about this!

There was a silence, as Sage looks at her laptop with a bit of an annoyed yet tired look, she didn't know or understand why her friend Axe was so adament about her not looking into this. Wouldn't they want to know if their mother suddenly died by something that can't be explained by any scientific means, and the fact it seemed to know who they were? Was there something both her mother and father didn't want her to know about?

Something that caused her own mother's life, she was only fucking twelve and witnessed her mother's murder right in front of her eyes! She had to undergo mental care just to chalk it all up to some fucking nightmare but now she doesn't even believe the doctors or the police officers when they say that it was all some bloody nightmare! Sage knows what she saw, and if it means breaking some rules to figuring things out, she is ging to figure it out.

Though suddenly, her friend typed something out on the chat room, that didn't make sense to her, but raised a lot of questions, questions she doesn't have the answer to! 

Axe: I can't keep you safe if you keep digging into something that is much bigger than you know...Vex, trust me as your friend...I am doing what's best for the both of us. So drop it.....please. Now get some sleep.....I know you have been stressing out about your big test tomorrow, so try to get enough rest so you can wake up for extra studying before it....goodnight Vex

(Axe has went offline)

Sage sat there quietly unsure of what to do now...she wanted to trust in Axe, but she desperately needed answers. Though they were right, she had a big mid-term coming up tomorrow and that should be her main focus. Yet even as she tried to sleep that night....it was the same nightmares plaguing her mind since she was young....why was she having them even now? She thought the medicine had already taken cared of it!

She decided to drink some tea before going back to bed, deciding to go to her doctor for a higher dose after school....hopefully they are open by then. Not noticing someone, or something got virutally ahold of her computer, watching over her as she slept that very night. A note posted on her desktop with the words, 

'Sleep tight little flower -Unknown'